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LIU-SPS planning – provisional LS1 / LS2 BLM, BPM MKE/MKDV/H aC 1 sextant aC 5 sextants RF 200 MHz LSS3 RF 200 MHz preparation RF 200 MHZ building.

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Presentation on theme: "LIU-SPS planning – provisional LS1 / LS2 BLM, BPM MKE/MKDV/H aC 1 sextant aC 5 sextants RF 200 MHz LSS3 RF 200 MHz preparation RF 200 MHZ building."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIU-SPS planning – provisional LS1 / LS2 BLM, BPM MKE/MKDV/H aC 1 sextant aC 5 sextants RF 200 MHz LSS3 RF 200 MHz preparation RF 200 MHZ building

2 MTP input – v1.0 Manpower

3 Manpower estimates MKE, MKDV/H, transverse damper all require punctual transport, vacuum and survey support (few days/weeks) aC coating needs more substantial survey support (maybe 1 month), and continuous transport support (duration ~3 months) These are estimates of what is required, NOT what is available. Note also that for aC coating, 3 FTEs means 12 people for 3 months Presently NO resources from VSC and MSC allocated to aC coating in LS1, so postponing activity to LS2 does not save any manpower for LHC. But if aC coating goes ahead in LS1, then manpower must be found.

4 Key activities in Long Shutdown 1 (2013) aC coating of 1 full SPS sextant: 1 sextant –3.0 FTE (1 TE/VSC, 2 TE/MSC) plus transport, SU & FSU –Not done: no full-scale validation of ecloud mitigation, 6 sextants in LS2 Relocate/upgrade of transverse damper and PUs: LSS2 & LSS3 –2.0 FTE (BE/RF) plus transport, SU, VSC, plus FSU –Not done: damper upgrade postponed until 2018 Preparation for RF 200 MHz upgrade: LSS3 –4.0 FTE (2.5 BE/RF, 1.5 GS & EN) plus FSU –Not done: RF 200 MHz upgrade not ready for 2018 BLM and MOPOS upgrades (electronics): full ring –3.0 FTE (BE/BI) plus FSU –Not done: BLM and MOPOS upgrades postponed until 2015 Impedance reduction 1 MKE magnet: LSS4 –0.5 FTE (TE/ABT) plus punctual transport, SU & VSC, plus FSU –Not done: MKE impedance reduction not completed until 2015 Modification of MKDVs (impedance): LSS1 –0.5 FTE (TE/ABT) plus punctual transport, SU & VSC, plus FSU –Not done: MKDV/H impedance reduction postponed until 2018 (needs LS)

5 Implications of postponing work – aC coating aC coating: high priority to do 1 sextant in LS1 –Get one sextant finished –Time frame (1 sextant in 15 months) will allow process to be perfected –Reduce load in LS2 to 5 sextants, with tested logistics and process –Allow beam/vacuum/ecloud measurements in SPS between LS1 and LS2 for treatment validation –Do not treat all machine in one go (in case of problems, easier to reverse...) If not done in LS1: –High pressure with “untried” process and logistics in LS2 –6 sextants to treat in LS2 – even more difficult than 5 –No operational experience on large scale before full deployment –Higher risk of problems, delays –Much less reversible in case of problems

6 Implications of postponing work – other WPs Relocate damper –Can postpone to LS2 but increases LS2 parallel activities with 200 MHz, and increases minimum length of LS2 for SPS (10 months?) Preparation for RF 200 MHz upgrade –Cannot postpone – otherwise not ready for 2018 installation window BLM and MOPOS upgrades –Can postpone to LS2 but new BI functionality not available for operation in years 2014-2016 MKE impedance reduction –Can postpone until 14/15 stp, but machine impedance stays higher, and will continue to have operational limitations with MKE heating until 2015 MKDV/H impedance reduction –Can postpone until LS2 but machine impedance stays higher

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