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Week One  Creativity  Multiple Intelligences  Warmers, Fillers and Coolers  Bringing the coursebook to life  Vocab variations  Textploitation.

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3 Week One  Creativity  Multiple Intelligences  Warmers, Fillers and Coolers  Bringing the coursebook to life  Vocab variations  Textploitation  Text, tasks, culture and differentiation  Ways of reviewing and recycling vocabulary

4 Week Two  Critical Thinking and Philosophy in Primary  Practical ideas to encourage students to speak  Creative grammar practice  „Raining cats and dogs“?  Creative pronunciation  Sing, sang, sung  Creative and Collaborative writing  Using images

5  Pros  Lack of creativity- reasons


7  Haiku  Acrostic poems „ T eacher´s Desk“ E lastic bands (confiscated) A box of tissues C up of tea (cold) H anky E ggboxes (useful) R egister S ausage roll (half eaten) D iary (last year´s) E lastoplasts (for cut knees) S ellotape (used up) K ind words (unlimited supply)


9  „A hot chair“  „A birthday line“  The three letter game R T N (2 mins, in any order) Fillers  Pictionary Coolers  Opposite dictation


11  Support listening  Involves drama  It´s fun!  Supports language production and emotional thinking


13  Ss study the list for 5 minutes  How many can they write down without looking?  Give the definition ; Ss must tell you the word  Read aloud the list, Ss repeat (whispering, raising the voice, tapping out the words, etc.)  Ss pair or group the words that rhyme  Group together all the verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc.  Ss change the nouns to adjectives (word formation)  Give the negatives/ opposites  Sort them into vocab associated to women and men  Choose the words you like/don´t like and why  Wrong spelling- Ss correct  Ss write down 10 words from the list- pass it to the classmate to translate them- pass it back to check the spelling  In pairs- write a short poem or a story containing 10 words




17  Assume the role of one of the characters in a picture.  What´s my name?  What´s happening? What´s just happened to me?  What am I feeling now?  How am I connected to the other people here?  What´s going to happen next?  What do I regret? OR What am I looking forward to?  What do I wish most in the world?


19  Change of pace  Fun- a break from books  „Disguised“ learning  Goldmine for a wide variety of vocabulary items  Motivating  Phonological features practice: assimillation, elision, word stress, weak sounds, etc. zY

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