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Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Phytochemicals and Genetically Modified Food Unit 21.

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Presentation on theme: "Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Phytochemicals and Genetically Modified Food Unit 21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judith E. Brown Prof. Albia Dugger Miami-Dade College Phytochemicals and Genetically Modified Food Unit 21

2 Phytochemicals Carly White: What are phytochemicals? What does the word mean? Where do phytochemicals come from? Write it on the board!

3 Characteristics of Phytochemicals Kristy: What do phytochemicals do for plants? What are the functions of phytochemicals in plants? Write it on the board.

4 How Do Phytochemicals Work? Derek: What do phytochemicals do for humans? What are the benefits? List at least 5 and ask someone to help you. Write it on the board.

5 Nutrition Superstars

6 Some Phytochemicals

7 Phytochemicals and Health Jeremy: Diets rich in phytochemicals protect against many diseases. List at least five diseases that phytochemicals help to protect against. Get someone to help you.

8 Phytochemicals Work in Groups Nicholas: Is it better to take phytochemicals as a supplement? Why or why not? Have your brother and Jenna help you with this answer. Site the beta carotene and smoker’s study

9 Key Terms Johnnabell: What are Cruciferous vegetables? Why are they important? List at least 7 cruciferous vegetables. Get someone to help you.

10 Key Terms Ariana: Get someone to help you: List each of these terms and give an example of each: Allicin Phytoestrogens Flavenoids Carotenoids Plant stanols and sterol

11 Top Antioxidants Connor: What are some of the top food sources of antioxidants found in foods? List at least ten. What can you tell me about the color of foods rich in phytochemicals?

12 Genetically Modified (GM) Foods Tamika: What is Genetic engineering? What are genetically engineered foods called? Tell the class which page the graphic depicting genetic modification of food is on. Get someone to help you.

13 Are GM Foods Safe? Eric: in BIG letters on the board: List 4 benefits and 4 concerns regarding GM foods. Get someone to help you.

14 What you need to know about Phytochems & GMO’s: What are phytochemicals? Where do the come from? What do they do? What diseases can they prevent? Better to eat the food or take a supplement? Why? Know: flavenoids, carotenoids, stanols/sterols, phytoestrogens, allicins, and an example of each What is a GMO? What are the benefits and drawbacks?

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