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Olivier Martineau-Huynh IHEP visit to LPNHE – June 20, 2014.

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1 Olivier Martineau-Huynh IHEP visit to LPNHE – June 20, 2014

2  FCPPL agreement signed in 2007.  Goal: structurate and promote collaboration in HE physics fields between France and China.  First directors: Jin Shan (IHEP) & Lydia Roos (LPNHE). Since 2011: Chen Gang (IHEP) & OMH (LPNHE) François Le Diberder (IN2P3) Bruno Mansoulié (CEA) Chen Hesheng (IHEP) Lydia Roos (LPNHE) Jin Shan (IHEP) See Esthere Garnier’s talk @ CPPMarseille next week

3 Shi ShiYuan (1908-2007) Father of Chinese nuclear physics… and former student of Pierre et Marie Curie. Michel Davier, (member of the French Academy of Science & FCPPL steering committee co-chair, together with Chen Hesheng, IHEP director) advisor for the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (1988). Qian Sanqiang (1913-1992) & He ZeHui (1914- 2011 ), responsibles of the Chinese nuclear research program … and collaborators of the Joliot-Curie (1946-48).

4 IN2P3 staff in China in the last decades:  Charling Tao, scientific advisor at the French Embassy (1990), now sharing time between Marseille & Tsinghua.  Lydia Roos, scientific advisor at the French Embassy (2004-06), then @ IHEP (2006-08)  OMH @ IHEP+NAOC (2008-13)  Fabio Hernandez @ IHEP-CC (2010-14) Long lasting relationship + continuous interest & efforts from IN2P3 (and LPNHE!) to foster links with Chinese researchers.

5  Contacts with Cosmology groups in China (C. Tao)  ATLAS: FCPPL founding collaboration (L. Roos+Jin Shan)  H→ 2  signal search, noise bckrd estimation, Detector performance (trigger efficiency,  energy callibration  Yuan Li (Shan+Roos, 2008-11), now @ Kobe.  Yao Liwen (Shan+Laforge, 2010-13)  Heavy ions @ Shanghai  Now @ Geneva Ruan Xifeng ♥ ♥ [FCPPL love story!]

6 TREND:  Goal: autonomous radio-detection of extensive air showers  Project initiated in 2008 with groups of Hu HongBo (IHEP) & Wu XiangPing (NAOC) in the framework of FCPPL.  Not (yet) an official project in IHEP&LPNHE, but selected by NSFC in 2012 (lead: Gou QuanBu, IHEP)  New phase to be started early 2015.

7  FCPPL succesfull but supposed to stop in 2015.  IHEP2007≠IHEP2014: rising ambition of Chinese physics (JUNO, SVOM, LHAASO, CEPC, …)  Wang Yifang + Jacques Martino (head of IN2P3) common statement at last FCPPL workshop, aiming at a reinforcement of French – Chinese links.  Scientific strategy, regulations & funding issues on both sides to be taken into account.

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