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PHYSICAL -- Properties 1. Can be observed, measured w/o chemically Δing composition 2. Size, color, taste, odor, conduct heat/electricity 3. Can be determined.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL -- Properties 1. Can be observed, measured w/o chemically Δing composition 2. Size, color, taste, odor, conduct heat/electricity 3. Can be determined."— Presentation transcript:


2 PHYSICAL -- Properties 1. Can be observed, measured w/o chemically Δing composition 2. Size, color, taste, odor, conduct heat/electricity 3. Can be determined w/o Δing identity of the material 4. No new substs. are formed 5. Substs. can be mixed in any proportion 6. Change of state: melt ice (solid to liquid), grate cheese CHEMICAL -- Properties 1. Flammability, digestible, explosive 2. Diff. subst. w/ new properties are formed 3. Chem. Rxn.: process that Δes chemical identity of material 4. Describes behavior of material in rxns. that Δ its identity

3 M A T T E R Anything that has mass & takes up space (vol) 3 different phases: change of state or phase change GAS LIQUID SOLID Solid ------------------------------------------------> Gas Describe characteristics for each state ???? SUBLIMINATION


5 MATTER Are properties & composition uniform; one kind throughout? NO Mixture Pure Substance Physical Change Is separation by chem. rxn. into simpler subst. possible? YES NO CompoundElement Chemical Change YES HeterogeneousHomogeneous Sand, iron filings, wood chips, salt

6 Solutions may be: solids, liquids, or gases liquids only liquids or gases none of the above solids, liquids, or gases

7 CHEMICAL SYMBOLS H; Sn; W; He -- CAPITALIZED First letter is always CAPITALIZED lower case Second letter, if present, always lower case He not H E symbols are of 1 or 2 letters Na not N A

8 COMPOUND or MOLECULE ???? CMPD: subst. combined w/ metal + nonmetal NaCl; SnNO 3 ; Fe(OH) 2 ; BaI 2 MOLECULE: subst. combined w/ nonmetals C 2 H 6 ; CH 3 COOH; HCl; P 2 Cl 5

9 CHEMICAL EQUATION Write As: Reactant(s) -------  Product(s) STARTING SUBSTANCE(S) Approx. 110 elements 90 naturally occurring; U, uranium, last 17 nonmetals – rgt. side of p.table 7 (or 8) metalloids 80 metals – left side of p.table NEW SUBSTANCE(S) ELEMENTS H: Hydrogen He: Helium O: Oxygen Mg: Magnesium Na: Sodium (Natrium) Fe: Iron (Ferrum)

10 METAL Usually solids @ room temp. Shine w/ a luster, metallic luster Malleable: able to be hammered, pounded into shape, deform w/o breaking Ductile: to stretch when pulled, form into a wire CHARACTERISTICS OF ELEMENTS NONMETALS METAL LOIDS METALSMETALS

11 Conducts heat & electricity 70%+ of the elements Form alloys w/ other metals Brass Bronze : Cu + Sn Steel : Fe + C : Cu + Zn METAL

12 NONMETALS No luster or shine Not malleable Not ductile Form molecules w/ each other or other elements Form molecules w/ each other or other elements

13 METALLOIDS Properties similar to metals & nonmetals Conduct electricity, semiconductor properties But, more like nonmetals Boron, Silicon, Arsenic, Tellurium, Astatine, Germanium, Antimony, “ Polonium ” Po ” B; Si; As; Te; At; Ge; Sb; “ Po ”

14 DIATOMICS These components must be put to memory Become extremely useful in writing rxn. equations N O Br F Cl I When these subst. occur by themselves, not attached with another element, exist only in pairs rather than single atoms H 2 N2N2N2N2 O2O2O2O2 F2F2F2F2 Cl 2 Br 2 I2I2I2I2 H

15 Occur when isolated alone, not part of a cmpd H Hyrdorgen + Oxygen -----  Water O H 2 H2OH2O O2O2 + + H2OH2O

16 Properties that describe the way a substance will react to form other substances are known as:  chemical properties.  physical properties.  homogeneous properties.  heterogeneous properties. chemical properties

17 When nitric acid is added to a test tube containing copper, nitrogen dioxide gas is formed. This is the result of:  an accident  a chemical reaction  a physical change  an extensive property a chemical reaction

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