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Objective: To examine the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies of both the Union and the Confederacy. Do Now: Use the information below to write a.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: To examine the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies of both the Union and the Confederacy. Do Now: Use the information below to write a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: To examine the advantages, disadvantages, and strategies of both the Union and the Confederacy. Do Now: Use the information below to write a well written paragraph answering the following questions. Who had the advantage at the start of the Civil War, the Union or the Confederacy, and why do you think so?

2 Union Advantage small population of 9 million, of which 1/3 were slaves large population of 22 million Confederate Disadvantage

3 excellent railroad system Confederate Disadvantage Union Advantage poor railroad system

4 defending their homeland The North invaded unfamiliar territory. Confederate Advantages fought a defensive war at home Union Disadvantages The South was a huge area to conquer.

5 Union Advantages: Strong central government Strong leader in President Lincoln Confederate Disadvantages Weak central government Poor leadership from President Davis

6 Confederate Advantage: Strong military leader in General Robert E. Lee Union Disadvantage: Series of unaggressive generals with mixed results until Grant

7 · seize control of the Mississippi River Strategies for Victory Union plans: · blockade Southern ports · capture the Confederate capital of Richmond, Virginia

8 Plan devised by General Winfield Scott known as the … ANACONDA PLAN Planned to “squeeze” the South economically so it couldn’t fight


10 · The South counted on European money and supplies. Confederate plans: · To stay at home and fight a defensive war. · The South believed that the North would quickly tire of fighting and give up.

11 War Technology The invention of the Minie Ball along with grooved rifle barrels allowed soldiers to shoot further and more accurate.

12 Lincoln’s 1 st Inaugural Address Says the FEDERAL government is MORE powerful than STATE governments and that secession is ILLEGAL

13 Fort Sumter – April 12, 1861

14 FIRING AT FORT SUMTER On April 12, 1861 under the command of Brigadier General P.G.T Beauregard Confederate cannons opened fire on Fort Sumter for 34 straight hours … … officially beginning the American Civil War

15 1 st Battle of Bull Run – July 21, 1861

16 First major land battle of the war Washington tourists picnicked at the battle – thought it would be exciting and over quickly Confederate victory – shocked the North Showed inexperience of Union commanders Made Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson a Confederate hero

17 Battle of Antietam – Sept. 17, 1862

18 Lee invaded North through Maryland Met by Union Army under Gen. George McClellan near Sharpsburg, MD at Antietam Creek Bloodiest single day in U.S. history – 25,000+ casualties Battle was a draw but stopped Lee so considered a Union victory McClellan let Lee’s army escape – fired by Lincoln as Union commander

19 Emancipation Proclamation Northern abolitionists urging Lincoln to free slaves Lincoln undecided – doesn’t want to anger border states Victory at Antietam gives Lincoln confidence to act January 1, 1863: Lincoln frees all slaves in captured Confederate territory Morale boost for North – gives them a cause for the war

20 African-Americans Fight

21 Importance of Ft. Wagner Bravery of 54 th Massachusetts at Ft. Wagner changed minds about African-Americans 180,000+ African-Americans fought for Union In 1900, William Carney awarded Medal of Honor for his actions at Ft. Wagner – 1 st African-American to earn MoH

22 1863 Two major defeats for Union in Virginia: Dec. 1862 – Fredericksburg (Burnside) May 1863 – Chancellorsville (Hooker) Stonewall Jackson killed by friendly fire at Chancellorsville - South loses one of its best leaders June 1863 – Lee invades North again, this time in Pennsylvania … Gen. Jackson – April 1863

23 · Gen. Robert E. Lee decided to attack the Union in Gettysburg, PA, in July of 1863. Battle of Gettysburg

24 BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG BY THE NUMBERS United StatesConfederacy 93,921 Soldiers begin the battle71,699 Soldiers begin the battle 23,055 Lost23,231 Lost 3,155 (Killed)4,708 (Killed) 14,531 (Wounded)12,693 (Wounded) 5,369 (Captured/MIA)5,830 (Captured/MIA)

25 * This was the turning point of the war. · Gen. George Pickett led the Confederates into battle. · Pickett’s Charge failed, and Lee retreated.

26 Pickett’s Charge

27 · Over 40,000 soldiers were killed or wounded at Gettysburg. Casualties of the Battle of Gettysburg awaiting burial

28 Confederate soldiers on the Gettysburg Battlefield in an unfinished trench grave.

29 The view of Seminary Ridge seen from Cemetery Ridge. It was across these fields that Union soldiers repulsed the Confederates participating in the Pickett / Pettigrew Charge.

30 Siege at Vicksburg

31 General Grant surrounded the City of Vicksburg, Mississippi from May 25 until July 4 forcing the Confederacy to surrender the town and control of the Mississippi river. This also split the confederacy in two – part of Anaconda Plan


33 Grant Takes Command After his victory at Vicksburg, Lincoln made General Ulysses S. Grant commander of the Union Army in March 1864 and ordered him to finish off the Confederacy and end the war.

34 1864

35 1864 – The Hardest Year Grant driving toward Richmond – heavy losses, but keeps attacking Lee General Sherman begins “March to the Sea” in GA – burns crops and towns, kills animals – total war June: begins trench warfare at Petersburg that lasts 10 months North tired of war - Democrats run George McClellan against Lincoln with promise to make peace with the South September: Gen. Sherman captures Atlanta –Union celebrates and reelects Lincoln for 2 nd term

36 Lincoln’s 2nd Inaugural Address Says the United States will not punish the South after the Civil War. (The war looks like it will be over soon)

37 Second Inaugural Address excerpt Fondly do we hope — fervently do we pray — that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond- man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether." With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan — to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations. Abraham Lincoln March 4, 1865

38 The War Ends

39 · On April 2, 1865, Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant captured Richmond, VA, the Confederate capital.On April 2, 1865, Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant captured Richmond, VA, the Confederate capital. The War Ends

40 · On April 9, Gen. Lee surrendered to Gen. Grant in the town of Appomattox Courthouse, VA. * The war was over!

41 Lincoln Assassinated

42 CIVIL WAR AMENDMENTS Amendment 13 – Frees all slaves FREE Amendment 14 – Gives citizenship to former slaves and free CITIZENS blacks Amendment 15 – Gives black men the right VOTE to vote

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