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Bellringer  Plateaus  Savannas  Workbook: Ch. 7 Sec. 1 Pgs. 73-75.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer  Plateaus  Savannas  Workbook: Ch. 7 Sec. 1 Pgs. 73-75."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer  Plateaus  Savannas  Workbook: Ch. 7 Sec. 1 Pgs. 73-75

2 Essential ? What impact did geography have on early African civilizations?

3 Geography of Africa  Africa is the 2 nd largest of the 7 continents (Asia is the largest)  Contains the largest desert on earth – Sahara  Four major climate zones:  Mild (Mediterranean)  Desert – 40% of Africa  Rain forest (tropical wet)  Savannah (tropical dry)  Major rivers include the Nile and Congo Rivers

4 Numbered Heads #1 What are the key geographical features of Africa?


6  Located South of Egypt  Conquered Egypt in 750 BC but later overran by the Assyrians in 663 BC  Major trading empire – provided iron, ivory, gold, ebony, and slaves to the Roman Empire, Arabia, and India in exchange for luxury items Kush (Nubia) Early African Kingdoms Kush (Nubia)


8  Located next to the Red Sea  Founded by Arabs – combined Arab and African cultures  Invaded Kush in 300s AD over competition in the Ivory trade  Kingdom was converted to Christianity around 330 AD by King Ezana Axum Early African Kingdoms Axum


10 Caravan of camels

11 African Kingdoms: Ghana  Ghana, the first great trading state in West Africa (500 – 1100) united by Sundiata  The kings of Ghana were strong rulers who governed without any laws  Ghana had an abundance of iron and gold – became a large trade empire  Traded with Muslim merchants from North Africa for salt  Berbers – nomadic people from North Africa whose camel caravans were vital to African trade

12 African Kingdoms: Mali  Greatest trading state; replaced Ghana around 1200.  Built its wealth on the gold and salt trade  Greatest king was Mansa Musa (1312-1337)  doubled the size of Mali  built mosques and libraries in Timbuktu  brought in Muslim scholars to study the Qu’ran  made a pilgrimage to Mecca distributing so much gold that he caused its value to fall

13  United by Kossi around 1000  Songhai surpasses Mali in trade by the 1400s under Sunni Ali (its greatest king)  Sunni Ali conquered Timbuktu and Djenne in 1460s (Mali)–gave Songhai control of the gold and salt trade  By 1600 Songhai had declined African Kingdoms: Songhai


15 Numbered Heads #2 What were the first civilizations in Africa and what were their economies based on?


17 Written Summarization (Closure) What impact did geography have on early African civilizations?

18  The Sahara

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