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Presentation on theme: "RÉSUMÉ 2.0 HIRED TEXAS JOB CLUB TUESDAY, FEBRUARY23, 2016 LINDA ALEMANJUDY ANDERSON."— Presentation transcript:


2 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Let’s look at the résumé you were just handed. How does it look? Would you change anything? Do you see any errors?

3 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 QUESTION: Which is the main purpose of your resume? a)To accurately catalog your job history b)To secure an interview c)To present a picture of your work history, accomplishments & education

4 RÉSUMÉ 2.0

5 QUESTION: What is the most import information to relay in your Career Objective section? a)The exact title of the job you are applying for b) Your desire to work for a specific company c) A brief description of your skills and how you will use them to benefit the company

6 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 QUESTION: What is the most import information to relay in your Career Objective section? a) The exact title of the job you are applying for b) Your desire to work for a specific company c) A brief description of your skills and how you will use them to benefit the company NONE OF THESE!! There is no Career Objective section!

7 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 QUESTION: What other items are no longer put on a résumé?  Your street address  The word Résumé at the top of your résumé  Your “dated” email address (,  Jobs more than 10-15 years in the past  Reasons for leaving jobs  Your graduation date(s) and/or GPA  Hobbies / Personal or family information / Religious affiliation  “Responsible for” or References Upon Request

8 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 A Few Things to Note:  Research says that only 1 interview is granted for every 200 résumés  Research also says that your résumé will only be looked at between 7-10 seconds  The top 1/2 - 1/3 of the first page is what will make you or break you  If you have your resume with you now – fold it in half and look at the top half – what do you see? Is it impressive enough to get you an interview?  Remember: Your résumé is an advertisement for YOU. People more often buy the best advertised product over the best product

9 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 QUESTION: So what SHOULD you put on a resume?  Name, phone #, email address, LinkedIn address  Job Title and Qualifications Statement that mirrors the job description  Core Competencies / Technical Skills  Key Accomplishments  Professional Experience  Education / Training / Certifications  Professional Memberships / Associations / Community Outreach

10 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 OK, Let’s get started! Step 1- Find Your Target :  Select a job to target  FOCUS on an actual job title. Employers are looking for people who know what they want  People have a harder time finding jobs with a “generic” résumé  Your resume should be tightly customized for each position you apply for

11 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 2 – The Qualifications Statement:  The Qualifications Statement consists of 3-5 concise statements that focus the reader’s attention on the most important qualities, skills, and achievements you have that match the job description requirements  Those qualities should be compelling demonstrations of why they should interview YOU over other candidates  This may be the only section fully read by the hiring manager/recruiter, so it must be strong and convincing  Include professional characteristics here, such as natural salesman, gift for solving complex problems, industrious, exceeds goals, analytical thinker

12 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Holly Day’s OBJECTIVE Obtain a challenging leadership position where I can apply my creative problem solving and management skills with a growing company to achieve optimum utilizaqtion of resources and maximum profits. Detail-oriented.

13 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Holly Day’s SUMMARY (better) Analytical and industrious TELECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST with 5+ years of experience in the high tech industry. Diversified telecommunications skill set covering wireless and cellular networks, hardware and software solutions, and data organization. Constantly streamlining processes, increasing efficiency, and making quick decisions that benefit the bottom line. Actively and consistently exceeds goals set for work performance.

14 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Holly Day’s QUALIFICATIONS STATEMENT (even better)  5+ years experience with wireless and cellular networks, hardware and software solutions and data organization.  Streamlined processes and increased efficiency while at ABC Wireless Technology supporting leading Fortune 500 companies.  Saved $1.4 million managing over 70,000 wireless devices and designing new workflows for internal training.

15 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 3 - Core Competencies / Skills:  Look for the key skills and abilities the employer is looking for in the “ideal” candidate  Find that information from the job ad, employer’s job description, or someone working in the field via an informational interview  List your 6-9 matching key competencies in a section called Core Competencies.  A Technical Skills section can be added, if you have technology tools and skills.  Put this section directly below the Qualifications section, in the upper 1/3 page

16 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Holly Day’s Core Attention to Detail Customer Satisfaction Problem Solver Competencies: Mentoring Training / Facilitation Client Relations

17 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Holly Day’s Windows / OSX IOS Mobile Certified Cellular Networking Technical Skills: Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Windows Suite Workflow Documentation

18 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 4 - Accomplishments:  List 2-3 key/major professional accomplishments in a section called Accomplishments or place within Professional Experience section  Think of several accomplishments from your past work history that illustrate a particular skill or ability the employer is looking for. Describe each key accomplishment in a simple action statement that emphasizes results  These statements are particularly powerful when used with metrics (numbers), such as:  Saved $800,000 by implementing warranty escalation process that was adopted internationally  Generated $250,000 in 7 months by reorganizing the warehouse system

19 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 5 – Professional Experience:  List your most recent job first, then your earlier jobs – USE ACTION VERBS  Include ALL your jobs IF you are young and have little work experience  Include ALL jobs that show experience related to the target job  Include volunteer (unpaid) work if it helps prove you have skills/experience or fills a gap  Go back only 10-15 years, eliminating the earliest jobs (Omit jobs that were very brief UNLESS they are needed to show how you developed skills or to fill in a skimpy work history)  Employment dates can be listed with both the months and years, or just the years

20 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 5 – Professional Experience:  If you’ve worked for a lot of staffing agencies, list the agency as the employer and pick one job title that covers most of the temporary work. Then list the specific assignments, accomplishments, and the experience gained  Include any unpaid / volunteer work under “Professional Experience” rather than under a “Volunteer” section  Explain large gaps in employment, for example:  Estate management2013 - 2014 Family management 2006 -2009  Sabbatical2007 - 2009 Relocation / Transition 2010 - 2011  Full Time Student2003 - 2007

21 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 6 – Education / Training / Certifications:  Omit this section if you have no training, no college experience and no courses to list that are related to your new job goal  List education in reverse chronological order; degrees and licenses first. No year or GPA  List your college work even if you don’t have a degree. List the field of study, name of college  List advanced trainings pertinent to the job description; be selective  List professional certifications that are relevant, including certifying agency

22 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Step 7 – Professional Memberships / Associations / Community Outreach:  List current relevant professional organizations or association memberships  List leadership roles currently held in those organizations; i.e., President, Treasurer, Membership Chair  List community outreach / volunteer achievements, if relevant. (Exclude any religious affiliations.)

23 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 Most Common Resume Errors:  TYPOS: Recent study showed nearly 60% of resumes had typos – PROOFREAD!  LENGTH: Good rule of thumb is 1 page for every 10 years of work experience  FORMATTING: At least 10pt font; ½ inch margins; consistent spacing & formatting; suggested fonts: Arial and Verdana  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: Approx. 5-10% reveal confidential information about a previous employer, although not always intentionally  LIES: About degrees, GPAs, where attended school, how long at a company, sales results, how big their team was. REMEMBER: people get fired for lying!

24 RÉSUMÉ 2.0 OK, those are the basics... What questions can we answer for you??


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