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Presentation on theme: "WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT OCCURS March 2015 Safety Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT OCCURS March 2015 Safety Training

2 TRAINING GOALS Understand steps needed immediately after an injury occurs Report the accident to your Supervisor Complete the paperwork Future accident prevention Injured employee responsibility

3 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Get to a safe place Making sure everyone is safe can prevent further injuries, this is especially true after a vehicle accident There may be times when it is not appropriate to move someone to a safe place, so be sure to assess the situation and respond appropriately – Emergency Service Responders can assist if asked (i.e., 911) If an auto accident, when possible move the vehicle out of the roadway so it is not blocking others from passing safely.

4 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Check for injuries and get help if needed Call 911 in cases of emergency For example: 911: Lots of blood, Chest pains, Passing out/unconscious, Breathing problems, Severe allergic reaction, etc. Send to Kings Industrial Occupational Medical Center for non-emergency medical care Consider if person can/should drive themselves; if not another employee should provide transportation within departmental guidelines For example: Basic broken bones (x-ray, set, cast), Dislocated shoulder, Sprains, Strains, Minor lacerations (stitches), Etc. Administer first aid if needed & you are trained/certified

5 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Stay calm Try to keep yourself and those around you calm Take pictures if are able Taking pictures of where an accident occurred can help you remember details of the incident and during the resulting investigation Send pictures to your Supervisor and/or the HR Department; auto accident pictures will go to the Finance Department

6 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Auto accidents in a KCAO vehicle If you are involved in a vehicle accident that occurred in California, you must report it to DMV if: There was property damage of more than $750 or Anyone was injured (no matter how minor) or Anyone was killed. Each driver must make a report to DMV within 10 days, whether you caused the accident or not and even if the accident occurred on private property. Mail the completed report form to the address on the form. Traffic Accident Report (SR 1) e5ea-4b88-9322-c0f8330862f9/sr1.pdf?MOD=AJPERES e5ea-4b88-9322-c0f8330862f9/sr1.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

7 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Auto accidents in a KCAO vehicle Follow the same steps as above and while still at the scene Get as much information as possible, including: Insurance information Company name and contact information Policy number Names and contact information of those involved in the accident and possible witnesses Take pictures Call law enforcement (police, sheriff, etc.). You will need a report from them to turn into the Finance Department for insurance purposes. If the police come, be cooperative and tell them what you know…don’t speculate!

8 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Auto accidents in a KCAO vehicle If the vehicle needs to be towed, find out where the vehicle is being taken, including the phone number if possible After an auto accident, remember to NOT say It’s all my fault (even if it is) My Insurance will pay for everything It’s okay, I have full coverage After an accident, people have a tendency to over explain. Answer police questions as best you can. Remember, “I don’t know” is acceptable when it is the truth.

9 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Auto accidents in a KCAO vehicle Speculating about what must have happened will muddy the waters for the Claims person with the insurance company. Don’t lose your cool…even if the other driver does! Accidents get the adrenaline pumping, and fear and anger are natural responses. Do you know where the registration and insurance cards are in the vehicle(s) you drive?

10 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Reporting an accident Report an auto accident to your Supervisor (who will report the accident to the Finance Department). Report a injury/incident to your Supervisor (who will report the accident to the Human Resources Department). If injured in an auto accident, two reports will need to be made

11 WHAT TO DO AFTER AN ACCIDENT Complete the paperwork Your Supervisor will work with you to complete the paperwork and send to the appropriate department. Make sure you give a short and complete description of the accident. For example, when completing an injury report: It was raining, the lighting was poor and I slipped on the concrete walkway near the front entrance. My right foot twisted and I fell backward to the ground, landing on my tailbone, hitting my right elbow and back of right shoulder.

12 PREVENTING FUTURE ACCIDENTS Check to see if any furniture, fixtures or other items involved in the accident may have been the cause. With your Supervisor, document that you have checked the item(s) and note anything that may have been the cause of the accident. If there is reason to believe the item(s) may have been the cause of the accident do not throw the item away, and notify Human Resources. Store the item(s) in a safe area where others are not able to use the item – make sure a note is attached to not use or throw away the item. Brainstorm ideas on how this accident could have been prevented and if there is anything that needs to be done so no other like accidents occur in future.

13 PREVENTING FUTURE ACCIDENTS What else can you think to check on and discuss for possible change/updating? A few ideas… Lighting Is the area well lit, dim or maybe both Walkway Is the area walkway clear of debris and smooth to walk on Is the indoor walkway clear of sharp corners, paperwork, etc. Footwear/Clothing Are you wearing the correct footwear or clothing to ensure your safety (height of shoe heel, billowy sleeves/trouser leg, etc.)

14 PREVENTING FUTURE ACCIDENTS You have identified some items that could be improved from a safety perspective…now what? Talk to you Supervisor Make a plan of action for the needed changes, if the change can be made easily and with minimal cost Be patient, not everything can happen immediately if it is a costly fix Keep communicating…our safety is important

15 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES Once an accident occurs, the employee is responsible to: Report the incident/injury Seek medical care if able and appropriate Follow the healthcare practitioners orders Take medicine as prescribed, if applicable Go to follow up appointments as scheduled, if applicable Complete therapy or exercises as directed, if applicable Cooperate with any investigations that may occur (internal and external) Contact the healthcare practitioner directly if incurring pain you are not able to control

16 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES Other responsibilities: The time away from work for the initial doctor’s appointment is paid for by KCAO. After this, all appointments, therapy, etc. are not. Most employee’s use sick or vacation time, some go unpaid. Communicate with your Supervisor before scheduling appointments, therapy, etc. Communicate with your Supervisor about any calls or other appointments that may be coming up.

17 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES Other responsibilities: KCAO will make every attempt to modify work tasks if the injured employee has limitations (hours, weight, walking, standing, etc.). The injured employee is expected to work within the limitations and perform tasks as assigned. Try to keep your life and work as much the same as possible during the time in which you are recovering from an injury. This “normalcy” can speed the healing process.

18 Q & A What questions do you have?

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