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Elizabeth Murray “COULD BE” 1997, oil on canvas on wood “MOONBEAM” 1995-96, oil on canvas on.

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Presentation on theme: "Elizabeth Murray “COULD BE” 1997, oil on canvas on wood “MOONBEAM” 1995-96, oil on canvas on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elizabeth Murray “COULD BE” 1997, oil on canvas on wood “MOONBEAM” 1995-96, oil on canvas on wood

2 Born in Chicago 1940 Lived and worked in NY until 2007 when she died Earned her BFA from Art Institute of Chicago Earned her MFA from Mills College in California Showed in galleries such as the MOMA, Art Institute of Chicago, Guggenheim, Museum of Contemporary art Elizabeth Murray, was a crucial Figure in bringing Painting back to life in the ‘ 70 ’ s early ‘ 80 ’ s,8599,1652961-2,00.html

3 “Bop” (2002-2003) Oil on Canvas

4 Besides De Kooning, her other inspirations were Cezane, Picasso, and Matisse She was also inspired by cartoons, Kandinsky,Norman Rockwell and Walt Disney Hhtp://, De Kooning’s “Excavation”

5 "...The shapes are always referred to as cartoony. And they are cartoony and blumpy and rounded and inflated and sort of wacky. ” - Elizabeth Murray “MA” 2000 Watercolor on Paper

6 What is her Subject Matter? “Jazz” 2001 “Yikes” 1982 “Inner Life” 2000 Domestic Objects such as Tables, Chairs, cups and saucers Shoes and Laces Fingers, toes, human body parts Shapes such as beans & lightening bolts with bold outgoing colors

7 How does her artwork make you feel? Silly? Uncomfortable? Young? Nervous? Happy? Comfortable? At Home? Out of place? Resolved?

8 “ That ’ s what the artist ’ s role is. You don ’ t always know what you ’ re revealing, and you don ’ t always know what you are concealing, until you get it out there, and then you make your decisions. And there, that ’ s a decision- when I laugh at something. I know I want it to be there. It becomes intent." -Elizabeth Murray H U M O R Elizabeth Murray’s Big Idea? “And I agree with you, my work is fun. The play part in my work is essential to it. And since I’ve been painting, the idea of having fun and of playfulness in the work has come and gone. Andy Warhol played. Some think Duchamp was a complete hoax, that he was just playing with everybody.” -Elizabeth Murray

9 In the '80s and '90s she brought her brand of art underground when she designed two large murals for the subway system, one at 59th Street and Lexington Avenue and the other at the 23rd Street-Ely Avenue Station. Subway Murals

10 “…what I'm looking for is resolution. And I can get it in my paintings, finally, for myself. In my life, it goes in and out. I have it one day and I don't have it the next day. But that's why being an artist is so great because you can get that kind of satisfaction.” -Elizabeth Murray "The Lowdown“ 2001 Oil on canvas and wood

11 Do you think her images are fun? Things to think about… Elizabeth Murray enjoyed painting cups, saucers, tables and chairs. What subject matter would be fun to paint for you? Elizabeth Murray’s paintings are taken seriously in the art world yet are still comical. Do you think they should be taken seriously? What can make a painting funny? Is it how you paint the objects? The color? Which objects you decide to paint?

12 Bibliography Quotes and Images obtained from:,8599,1652961- 2,00.html,8599,1652961- 2,00.html 9/Elizabeth-Murray 9/Elizabeth-Murray y97/murray4.html y97/murray4.html 110 110

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