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Tonight we would like to consider the following: 1.Why independent learning skills are so critical to success 2. How you can help develop these skills.

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4 Tonight we would like to consider the following: 1.Why independent learning skills are so critical to success 2. How you can help develop these skills 3. The importance of keeping in touch with what’s happening in school 4. How homework helps 5. A chance to play with Moodle


6 days a year Whilst our students might believe that their life is totally dominated by school, actually they are only with us for days a week, hours a day, The rest of the time they’re learning from you.

7 How do you feel about your school years? When children can count on getting attention at home, they have a greater sense of security and self-worth and a better chance oft acquiring the independent skills they need to achieve success. What counts most is what you say and do at home, not how many years of education you have finished

8 Set clear boundaries Make sure they attend school regularly and are on time The things you already do to help... Ensure they have a suitable diet, breakfast, drink Check they are organised for school. Equipment, uniform, PE kit homework etc As your child progresses through secondary school these traits will become inbuilt facilitators to good preparation and dedication to learning So what can you do?

9 Talk with your child about the value of hard work and the importance of education Find out what’s happening at school Ask to see report cards and messages that come from school Attend school events, shows, teacher-parent meetings etc Develop schedules and stable routines Encourage your children to think about their future Plan a balanced life (study, fun, other pressures) Allow them to take part in decision making (and to learn that sometimes this means sacrificing fun now for benefits later) Praise their successes If your child has several assignments due in on the same day, suggest they space the work out rather than leave it all until the night before Help them find a work area

10 Keeping in touch with school Our virtual learning environment can provide you with a direct link to lesson materials left by your child's teachers Our website has a range of documents to help you keep up-to-date with key events, tests, reports You can use the Home access + link to have at look work they have completed on the computers. Keep in touch – you do not have to wait until parents evening Our contact details are on the website and supporting every student there is an active pastoral team who would be only to happy to help Head teachers newsletters, Governor forums, family education events and Parent Info evenings are just a few of the other ways you can find out more about school

11 Why are targets a good idea?  Targets encourage individual learning, irrespective of ability  Targets provide accurate information about potential and so inform preparation for learning Targets allow for quick and easy identification of under-achievement A good target should be: aspirational – ambitious, challenging but achievable motivational – owned by the individual

12 Keeping in touch with school



15 When I asked students how they felt about their parents helping them with their homework they said..... I’d give my dad 10/10 he is always very supportive and is good at getting me to work things out for myself My parents know about everything. I don't think I have had one homework which they couldn't help me with. It makes me feel confident to ask them I don't usually ask my parents to help me with my homework I prefer to do it myself I do all my homework at school because my house is really busy If I tell my mum what I’m doing she normally gets me to do it another way and I just get more confused My dad always wants to know what mark he got for my homework and gets angry when he doesn't do very well My parents are good at helping me to work out how to do my homework but I’m not as good at doing it by myself.

16 Using Moodle, you can find useful links, resources, complete lessons, homework assignments and online help for many subjects. Access Priory’s Moodle via the link from our school website

17 How to help... Students set their own learning aims Make choices over methods of learning Plan and organise their own work Decide when best to work alone or collaboratively Know when to seek advice Learn through experience Not to fear failure Identify and solve problems Think creatively Choose suitable methods to communicate effectively Assess their own progress in respect of their aims Plan to complete the work before the deadline Leave time to seek help from teachers if needed

18 Mr Snidle Learning Coordinator for Math

19 “Every school day is a busy day and children's assessment is an ongoing and multi-faceted process which must seek, among other things, to provide valuable clues about how a child is learning”

20 Mr Smith Headteacher

21 We believe our challenge is to inspire our students to love learning for its own sake and to possess the motivation and skills to use it to enrich their lives. Successful learning is very much about winning the hearts and minds of students and about developing genuine partnerships with the adults significant in their lives.

22 “Students benefit in many ways when parents are involved in their education, tending to get better grades, to have a greater likelihood of having a more fulfilling education experience.” (St John’s College, Oxford. 2001) We believe that a student's motivation to learn is connected to three main factors; 1.Personal maturity, supported by a school's commitment to character building. 2. Loving relationships and family cultivated by the recognition and facilitation of parental involvement in a school's character and academic objectives. 3.Contribution to a community; modeled by engagement in extra curricular challenges, community projects.

23 So to summarise Independent skills are the key to success One day they’ll thank you for it You can help your child to become independent and to encourage them to take ownership of their learning Keep in touch with what's going on in school Help your child to be proud of what they achieve

24 Your homework

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