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Mrs. Kunde.  Rules of the Computer Lab:  Wipe off hands well before entering lab with hand cleaner.  Do Not turn the computer on/off unless instructed.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Kunde.  Rules of the Computer Lab:  Wipe off hands well before entering lab with hand cleaner.  Do Not turn the computer on/off unless instructed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Kunde

2  Rules of the Computer Lab:  Wipe off hands well before entering lab with hand cleaner.  Do Not turn the computer on/off unless instructed to do so!  No other programs may be brought in and used on the school’s computers, as this is how computer viruses are spread.  Respect the equipment --You break, you buy!!  Books shall remain on the table or stand while in use -- not on your lap.  No Internet/E-mail use during classtime -- may result in loss of your account.  Do NOT give anyone your password – not even your best friend!  Always close out of all programs and log-off at the end of class.  Keep your work area neat--Clean up at the end of class.  NO FOOD OR BEVEAGE IN COMPUTER LABS

3  Follow along and listen when teacher is lecturing and giving instructions  Sign out sheet is on the teacher desk – need to ask for permission first – not during a lecture  Assignments are posted on the webpage  No cheating…cheating will result in a zero for all involved.  ndejul/index.htm. ndejul/index.htm.

4  Internet – how it works/safety/research  Improve Keyboarding skills  Microsoft Word  Intro to Document Formatting  Microsoft Publisher  Web 2.0 tools  Research tools – Atomic Learning  Microsoft PowerPoint  Multi-media  Microsoft Draw and Paint

5  Log on with your username and password ◦ Username is the year you graduate first name.last name (example: 15Sally.Johnson) ◦ Password: Same password as last year.  New students: Go4it2013 (you must change your password when you log on…must be a minimum of 8 characters, contain a capital letter, lowercase letter, and a number)

6  Ortonville School ◦  Mrs. Kunde’s webpage ◦ School webpage, High School, Business, Julie Kunde  Research tools: ◦ Ortonville High School Library ◦ Atomic Learning

7  Internet safety review  Formats for business documents  Spreadsheet applications  Database applications  Graphic Design  Multi-media applications  Improve keyboarding skills

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