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Ch. 1: Introducing Government in America Pg.: 14 – (Top) 23.

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1 Ch. 1: Introducing Government in America Pg.: 14 – (Top) 23

2 DLT By the end of class, I will be able to identify the three contemporary theories of American democracy & the four challenges to democracy as evidenced by discussing with a partner the theories and challenges.

3 Democracy Defining Democracy: o A means of selecting policymakers & of organizing government so that policy reflects citizens’ preferences. o Many writers of the U.S. Constitution doubted the ability of ordinary Americans to make informed judgments about what government should do. o “People should have as little to do as may be with government.” – Roger Sherman, Delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

4 Democracy Defining Democracy: o “Government of the people, by the people, & for the people.” – Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address o Our government is “of the people.” o It is a physical impossibility for government to be “by the people.” U.S. population is around 300 million people. o The debate is whether political leaders govern “for the people.”

5 Democracy Traditional Democratic Theory: o Robert Dahl suggests that an ideal democratic process should satisfy these 5 criteria: Equality in voting, Effective participation, Enlightened understanding, Citizen control of the agenda, & Inclusion. o A political system must follow these criteria to be “democratic.” o Democracies must also practice majority rule & protect the minority’s rights.

6 Democracy Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy: o Pluralist Theory: Groups with shared interests influence public policy by pressing their concerns through organized efforts. Believe public interest will eventually prevail in the making of public policy through a complex process of bargaining & compromise. “All active & legitimate groups in the population can make themselves heard at some crucial stage in the process.” – Robert Dahl

7 Democracy Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy: o Elite & Class Theory: Contends that our society, like all societies, is divided along class lines & that an upper-class elite pulls the strings of government. o Wealth is the basis of this power. 1/3 of the nation’s wealth is held by 1% of the population. A few powerful Americans do not merely influence policymakers – they are the policymakers.

8 Democracy Three Contemporary Theories of American Democracy: o Hyperpluralism: Groups are so strong that government is weakened, as the influence of many groups cripples government’s ability to make policy. Hyperpluralists believe that groups have become the sovereign & government is merely their servant. Groups lose policymaking battles in Congress and then turn to the courts to keep the battle going.

9 Democracy Challenges to Democracy: o Increased Technical Expertise: We live in a society of experts whose technical knowledge overshadows the knowledge of the general population. Today’s elite are those who command knowledge.

10 Democracy Challenges to Democracy: o Limited Participation in Government: Americans do not take full advantage of their opportunities to shape government or select its leaders. Limited participation in government challenges the foundation of democracy. Low voter turnout rates by America’s youth, cause concern for serious challenges to democracy in the future.

11 Democracy Challenges to Democracy: o Escalating Campaign Costs: The cost to win a seat in the House is at least $500,000. Candidates rely on Political Action Committees (PACs) to fund their campaigns. PACs represent specific economic interests.

12 Democracy Challenges to Democracy: o Diverse Political Interests: When interest groups conflict on an issue, they use their political influences to create a policy gridlock. The problem is magnified when voters elect a president from one political party and a congressional majority or the other party.

13 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o “America is the only nation in the world that is founded on a creed. That creed is set forth with dogmatic & even theological lucidity in the Declaration of Independence.” – G. K. Chesterson o “The United States is a country organized around an ideology which includes a set of dogmas about the nature of good society.” – Seymour Martin Lipset o America’s creed can be summarized by five elements: Liberty, Egalitarianism, Individualism, Laissez-faire, & populism.

14 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o Liberty: “Give me liberty or give me death.” – Patrick Henry “Better Dead Than Red.” – Bumper sticker during Cold War “Live Free or Die” – New Hampshire’s state motto

15 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o Egalitarianism: The most famous phrase in the history of democracy is in the Declaration of Independence’s statement “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal.” Egalitarianism in the U.S. involves equality of opportunity & respect in the absence of a monarchy & aristocracy. o Everyone has the chance to be rich – not that everyone will be rich.

16 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o Individualism: Louis Hartz wrote The Liberal Tradition in America and argues that the major force behind limited government in America is that it was settled by people who fled from the feudal & clerical oppressions of the Old World.

17 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o Laissez-faire: Promotes free markets & limited government. “Government in the U.S. is much more limited & much more smaller than government in virtually every other advanced industrialized country on earth.” – John Kingdon, from his book America the Unusual

18 Democracy American Political Culture & Democracy: o Populism: A political philosophy supporting the rights of average citizens in their struggle against privileged elites. “Put the people first” is a populist pledge.

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