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Mass – the amount of matter in an object Will not change according to location Weight – measures the gravitational pull on an object Depends on gravity,

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Presentation on theme: "Mass – the amount of matter in an object Will not change according to location Weight – measures the gravitational pull on an object Depends on gravity,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Mass – the amount of matter in an object Will not change according to location Weight – measures the gravitational pull on an object Depends on gravity, since different planets have different amounts of gravity, so the weight of objects will change on different planets.

3 Speed – the amount of time it takes an object to travel a certain distance Formula – S= D T EX : Josh runs 3 miles in 30 minutes. What is his speed? 3 miles =.10 miles/minute 30 minutes Velocity – speed of an object in a specific direction. Formula – use the formula for speed but be sure to include the direction EX: William drives his car 300 miles from Georgia to Florida. It takes him 5 hours. What was his velocity? 300 miles = 6 miles/hour 5 hours

4 Acceleration is a change in speed or direction An object is accelerating if it: speeds up, slows down, or changes directions Positive acceleration – when an object speeds up Negative acceleration – when an object slows down Positive acceleration Negative acceleration Calculate Acceleration A = Velocity 2 – Velocity 1 Change in Time

5 As the mass of an object increases, the acceleration will decrease If you want it to have the same acceleration, you must increase the force you apply As the force on an object increases, the acceleration will increase Calculating Newton’s 2 nd Law

6 Balanced force – does not cause a change in motion You could be moving at a constant velocity OR you could me not moving at all Unbalanced Force – causes a change in motion Would cause a change in motion like.. Speeding up, slowing down or changing directions 10 N 15 N Net Force = 0 Newtons Net Force = 5 Newtons Left

7 An object in motion will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted on by an unbalanced force Inertia – the tendency for an object to keep doing what it is doing. EX: when you are moving in a car, if the car stops your body is still in motion and tries to keep moving The more mass something has, the more inertia If the car stops, the person’s body remains in motion until the unbalanced force (seatbelt) stops them

8 For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction All forces act in pairs. Action – the gun pushes the bullet out Reaction – the bullet pushes back on the gun

9 Simple Machines do NOT make you do less work Work = Force x Distance Simple machines make work easier, by increasing the distance that you apply the input force

10 Earth’s gravity accelerates all objects towards the center of the earth at 9.8 m/s 2. That means, every second something fall, it will get 9.8 m/s faster. The strength of gravity depends on mass and distance The more mass an object has, the stronger its gravitational pull The bigger distance between objects, the less gravitational pull TimeSpeed 1 second10 m/s 2 second20 m/s 3 seconds30 m/s


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