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Middle Colonies Region PERSIA Notes. The Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were located on or near the Atlantic Coast, between the New England and Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle Colonies Region PERSIA Notes. The Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were located on or near the Atlantic Coast, between the New England and Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle Colonies Region PERSIA Notes

2 The Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were located on or near the Atlantic Coast, between the New England and Southern Colonies They were: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware

3 POLITICAL: Who Shall Rule?

4 ECONOMIC: How shall we eat?

5 RELIGION: What is the meaning of life?

6 SOCIAL: How shall we relate?

7 INTELLECTUAL: How shall we learn?

8 ARTISTIC: How shall we express ourselves?

9 Charles Wilson Peale Portrait of George Washington Benjamin West The Death of General Wolfe

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