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Unit 7: Great Depression  New Deal (1929-1941) FDR and the NEW DEAL.

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1 Unit 7: Great Depression  New Deal (1929-1941) FDR and the NEW DEAL

2 The Bonus Army/March  Made up of World War One veterans  Upset because the Gov’t denied their pensions  Together they Marched on Washington, 1932 Congregated around White House  In response we sent Gen. Douglas MacArthur He was made to Military evict them from D.C.  This caused Deep anger at gov’t  And…Deep class divisions 



5 1932 Election  1 out of 4 people were unemployed…  The national income was 50% of what it had been in 1929  Republicans nominated Hoover  no hope  winner by a landslide = FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT (Dem - N.Y. governor)

6 Roosevelt and the New Deal  Programs to address the Depression “Relief, Recovery, Reform”  the first phase of the New Deal dealt exclusively w/ economic reform unlike Hoover, FDR believed gov't legislation/involvement was crucial to stimulate the economy  step 1 - dealt w/ the banking crisis BANKING HOLIDAY- banks shut down and subject to gov't inspection, allowed to open when "healthy"- people's confidence returned  they re-deposited, allowing banks to invest in the economy

7 Immediate Responses, 1933  Federal Emergency Relief Act Federal funds for relief  National Industrial Recovery Act Fair work and competition codes Administration to enforce codes Guaranteed labor’s right to organize

8 New Deal Programs  Civilian Conservation Corps  Soil Conservation Service  These were agencies created by the New Deal that focused on: Soil Erosion Planting trees Irrigation and range management  /watch?v=qolPqXNGW3I /watch?v=qolPqXNGW3I

9 Tennessee Valley Authority Flood control, Electricity, Irrigation, work (jobs)

10 Works Progress Administration WPA  Biggest agency under the New Deal  1935 employed 8 million and raised $2 billion in funds Put people to work building bridges, reservoirs, irrigation, sewage, schools, playgrounds And provided them with education and training  Work Programs paid minimum wages, pulled them off charity and soup lines  Their slogan was: “We Work Again” Aw Aw

11 1935 Social Security Act  Created to provide a safety net for all Americans (target was senior citizens—who would collect this after paying in from their paychecks) This was done by taking a percentage of paycheck  Intended to supplement (not replace) income Would make people less inclined to “retire”

12 Financial System  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Insured individual bank deposits  Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulated trading practices in stocks and bonds

13 Agriculture  AGRUCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT (AAA) - passed in 1933 to aid farmers  its objective was to restore farmers' purchasing power and to restore the family farm  AAA had farmers cut back on crop production by paying them equivalent SUBSIDIES (paid not to produce)  EX: Food Stamp Act of 1939 - gave away surplus food to poor, also guaranteed (small) farmers a market

14 AAA…the bad  1) food production down when millions were starving  2) Black sharecroppers were hurt: white landowners paid not to farm so they got rid of Black tenant farmers  in 1935, AAA was declared unconstitutional by courts (too much control over individual states), so it was revised and introduced as new legislation

15 Propaganda/Education  Government Promotional Film 

16 Water and the West  Bureau of Reclamation  One of the projects was the: Hoover Dam Water for L.A.(CALIFORNIA), Imperial Valley, Phoenix, and power for region  Central Valley Project harnessed the Sacramento River Water storage, irrigation, hydro-electricity Federal-corporate alliance Earned $2.5 billion by 1935

17 Hoover Dam

18 Grand Coulee Dam  Columbia River, 1941  Largest concrete structure in the world  Created a 150 mile lake  Actually created too much power Bonneville Power Administration was formed Powered 70% of Northwest


20 Public Art and Culture Agencies were created to focus on the arts Federal Writers Project Theater  Sent people out to record/preserve oral histories of slavery, folk lore, Indian stories, Mexican Revolution, cowboys, frontier life, etc  National cultural resources and heritage  Federal Arts Program BBKU&feature=related BBKU&feature=related

21 Federal Theatre Project

22 Writer’s & Theater Project

23 WPA Posters

24 Travel through the West

25 New Deal Work Mural

26 ELECTION OF 1936  FDR won easily (v Repub. Alf Landon - Kansas governor)  this victory gave FDR a mandate to continue his New Deal policies  first objective: to reorganize the Supreme Court - they disallowed some New Deal legislation

27 FDR Court Packing??  FDR wants # of judges changed from 9 to15 (to "pack the court") The congress had great opposition, so FDR w/drew this proposal  but judges retired & FDR got to appoint new ones they approved all New Deal legislation

28 End of the Depression  Federal spending on an unprecedented level failed to stop it  The largest entrance of the federal government into the American economy  Made the federal government into a “broker state” between labor and capital  Social programs and “safety net”  Brought fed gov’t into the lives of nearly all Westerners  WWII ended the Depression

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