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 We follow the school golden rules  If children do not follow the rules, we use the following system:  Children are given a verbal warning to stop.

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Presentation on theme: " We follow the school golden rules  If children do not follow the rules, we use the following system:  Children are given a verbal warning to stop."— Presentation transcript:


2  We follow the school golden rules  If children do not follow the rules, we use the following system:  Children are given a verbal warning to stop the unwanted behaviour  Then, children are asked to turn their name over  Children move their name and lose 5 minutes of their golden time on a Friday afternoon  Children can also earn time back!

3  We do two sessions of PE on Wednesday and Thursday  Thursday is Outdoor PE (Games) and Wednesday is Indoor PE (Gymnastics/Dance)  The children will need a PE kit in school EVERY day (white t- shirt, black shorts and daps)  You might also want to put in a pair of jogging bottoms/jumper

4  Term 1 – Towers, Tunnels and Turrets (History)  Term 2 – Muck, Mess and Mixtures (Science)  Term 3 – Bright Lights, Big City (Geography)  Term 4 – Wriggle and Crawl (English/Science)  Term 5 – Beachcombers (Geography)  Term 6 – Moon Zoom (History/Science)

5  Children change their books every Monday, Wednesday and Friday  Guided Reading happens every day (one focus group per day) and a comment will be recorded in your child’s reading record  Priority readers are also heard daily  Each child in the class reads their individual reading book to an adult at least once a week  Benchmarking to assess children’s reading book band (October)  Regular reading tests to assess children’s reading and comprehension  Children have group targets for reading

6  Try NOT to cover up the pictures in the book  If your child is stuck on a word, encourage them to use a variety of strategies (picture cues, phonics, context)  Ask your child questions about the story to check their comprehension of the story  Encourage their skills of inference and prediction by asking questions like ‘What do you think will happen next?’ and questions that go ‘beyond the literal’  Ask them to talk about the language used in the text –Is that a good describing word? What other words could you use there?  Ask your child to share their opinion of the text – What did you like/not like about this book?


8  Every Friday we do BIG writing:  VCOP games before playtime (30 minutes building up to 45 minutes by the end of Year 2)  Vocabulary  Connectives  Openers  Punctuation  Planning and independent writing after playtime (30 minutes building up to 45 minutes by the end of Year 2)  Children have individual writing targets which are referred to on a daily basis  We will also be doing daily cursive handwriting practice



11  Conjunction – a word we use to ‘join’ two parts of a sentence together, e.g. and, but, because, so, then, after  Opener – a word that we use at the start of a sentence, for example my, the, we, next, she, he, I, then, after  Punctuation – full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, speech marks, commas  Paragraph – a section of text on the same theme








19 Daily 20 minute phonics sessions We are learning:  New ways to spell different graphemes  Split digraphs  Reading high frequency words  Reading two and three-syllable words We will move on to:  Learning spelling rules when adding suffixes (ed, ing, est, er)  Strategies to spell longer words  N.B. Children who did not pass the Phonics screening test in Year 1 will re-take it at the end of the year


21 The four operations + add plus total and altogether more than - take away subtract minus less than difference x times multiple repeated addition multiplied by lots of groups of ÷ divide divided by group into repeated subtraction

22  Spellings are sent home every Wednesday and tested in school the following Wednesday  Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check strategy  We also check letter formation when testing children  Spellings are taken from the new English curriculum and are linked to Phonics  If a child mis-spells one or two words on their spelling list, they will have it again the following week with the next set of words.

23  Reading books every night – write in reading records  Education City will be used for web-based homework and will be set termly  Learning logs will come home on 25th September. This is used for homework from Year 2 upwards and gives children the opportunity to be creative and present their homework in different ways.  Learning logs will be set on a Friday and be due in two weeks later (Friday)  Children will have two weeks to complete the tasks set and one week where they can focus on web-based homework while learning logs are in school

24  All through teacher assessment at Year 2  We will be using the national assessment papers to support our judgements  - Reading Paper 1 – Two simple texts with questions interspersed (30 minutes) Paper 2 – Two more complex texts with questions in a separate booklet (30 minutes) - English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1 – Spelling (20 minutes) Paper 2 – Questions (20 minutes) - Maths Paper 1 – Arithmetic (20 minutes) Paper 2 – Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning (40 minutes)

25  Evidence from school work is also used to assess children  We are continuously assessing children throughout the year, making targets for the end of the year  Children do their SATs in small groups as part of normal lessons and are given as much time as they need  All with as little pressure as possible!  Don’t Worry!

26  - Literacy and Numeracy games to play (Literacy games support our VCOP strategy)  – A range of games to support the curriculum  – Our school website  – A range of Maths games  - A good place to start with researching new topics!

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