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Emmanuel Tsesmelis RRB Scrutiny Group Meeting 30-31 August 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Emmanuel Tsesmelis RRB Scrutiny Group Meeting 30-31 August 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emmanuel Tsesmelis RRB Scrutiny Group Meeting 30-31 August 2010

2  Meeting held on 13 August 2010 between representatives of LHC experiments and EN Department to review Service Level Agreements (SLAs).  EN Department – S. Prodon  ALICE – C. Decosse, W. Riegler  ATLAS – M. Nordberg  CMS – A. Ball, A. Charkiewicz  LHCb – C. D’Ambrosio  TOTEM – S. Giani (apologies; discussed afterwards)  RRB SG – E. Tsesmelis

3  Other SLAs with the experiments may be consulted at the Workspace for the LHC RRB SG.   Such meetings will be called in the future on occasions when existing SLAs are coming to an end or are in need of review.

4  Current agreement (EDMS 658953 of October 2005) covers period 2005-2010.  Review of cost estimates is required to cover future years of LHC operation.  EN Department is preparing relevant input data on which the M&O cost estimates will be based and which will be validated by the experiments.  Data includes list of equipment serving the experiments and the M&O cost per equipment.  Available by end August 2010.  Experiment TCs and RCs will be requested to sign- off on resulting new agreement.

5  Separate SLA exists for detector cooling.  Costs for provision of dry air and the inertion system not yet documented in an agreement.  ALICE & CMS request preparation of such an agreement.  These are the LHC experiments that currently use such services.

6  Heavy-handling  Agreements are in place between the EN/HE Group & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage.  Magnet Power Supplies  Agreements are in place between the TE/PO and the TE/EPC Groups & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage.  Experimental Area  Agreements are in place between the EN/MEF Group & the LHC experiments and no further action is needed at this stage.

7  Underlying document describing support provided by CERN as host lab to the experiments is:  General Conditions Applicable to Experiments at CERN.  Changes with respect to this document should be flagged to the RRB SG.

8  Video Conference  Clarification requested on the roll-out schedule for the new video conferencing system VYDEO that will be replacing EVO.  Roll-out schedule will affect the M&O costs.  Period of transition between the two systems should be understood further.

9  IT ORACLE DATABASE  Agreement detailing costs for provision of IT ORACLE DATABASE needs to be completed and should include the relevant estimated costs.  Current document is at Workspace of the LHC RRB Scrutiny Group ( sg/2009/default.aspx). sg/2009/default.aspx  Technical Engineering Support  Experiments underlined that continued support from CERN for detector survey & experimental beam pipes is crucial for experiments and machine.

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