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NHS Reforms Poll for the Nuffield Trust by Ipsos MORI, Social Research Institute Dan Wellings Chloe Smith Tom Mludzinski 28 February, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS Reforms Poll for the Nuffield Trust by Ipsos MORI, Social Research Institute Dan Wellings Chloe Smith Tom Mludzinski 28 February, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS Reforms Poll for the Nuffield Trust by Ipsos MORI, Social Research Institute Dan Wellings Chloe Smith Tom Mludzinski 28 February, 2011

2 More than half think the NHS needs fundamental changes in order to make it work better QWhich one of the following statements comes closest to reflecting your overall view of the NHS? Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust The NHS has so much wrong with it that it needs to be completely rebuilt There are some good things in the NHS but some fundamental changes are needed to make it work better On the whole the NHS works pretty well and only minor changes are needed to make it better Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011

3 QThinking about the quality of NHS care over the past three/next few years, has it/do you expect it to…? Over the past three years Over the next few years 27%29%25% 43% % Get/got much worse % Get/got a little worse % Stay/ed about the same % Get/got a little better % Get/got much better % Don't know More expect NHS care to get worse rather than better in the next few years Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011 Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust

4 Two in five don’t mind who provides health services as long as they are free of charge QTo what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “As long as health services are free of charge, it doesn’t matter to me whether they are provided by the NHS or a private company” Don’t know Strongly disagree Tend to disagree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to agree Strongly agree 41% 36% Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011 Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust

5 Longer waiting lists Charges for visiting your GP Some types of treatment not available in your area, depending on where you live Fees for patients staying in hospital Requiring patients to change lifestyle before they are allowed treatment (e.g. give up smoking, change diet) % Most % Least QIf the NHS was to face lower levels of spending, which of these, if any, would you be most/least willing to accept? None of these Requiring patients to change lifestyles is more acceptable than longer waiting lists, GP charges and regional variation in available treatments Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011 Don’t know Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust

6 Two thirds think treatments should be available to everyone – and not just based on local need QThinking about the treatments and services that are available on the NHS, which of these statements most closely matches your opinion? Treatments should only be available on the NHS if they are available to everyone and not dependent on where they live Don’t know The availability of NHS treatments should be based on local need rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach across the country Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011 Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust

7 QThinking about the quality of NHS care over the past three/next few years, has it/do you expect it to…? November 2008 February 2011 % Don't know Little change since 2008 – most still believe treatments should be available to all and not based on local need Base: 993 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 18-24 February, 2011 % The availability of NHS treatments should be based on local need rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach across the country % Treatments should only be available on the NHS if they are available to everyone and not dependent on where they live Source: Ipsos MORI /Nuffield Trust Base: 988 English adults 18+, interviewed face-to-face, 3 rd -8 th November 2008

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