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Talk about Research Prof. Dr. Claire Gervais. Talk research Slide 2 Outline You, your slides and the audience: Message.

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Presentation on theme: "Talk about Research Prof. Dr. Claire Gervais. Talk research Slide 2 Outline You, your slides and the audience: Message."— Presentation transcript:

1 Talk about Research Prof. Dr. Claire Gervais

2 Talk research Slide 2 Outline You, your slides and the audience: Message

3 Talk research Slide 3 Outline Structure of the talk Slide layout Body language Slide design abc

4 Presentation Structure Built to deliver your message to the audience

5 Talk research Slide 5 A presentation is not a paper! 1.Introduction 2.Methods 3.Results 4.Discussion 5.Conclusion 1.Introduction 2.Point 1 3.Point 2 4.Point 3 5.Review 6.Conclusion Research paperResearch talk

6 Talk research Slide 6 The audience is not a dedicated reader General audience gets rapidly bored

7 Talk research Slide 7 You need to wake it up regularly The audience is not a dedicated reader

8 Talk research Slide 8 In presentation there is communication

9 Talk research Slide 9 In presentation there is communication Single message

10 Talk research Slide 10 All is around transmitting your message State your message. Support your message with 3-5 points. Review, restate, close.

11 Talk research Slide 11 Opening: where you state your message Attention getter Lead the audience to the need efficiently Need Task Main message Preview Difference actual/desired situation What I decided to do address this need What I want my audience to remember A map of the body of the lak (main points)

12 Talk research Slide 12 Body: supporting your message with statements Main messageMain pointsStatements Successful presentations focus on delivering a single, clear message Talk structure Slide layout Slide design Body language Audience attention Introduce message Statements Review and close

13 Talk research Slide 13 Closing: where you restate your message Review Recap all your main points Conclusion Close Restate your main message and what it means to the audience Close clearly and elegantly

14 Slide design A backbone for conveying your message abc

15 Talk research Slide 15 Good design is simple design Don’t:Do:

16 Talk research Slide 16 Serif fonts might be difficult to read on a screen Do not write too small Too big Do not mix fonts Use simple sans-serif fonts (arial, helvetica) Only one type of font One or two font sizes maximum Good design is simple design Don’t:Do:

17 Talk research Slide 17 Simplify your graphs and figures Tables are tricky : people do not grasp easily numbers Don’t:

18 Talk research Slide 18 Simplify your graphs and figures Tables with minimal number of figures, rounded up Do: Steve Job presentation of first Ipod

19 Talk research Slide 19 Simplify your graphs and figures Charts with mysterious huge side captions Don’t:

20 Talk research Slide 20 Simplify your graphs and figures Simple graph with caption directly on chart/curve Do:

21 Talk research Slide 21 Slide design: A backbone for conveying information Font Background Graphs Tables Colors Message

22 Slide layout Altogether focused towards your statement

23 Talk research Slide 23 1 slide = 1 statement. All information on the slide go towards the same statement! Header Text Graphs Message

24 Talk research Slide 24 Header: should be informative enough, Otherwise skip it Results Results: importance of literature survey Literature survey is a key factor for good research Keep layout simple and informative Don’t: Do:

25 Talk research Slide 25 Keep the text at minimum Do not fill in your slide with hundreds of words, complete sentences and side words such as therefore, because, etc. It is very difficult for the reader to read all that stuff, especially because you are also speaking at the same time. And you will either exactly read the same text, which makes everything redundant and boring for the reader, or you will explain it with other words, which makes everything confusing for the reader. Anyhow, remember, a slide does not stand for itself, it should be a complementary tool to your talk. While you speak, you support your words with figures, graphs or keywords. Likewise, you may support an important graph with clear explanations and additional information. Don’t:

26 Talk research Slide 26 Keep the text at minimum Bullet points are most often useless or even worse They incitate you to write down text, To add several ideas on the same slide, To add and add text until the rest of the page is filled. Don’t:

27 Talk research Slide 27 Keep the text at minimum Use words to convey necessary information and clarify your message Do: Text Graph

28 Talk research Slide 28 Visual aids help the audience Don’t: Text is not easy to remember

29 Talk research Slide 29 Visual aids help the audience Use visual aids and connect them with simple text Do:

30 Talk research Slide 30 Coherence between text and figures Don’t: Use your slides as a memento for your talk

31 Talk research Slide 31 Coherence between text and figures Remove unnecessary text and make memento cards Do:

32 Talk research Slide 32 Slide layout: For highlighting one statement Message Font Background Graphs Tables Colors Header Relation Text - Visual WordingVisual

33 Body Language Putting you into the balance

34 Talk research Slide 34 You are not an actor but you You, your slides and the audience: Message

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