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D&B can help you improve tax compliance and state revenue collections March 2007.

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1 D&B can help you improve tax compliance and state revenue collections March 2007

2 2 For over 165 years, D&B has been the leading provider of global business information Our company started in 1841 and now has 37 offices around the world, 5,300 team members, 14 directly owned companies and 17 strategic partners DUNSRight ® is our patented process to ensure quality data for our customers – a process which we invest $260M each year Our global database has over 115 million businesses from 192 countries The D-U-N-S ® Number is recognized as the universal standard by more than 50 associations, including the U.S. Federal Government, United Nations and the European Commission D&B customers span both public and private sectors: All 15 Cabinet-level departments and most federal agencies Over 60% of state agencies Over 90% of the Business Week Global 1000

3 3 Most state governments experience a tax and revenue gap Revenue agencies need to collect the most amount of money with very limited resources Discovery is a very time-consuming task Additionally, often states do not have visibility into a complete business taxpayer universe

4 4 Frequent business change makes tax collection even more difficult Every… 60 seconds 58 business addresses will change 60 seconds a business risk profile changes 2 minutes a directorship (CEO, CFO, etc.) change occurs 2 minutes a new business opens 4 hours a business ownership changes 8 minutes a business files bankruptcy 3 minutes a business ceases operations

5 5 D&B Government Solutions is a trusted source of critical insight for many federal and state agencies today Manage suppliers better by registration, risk analysis and cost reduction Improve tax compliance and state revenue collections Improve the claims ratio for workers’ compensation Provide accurate, complete and consistent information for all decisions Confirm the existence, background and linkage of businesses in the state Understand risk, readiness and impact in times of crisis Accelerate economic development with business information and analysis

6 6 Specifically, D&B can help improve tax compliance and state revenue collections Identify complete taxpayer universe, including non-filers, under-filers, and Nexus opportunities Improve accuracy of taxpayer and corporate officer data to improve hit rates Evaluate transfer of assessment liability to responsible officers Prioritize collection efforts based on financial capacity and demonstrated payment behaviors Identify new lien sources Improve audit case selection Understand locality designation for sales

7 7 The business tax collection process can be easily improved with enhanced business information Utilize Postal Processing To Improve Address Accuracy Enrich Records With Scores To Assist With Prioritization Match to Tax File Via DUNSRight Process Corporate Taxpayer File Increase the accuracy of your address Information Provide an opportunity to collect on taxpayers with previously undeliverable addresses. Reduce returned mail Gain clarity of your delinquent tax universe by eliminating duplicate records. See your corporate income taxpayer’s corporate linkage and find new tax collection escalation options Set collection priorities based on business ability to pay determinations. Optimize collection treatment streams based on both ability to pay and demonstrated payment behaviors

8 8 D&B’s DUNSRight process combines corporate income taxpayer and business data to generate actionable business intelligence Quality Assurance Our continuous 2,000 automated checks ensure that the data meets our high quality standards Global Data Collection 1 Entity Matching 2 D-U-N-S ® Number 3 Corporate Linkage 4 Predictive Indicators 5 Builds corporate families to provide a view of collection escalation points Uses statistical analyses to help identify risk and opportunity in your taxpayer portfolio Identifies and tracks a business globally through any changes Gathers data from a variety of sources on more than 115 million businesses in over 192 countries Eliminates duplicate records and builds complete business profiles

9 9 Understand the potential business taxpayer universe including in state, out of state and corporate officer information by leveraging our global database U.S. Public Records Payment Data Direct Investigations Web Sources Telephone Directories Company Financial Information Courts & Legal Filings News and Media Government Registries CCR/Pro-Net (Diversity Data) 115 million businesses 2.7M in U.S. 44 million businesses

10 Month 00, 0000 TSA/Unisys--Known Shippers Database Proposal--2.5.03 10 ABC, Inc 123 Elm St. Bethlehem, PA 18025 (SIC) 5411-02 Chuck Smith, President Multiple Unmatched Pieces of Data Chuck’s Mini-Mart P.O. Box 111 Bethlehem, PA 18055 (SIC) 5411-02 Chuck Smith, President 610 882-7600 2 Charles Smith 123 Elm St. Bethlehem, PA 18025 (SIC) 5541-99 215 882-7600 3 1 D&B D-U-N-S Number:12-345-6780 ABC, Inc + Chuck’s Mini-Mart P.O. Box 111 Bethlehem, PA 18055 123 Elm St. Bethlehem, PA 18025 (SICs) 5411 0202, 5541 9901 Charles Smith, President 610 882-7600 D&B Complete Single Business 1 Detect duplicates from incoming data and accurately combines it into one single business to gain clarity into delinquent tax universe

11 Month 00, 0000 TSA/Unisys--Known Shippers Database Proposal--2.5.03 11 Enhanced Record State Taxpayer Database Secretary of State Business Registration Internal Revenue Service Department of Labor Aggregate data from multiple and disparate systems by applying the DUNS Number to gain better insight of a business taxpayer Gorman Paper P.O. Box 111 San Francisco, CA 94110 Gorman Printing Co., Inc. 492 Koller Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415-555-0000 Leslie Smith, President GPC 492 Kooler St San Francisco, CA 94110 415-555-0000 Gorman Paper Products 492 Koller St Pacifica, CA 94110 SIC 7374 Gorman Holding Co 123 Main Hwy Fresno, CA 93650 D-U-N-S #:80-480-0217 Gorman Printing Co., Inc. + Gorman Paper Products + GPC P.O. Box 111 San Francisco, CA 94110 492 Koller Street San Francisco, CA 94110 415-555-0000 Leslie Smith, President Ultimate DUNS #: 03-123-4566 Gorman Holding Company 123 Main Hwy Fresno, CA 93650 Business Registration: Yes

12 12 Discover hidden corporate relationships to find new tax collection escalation options 00-102-4314 Berkshire Inc Omaha, ME Global Ultimate 04-542-6500 Joe Manville Corp Denver, CO Subsidiary Location Cust Unique ID: 23684 14-770-9800 McLane/Suneast Inc Tempe, AZ Subsidiary Location Cust Unique ID: 688770 02-583-5559 CMH Manufacturing Inc El Mirage, AK Branch Location Cust Unique ID: 130617 13-945-9754 Xtra Lease LLC Phoenix, VT Branch Location Cust Unique ID: 109336 LEGEND Triangle – Global Ultimate Rectangle – Subsidiary Circle – Branch Color Blue – Not On Tax Agency File Yellow – On Tax Agency Credit File 11-811-9528 CMH Manufacturing Inc Maryville, TN Subsidiary Location 87-884-8900 Xtra Lease LLC Saint Louis, MO Subsidiary Location CCS: 3 FSS: 1 CCS: 4 FSS: 1 CCS: 5 FSS: 4 CCS: 5 FSS: 3 CCS: 3 FSS: 1

13 13 Combine your data with D&B data to predict likelihood of businesses outside of your state owing corporate assessment or sales tax 5 4 D ata Discovery Extensive knowledge of commercial, small business and consumer data to ensure their accurate, effective and efficient use in nexus models 2 External Business Information State Taxpayer Information C ollecting Data D&B’s DUNSRight process is used to collect, aggregate, and verify the quality of data 1 A nalytics Qualified professional staff with broad and deep analytical strength have graduate degrees from top universities 3 L ikelihood of an out-of-state company owing a tax liability T esting & Integration Comprehensive understanding of industry best practices to enhance our customers’ strategies and decisions A lgorithm Optimization Continuous feedback of campaign performance for validation and analysis, with results funneled back into the model

14 14 Identify business ability to pay and payment behavior before negotiating repayment Financial Stress Score (Ability to Pay) Commercial Credit Score (Payment Behavior)

15 15 Optimize account treatment strategies by understanding a company’s financial condition and properly allocating resources Short Term Risk Financial Stress Score 1, 2 3, 4, 5 Credit Score 5,43,2,1 Watch List Taxpayers 3,000 10% Stars Taxpayers 16,553 56% Taxpayers 9,859 33% Long Term Risk Taxpayers 3201% Key to Scores: 1 = Low Risk 5 = High Risk

16 Thank you!

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