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Physical Science 3. Lesson 1 Activity 1.1 Watch video to set-up the Magnetic Cannon Login to Activity 1.1 Spend 15 minutes recording observations on.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science 3. Lesson 1 Activity 1.1 Watch video to set-up the Magnetic Cannon Login to Activity 1.1 Spend 15 minutes recording observations on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science 3

2 Lesson 1

3 Activity 1.1 Watch video to set-up the Magnetic Cannon Login to Activity 1.1 Spend 15 minutes recording observations on the following: watching what happens as the cannon fires. changing the number of balls on the shooting side. holding the single ball and letting the cannon move, in reverse, toward it.

4 Brainstorm for After Activity Answer on paper How did the steel ball that flew out move compared to the steel ball that rolled toward the magnet? Why do you think that happened? (Shoulder Partner) What evidence supports your claim? (Shoulder Partner) Did it make a difference whether one, two, three, or four steel balls were attached to the magnets? Did it make a difference if you used one or two magnets? What happened to the magnets and the steel balls connected to them during the collision and firing? If they moved, did they move forward or backward? Why do you think that happened? Did the outgoing steel ball have more or less kinetic energy than the incoming steel ball? Where did this extra kinetic energy come from?


6 Activity 1.2: Driving Question Board Make a list of questions about the Magnetic Cannon and what makes things move the way they do 1) Starting and stopping motion 2) changing and describing motion 3) the relationship between forces and energy (Create 2 questions per number for a total of 6 questions)

7 As a Group Choose the best question for each of the category. Place on a sticky note and then we will read them and post them.

8 Group #Starting and Stopping Motion Changing and describing motion The relationship between forces and energy

9 Lesson 2 Activity 2.1

10 Reading Follow-Up: 1.2 Newton’s Cradle What do you think causes the ball to shoot out? Why do the balls shoot out differently? How do you compare Newton’s Cradle with the Magnetic Cannon?

11 Activity 2.1 What is a force? A push or pull Students will visit each of four stations (six to seven minutes per station) and use the idea of forces to explain what they observe as they investigate each device. At each station, a card describes a procedure for them to follow. They should talk in their groups to answer the same three questions for each device:

12 Answer these questions at each station Which components of the device affect its motion? Construct a diagram of the device that shows these components. What are the forces acting on the components of the device that influence its motion? Add these forces to the diagram. How does the device work? Use the diagram as a model to explain their ideas.

13 4 th Per. Groups Station 1 A : Alex, Gabby, Suzanne B: Elissa, Adrian, Station 2 A: Judah, Brittany, B: Evan, Dalton, Megan Station 3 A: Zach, Naomi, Caleb B: Jonathan, Katelyn, Station 4 A: Cheyenne, Armando B: Amil, Jason, Dillon

14 5 th Per. Groups Station 1 A: Chris, Rolaunda, Julian H B: Damani, Rachel,Coleman Station 2 A: Justin, Julianna T., Kennedy B: Kelsey, Sarah, Julian M Station 3 A: Kyle, Josh, Amelia B: Natasha, Hana, Station 4 A: Kieran, JulianneG, Jovanna B: Jada, Austin

15 Per 6. Groups Station 1 A: Craig, Kyre, Isaih B: Maya, Tara, Ricky Station 2 A: Jeannina, Kirsten, Bella B: Tara, John Station 3 A: Shizu, Tay, Montez B: Geanne, Kurtis Station 4 A: Julia, Caitlyn, Chris B: Hannah, Jackie, Nick

16 Activity 2.2 Systems and Contact Forces

17 Brainstorm What have you learned about how scientists talk about ‘systems’? What makes something a system?” Each of the four devices can be called a system because it is composed of multiple components that interact with each other..

18 Vehicle Pulling Another Vehicle Consider a vehicle trying to pull another vehicle with a rope. What are the components of the system that influence its motion? (two vehicles, the rope connecting them, the ground/mud, and the planet Earth [the source of gravity])

19 Which components interact with one another? Components interact with each other if they apply a force to each other—that is, if they pull or push each other. Each component interacts with the components that are next to it because they touch, and by touching, each applies a force to the other. Earth interacts with everything because its gravity pulls on everything. An object does not interact with itself. A force that is the result of two objects touching each other is called a contact force

20 High Five Do a high five or fist bump. Did you feel a force when your hands met? What was the direction of the force you felt. For each pair, were the forces acting on your hands going in opposite directions? Can you do a high five so that only one hand pushes but does not feel pushed back? Did you feel anything against your hand How did you feel the other hand? The reason you “feel something” is that when two things touch, they apply a force to one another.

21 Pushing the Wall Push a wall. This is another example of a pair of forces that act in opposite directions. While there are two forces, each object (the person, the wall) applies one force and is subjected to the other.

22 Ladder The ladder is pushing the wall in one direction but is being pushed by the wall in the opposite direction. Contact forces are acting in opposite directions. Each object (the ladder, the wall) applies one force and is subjected to the other.

23 Shoe on a Shelf “If the shoe pushes down on the shelf, what does the shelf do?”

24 Pressing for Understanding When people push each other, is there one force acting or two? How many forces does each person apply? How many forces does each person feel? Are you pushing down on your chairs? Are your chairs pushing up on you? Can you think of an example where contact forces are not paired? CONTACT FORCES ALWAYS COME IN PAIRS

25 Car in Tow In every example we examined (High Five, Pushing the Wall, Ladder Leaning against the Wall, and Shoe on a Shelf), the objects pushed each other. Do you think that pull forces also come in pairs? What happens in a tug-of- war? When you do chin-ups, you pull the bar, but does it pull you as well? If it does not, then why do you not fall down? When one vehicle pulls the stuck vehicle forward, is the first vehicle being pulled backward? If not, then why is it so hard for the vehicle to go forward? All contact forces, pushes or pulls, come in pairs. If one force is a push, then the other one will be a push as well; if one is a pull, the other will also be a pull. This means that the pairs always act in opposite directions.

26 Activity 2.3 Forces That Act at A Distance

27 Review of Homework Draw arrows for the interactions Are the forces push pairs or pull pairs, or a mixture of both? In the sandwich example, the vehicle-rope-vehicle scenario, and in many other problems, the objects involved have weight due to their being pulled by Earth’s gravity. Is an object’s weight paired to another force, like contact forces, or does it exist on its own?

28 GRAVITY and MAGNETISM: Forces that act at a distance The force between Earth and other objects is different from contact forces. There does not need to be contact between Earth and other objects for there to be a force between them. In these cases, the objects being pulled down by Earth are not in contact with it. Since gravity is felt whether or not you are in contact with Earth, the reason for the force is not contact. Gravity and Magnetism are called forces that acts at a distance.

29 Go to Activity 2.3

30 Summarizing 2.3 Do gravitational forces come in pairs? What force makes the moon go around Earth? Does the moon also pull on Earth?” (Yes; tides are an example of the moon’s gravitational pull on Earth. The reason our bodies do not feel the moon’s gravity is because the moon is much farther away than Earth, so its pull is much weaker, just as the magnets’ pull or push got weaker as they got farther apart. Similarly, the reason the moon goes around Earth rather than Earth around the moon is that Earth’s mass is much greater than that of the moon. Although the moon pulls Earth as Earth pulls the moon, only the moon revolves about the other because it is much lighter than the other.

31 Balloon and Paper Were the pieces of paper pulled toward the balloon before they touched it? (Yes, because otherwise they would not leap up toward the balloon, but would have stayed on the table until the balloon touched them.) It appears that electrical forces act at a distance, but then why does not the balloon jump toward the pieces of paper? (Although the balloon is light, it is much heavier than the pieces of paper. It is also being held. So the effect of the attractive forces between the balloon and the paper are only seen on the paper.

32 This molecule is made of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms, one on each side. What does it mean for atoms to be “bonded”? What holds them together? Think of the CO2 molecule as a system with three components and interactions between them. These interactions are forces; the forces between the atoms are electrical forces. Do the atoms actually touch each other or do they just get close enough to get attached? (atoms do not touch each other, so the electrical force must be a force that acts at a distance.) Does the carbon atom pull on the oxygen atoms without the oxygen atoms pulling on it? Do the oxygen atoms do all the pulling, or do all pull each other? What about an O2 molecule? Does one of the oxygen atoms do all the pulling or do both pull each other? Is there a reason one oxygen atom should act differently than the other? Is there any reason why things should be different with the CO2 molecule? Can we conclude that electrical forces act in pairs, in the following way?

33 Scientific Principles Every two objects that touch apply a contact force to each other. All forces always come in pairs, in opposite directions

34 Lesson 2.4 Putting Things Together

35 Reading 2.3 Review Let’s Review What forces could we draw with this? What is happening?


37 1st Per. Groups Station 1: Balloon Rocket A : Shane, Eric, Michael B: Raven, McKayla, Station 2: Floating Magnets A: Wes, Tyler, Jacob B: Logan, Taylor Dupuis, Liam Station 3: Air Powered Car A: Del, Vinny, Keyshawn B: Taylor Dennard, Just’us Station 4: Magnetic Cannon A: Izzy, Anthony, Jupiter B: Sophie, Amanda, Jonathan


39 Revisiting Stations Now we will revisit stations to make sure we know what pairs of forces are acting together. Draw each of the apparatus as a block drawing with arrows representing them. You will have 4 mins per station to look back over the device. After lab, use white boards to draw the apparatus you have been selected to draw.

40 Activity 3.1 Objects That Begin Moving

41 Why Does this Happen? Can you explain why the last ball shoots out in the magnetic cannon?

42 What is Happening Here Tennis Ball Why does this happen? Rubber Band/Marble Why does this happen? Can you provide an explanation that will be the same for both the tapped tennis ball and for the marble?

43 Draw a Forces Table like the Activities

44 1) Each object (the tennis ball and the marble) is subjected to three forces. What are these three forces? (the downward pull of Earth due to gravity, the upward push of the table [a contact force], and a sidewise force due to the hand or the rubber band) 2) Which of these three forces do both objects have in common? Both objects are subjected to the pull of Earth and the push of the table.) 3) In which direction do these common forces act? 4) Which of the three forces that each object is subjected to was present before they began moving? the pull of Earth and the push of the table) Did these two forces cause the objects to start moving? No, otherwise they would have made the objects move even before they were tapped or pushed by the rubber band.)

45 5) Which forces were felt by the two objects and acted in the direction in which they began moving? (the horizontal push of the hand tapping the tennis ball and the horizontal push of the rubber band on the marble) The tennis ball began moving because a tapping force was applied to it. Overall Ideas The marble began moving because the rubber band applied a force to it Can you give an explanation for why both the tennis ball and the marble began to move The beginning of motion is always caused by forces.

46 Go to IQWST 3.1 and answer questions

47 Lesson 3.2

48 Lesson 4.1

49 Introduction Elastic is used to describe any object that returns to its original shape after being stretched or compressed. Check whether the spring in the spring scale gets stretched by the same amount each time the same mass is hung from it. Check whether the spring in the spring scale returns to its original shape each time after the mass hanging from it is removed. Check to see if there is any relation between the amount the spring gets stretched by a mass hanging from it and the size of the mass. Suggest a way to tell the size of a mass by the amount it makes the spring get stretche

50 Design the Experiment Ask a group to describe how they checked whether the spring got stretched by the same amount each time they hung the same mass. Have them describe their experimental setup and what they measured. the setup controls all influences, other than the weight of the masses, which could affect the results; students measured or calculated the elongation of the spring; and students made multiple measurements of the spring’s elongation for the same mass.

51 Ask students if the springs returned to their original lengths each time after the masses hanging from them were removed. How do they know this? “What patterns do you see in our data?” (The spring stretches more when a greater mass is hung from it.) Ask: “How can you use these results to predict how much the spring would stretch if a different mass was hung from it?” Ask if any group made a graph of the spring’s elongation versus the mass hung on it. Ask why they decided to do so. Explain that a graph is a tool that will help them predict how much the spring will stretch in different situations. Give students a few minutes to make this graph in their activity sheets. Draw the following axis on the board without erasing the table of masses and elongations.

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