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Charge effect The more electrons are on the same ring and the more protons are in the nucleus the smaller the atomic radius Opposite charges attract!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Charge effect The more electrons are on the same ring and the more protons are in the nucleus the smaller the atomic radius Opposite charges attract!!!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Charge effect The more electrons are on the same ring and the more protons are in the nucleus the smaller the atomic radius Opposite charges attract!!! Lithium Nitrogen

3 Shield Effect The more rings a Bohr’s model has, the larger the element Rings repel each other Makes element even larger!!! The higher the shield effect, the larger the atom!

4 Size Trend in the Periodic Table Size increases: Left ← Right Top ↓ Bottom

5 What is the largest element of the PT _____ the smallest element of the PT ______ Q: Which one is larger____ a) C or Si b) Si or Cl

6 Ionization Energy Energy needed to remove a valence e- from an element. high in small elements with a large charge effect low in large elements with a large shield effect a. Element with highest IE __________ b. Element with lowest IE ________

7 Circle the element with the higher IE: a) K or Kr b) Be or Ca

8 Journal Circle the element with the 1. Smaller radius a) Cu or Au b) Hg or Zn c) Ar or Na 2. Higher charge effect a) Kr or Brb) B or F c) K or Kr 3. Lower Ionization energy a) P or Oc) Mg or Sr c) N or Mn

9 Warm-up 1. List all metalloids 2. Sort Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np from Lowest→Highest a) Ionization Energy b) Atomic Number c) Radius 3. Are they solid/liquid/gases? 4. What type of metal are they?

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