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 Renewable Resources: will renew themselves within an average human lifespan  Non-Renewable Resources: take millions of years to renew themselves. Essentially.

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2  Renewable Resources: will renew themselves within an average human lifespan  Non-Renewable Resources: take millions of years to renew themselves. Essentially once we have used it up it is gone.

3  Canada is 3 rd in the world in production and extraction of minerals. Total $32 billion worth in 2009.  Highest producer of uranium, third highest in nickel, first in potash worldwide. Also major producer of oil.  Non-renewable

4  3 types: ◦ Strip mining: used to recover materials very close to surface ◦ Open pit mining: used to recover materials close to surface but that may go deeper ◦ Shaft or underground mining: used to recover materials that are buried very deep in the earth

5  CRISIS!!!!!! ◦ Emissions from mines, plants and transportation are contributing to pollution and acid rain ◦ Native land claims ignored ◦ Exporting without refining (exporting jobs) ◦ Abandoned mines (remedial measures) ◦ Industry vulnerable to world price changes ◦ Exhausting reserves (running out) ◦ New deposits are being discovered worldwide ◦ Certain towns depend on their mine (Sudbury)

6  3 main fisheries in Canada: Atlantic, Pacific and Freshwater  Total value of Canadian fisheries in 2010: $26.4 billion  Renewable

7  Atlantic Canada is a perfect fishing spot because the water is very shallow: ◦ Labrador Current and Gulf Stream meet and churn up nutrients that are essential for plankton (a major part of the diet of many fish)

8  CRISIS!!!!! The Canadian fisheries collapsed in the early 90’s: ◦ Overfished because of-  New technologies – trawlers  Uncontrolled foreign fishing

9  3 types of cutting: ◦ Clear Cutting ◦ Shelterwood Cutting – partial clear cutting ◦ Selective Cutting - only harvesting mature trees of desired size, type and quality  Renewable

10  Most prominent in B.C., Québec, Ontario, Alberta  Total value in 2010: $26 billion

11  CRISIS!!!!! ◦ Clear cutting too much, not leaving enough trees ◦ Pollution from factories and transportation is contributing to acid rain

12  In the 1880’s 80% of Canadian families were farmers, now only about 3% are  Renewable

13  Four main things farmed in Canada: Wheat, Beef & Cattle, Dairy and Livestock and Vegetables  Less farmers are needed to handle more land because of increased mechanization and better technology VS.

14  CRISIS!!! ◦ Soil erosion, fertile land is diminishing because some farmers don’t rotate their crops often enough and soil is also becoming contaminated by pesticides Agriculture

15  Conventional sources: oil, natural gas, coal, hydro, nuclear  Alternative: wind, solar  Renewable/Non-renewable

16  Oil and gas are normally found together because they are both formed by compression of organic materials over thousands/millions of years  The Alberta Oil Sands are a major source of our oil production

17  CRISIS!!! ◦ Running out of fossil fuels and alternative methods are very expensive

18   

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