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Welcome to 3 rd Grade Parent Information Night. 2012 - 2013 ABC’s of Third Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3 rd Grade Parent Information Night. 2012 - 2013 ABC’s of Third Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3 rd Grade Parent Information Night

2 2012 - 2013 ABC’s of Third Grade

3 It is important for students to be at school whenever possible. However, students who have a fever, should be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please send a doctor or parent note whenever your child is absent. A…Attendance

4 We expect students to follow Explorer Expectations/NEWS. N =needs to follow staff direction E = engage in learning ( stay on task) W =we use hands and feet appropriately S = show respect for people and property RETEACH: Your child will receive instruction on how to demonstrate the desired behavior. Then your child will practice the behavior until the desired behavior is reached. B…Behavior

5 Students may bring prepackaged snacks for their birthday. Also, please provide any paper products needed. We usually do Birthday celebrations at the end of the day. Please contact your child’s teacher for specific classroom allergies. and Birthdays

6 The best way to communicate with your classroom teacher is through e-mail or by writing a note. We are available by phone during our planning time which is 8:00-8:55. You may also leave a voicemail anytime and we will return your call as soon as possible. C…Communication

7 Parents are encouraged to have at least 1 conference a year. However, additional conferences can be requested by parents and/or teachers. Conferences are a time to discuss your child’s progress in-depth. and Conferences

8 How will your child go home? We must have written documentation for all changes in transportation. D…Dismissal

9 E-mail is the easiest (and usually the best) way to get a message to us. Please feel free to e-mail us at anytime. E-mail

10 Although, we do not expect emergencies to happen, they can. It is essential that we have current contact information at all times. When children become ill or school is dismissed early, we will need to contact you. Please make every effort to send in changes in phone numbers, addresses, and/or places of employment. E…Emergencies

11 F…Field Trips Considering: Shaker Village Play/Performance

12 Students will set personal MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) goals throughout the year. These goals will indicate the student’s growth and will be reviewed at conferences. G…Goals

13 Your child will have nightly homework page, either spelling or math. Homework is due when the child arrives at school. Please make sure homework is complete. H…Homework

14 Please check your child’s homework folder nightly. There are often forms and information for you to see. Please clean out extra papers on a nightly basis. The homework packet for the next week always comes home on Friday. I…Important Papers

15 Please join our PTA. Wellington is lucky to have an active and supportive PTA. Let’s try to have 100% of our classes join and be involved in PTA! J…Join

16 K-PREP (Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress) is part of our testing system. Your child will take a reading and math test in the spring. It will contain multiple-choice and short answer questions. We will prepare all year by learning Common Core State Standards and test taking skills. K…K-PREP

17 Lunch is at 11:25 or 11:30. Please make sure your child’s cafeteria account stays current. When students owe money, they will receive a lunch charge letter. The cafeteria serves breakfast and lunch daily. If you do not wish for your child to buy extras, please inform the cafeteria manager. L…Lunch Money

18 Our math program is centered around Common Core State Math Standards. We will make every effort as a team to insure that your child’s individual math needs are met. They may or may not have their homeroom teacher for math. M…Math

19 We send a weekly newsletter on Friday and post it on our Third Grade website. It will provide you with valuable information about what is happening at school or upcoming events. It will also have the spelling words for the next week. N…Newsletter

20 We try to encourage a neat organized working environment. We promote keeping materials and papers in the appropriate places. O…Organization

21 Each afternoon we will list our activities for the day in the planner. This is an excellent conversation starter for you to use at home with your child about what he/she learned in class that day. The planner should be reviewed and signed each night by an adult. The planner is also a great way for you to communicate with us. The signed planner is considered part of your child’s nightly homework. P…Planners

22 Please contact us whenever you have a question or concern. We will do our best to answer questions and resolve all concerns immediately. Q…Questions/Concerns

23 Reading nightly is essential to your child’s growth as a reader. Please make sure that your child is reading at least 15 minutes per night. Please sign the planner reading log each night. The September reading log in the planner on page 10. R…Reading

24 and Report Cards Report cards are standards based and will be distributed four times during the school year.

25 Please check the website for the monthly calendar special schedule. id=2320 S…Specials Schedule

26 There will be two practice spelling pages for homework to help prepare for the test. The Spelling test will be given Friday. S…Spelling

27 Please make sure your child has his/her backpack and transportation tag each day. Students need their tag, especially if they ride the bus. We will make temporary tags for any student who doesn’t have their tag or needs to make a temporary change. T…Transportation Tags

28 Units of Study Science Plants and Animals Energy Transformation Fossils Earth Properties Objects in the Sky Weather Magnets Force and Motions Social Studies Rights and Responsibilities Geography My Community in the Past My Community in the Present Economics

29 Visitors must sign-in at the front office. You may visit your child during our lunch time. We respectfully ask that you not visit during instruction as this is often distracting to your child and other students who are learning. Please see our school visitor policy for specific details. V…Visitors

30 We welcome volunteers in our classrooms. If interested in volunteering or chaperoning on a field trip, you are required to fill out the district’s volunteer application. and Volunteers

31 Please visit our website for the newsletter, homework, and weekly updates. It is updated weekly and also has parent and student resources. W…Website

32 We are eXcited to work with You and Your child this year! Make sure he/she gets plenty of Zzzz's each night as we have exciting days planned for this year! X, Y and Z

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