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The World in 1500.

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Presentation on theme: "The World in 1500."— Presentation transcript:

1 The World in 1500

2 Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere

3 By 1500 many states and empires had developed in various regions around the world
England France Spain Russia Ottoman Empire Persia China Mughal India Songhai Empire Aztec Empire Incan Empire

4 England France Spain


6 Label the following states on your map.
England France Spain

7 Russia

8 Label Russia on your map.

9 Ottoman Empire

10 Label the Ottoman Empire on your map.

11 Persia

12 Label Persia on your map.

13 China

14 Label China on your map.

15 Mughal

16 Label Mughal India on your map.

17 Songhai Empire

18 Label the Songhai Empire on your map.

19 Aztec Empire

20 Label the Aztec Empire on your map.

21 Incan Empire

22 Label the Inca Empire on your map.

23 The World in 1500 England France Spain Russia Ottoman Empire Persia
China Mughal India Songhai Empire Aztec Empire Inca Empire

24 What were the regional trading patterns around 1500 AD?

25 Silk Road Bottom Picture: link to video,

26 Silk Roads

27 Indian Ocean Trade Routes

28 Indian Ocean Trade Routes

29 Trans-Sahara Trade Routes

30 Black Sea

31 Western European Sea and River Trade

32 South China Sea & Lands of SE Asia

33 What were the regional trading patterns around 1500 AD?
Silk roads across Asia to the Mediterranean Basin Maritime routes across the Indian Ocean Trans-Saharan routes across North Africa Northern European links with the Black Sea Western European sea and river trade South China Sea & Lands of Southeast Asia

34 What technological and scientific advancements had been made and exchanged by 1500 AD?
Paper, compass, silk, porcelain (China) Textiles, numeral system (India and Middle East) Scientific Transfer – Medicine, astronomy, mathematics

35 Paper, compass, silk, porcelain (China)

36 Textiles, numeral system (India and Middle East)

37 Scientific Transfer Medicine, astronomy, mathematics
+ 8 4 - = 1 5 + x 9

38 Why were the regional trading patterns important?
Exchange of products and ideas.

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