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Sport Clubs Handbook Guide Health & Safety. INSURANCE The University and Division of Recreational Sports does not provide any type of insurance for sport.

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Presentation on theme: "Sport Clubs Handbook Guide Health & Safety. INSURANCE The University and Division of Recreational Sports does not provide any type of insurance for sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sport Clubs Handbook Guide Health & Safety

2 INSURANCE The University and Division of Recreational Sports does not provide any type of insurance for sport club participants  Strongly recommended members have an annual physical examination & medical/health insurance University Health Service does not pay for physicals, emergency room treatments, or hospital stays

3 SAFETY CERTIFICATIONS All clubs must have two certified First Aid/CPR/AED members prior to October 1 st  Rec Sports offers classes at $27  May receive training outside of Rec Sports but must submit documentation of certification (usually much more expensive option)

4 BLOOD BORNE PATHOGENS In the case of blood on the playing area, suspend all play until the area is properly cleaned Must have Blood Borne Pathogens training to be allowed to clean blood borne pathogens (bodily fluids – blood, urine, etc.)  Rec Sports will facilitate cleanup within indoor facilities Highly recommended that each club have members trained in Blood Borne Pathogens at each practice and competition

5 INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event of inclement weather the Sport Clubs staff will make every attempt to notify your club of cancelled practice or events  Decisions will be made by 3:30pm  Call the Weather Hotline for up to date field cancellations (608-262-4756 ext 4)  Cancellations posted to Rec Sports Twitter/Facebook Participant safety and field preservation will always be considered above any other factors

6 INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event inclement weather occurs during practice, the club should suspend play immediately  Consider participant safety and preserving field conditions  Do not attempt to finish practice  Be preventative and monitor weather patterns Weather radios may be checked out from Nat towel room

7 INCLEMENT WEATHER PROTOCOLS Severe Thunderstorm Warning – Heavy rain, lightning, and/or strong wind gusts  Take shelter immediately Tornado Watch – Conditions are conducive to a tornado forming  Activities may be suspended Tornado Warning – Tornado has been sited or indicated by Doppler radar in the immediate area  Take shelter immediately Flooding – High water and fast rising water  Activities may be suspended

8 LIGHTNING POLICY Lightning Policy – 30/30 Rule  <30 seconds between lightning flash and sound of thunder, seek shelter immediately  Suspend play for at least 30 minutes During supervised special events, supervisors will monitor weather and lightening and suspend play as needed  Utilize same weather detection service as Athletics

9 SEEKING SHELTER In the case of inclement weather, seek shelter in the following areas:  Far West Fields - Seek shelter in the Nielsen Tennis Stadium  Natatorium/Gym II - Proceed to the locker rooms  SERF - Proceed to the locker rooms  Lathrop Hall - Proceed to the basement hallway  SHELL - Proceed to the area between the bleachers and locker rooms  Nielsen Tennis Stadium - Proceed to the squash courts  Off-campus - Check with the site supervisor for designated shelters or safe zones

10 DEFINING EMERGENCIES Emergency situations include any incident for which there is an imminent serious threat to life, limb, property, or environment and require immediate attention by professionals (fire department, ambulance, police department, facility services)  Examples include fire, flooding, injury, etc. Non-critical events are situations that occur that need attention but do not require immediate attention by professionals  This may include minor injuries, damaged facilities, etc.  This can typically be handled by a building supervisor AND form submission on WIN

11 EMERGENCY CONTACT CARDS Each club will receive (2) emergency contact cards at the start of each school year  Cards contain emergency numbers of Sport Clubs Professional Staff members  Only use in the case of an emergency  Keep cards in an easily accessible location

12 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFO In the event of an emergency call the following: 911 UW Police (if after hours): 608-262-2957 Ashley Lax – Coordinator of Competitive Sports  Office: 608-890-1493  Cell: 931-378-4008 (Emergency Only) Chad Schultz– Coordinator of Competitive Sports  Office: 608-262-9398  Cell: 920-420-8383 (Emergency Only)

13 FIRST AID KITS Clubs are required to check out First Aid Kit prior to all travel  Any club member may pick up in Sport Clubs Office  3 strike policy regarding not travelling with travel materials First Aid Kits  Includes necessary First Aid supplies (tape, band aids, sunscreen, etc.)  Keep track of used items on inventory sheet in travel binder  Notify staff of items used upon check in (inventory sheet)  Notify staff if there are supplies you would like to see in the First Aid Kits

14 TRAVEL BINDERS Clubs are required to check out Travel Binder prior to all travel Travel Binders  May be picked up by any Club member  Include valuable travel information & guidelines  Provide copy of health waivers for emergencies Emergency Health Information  Travel binders will include a sealed envelope containing emergency health information for all travelers ›Information includes emergency contact information, allergies, medicines, medical history, etc.  Do no open sealed envelop unless an emergency ›If envelope comes back opened, professional staff should have been contacted during the emergency

15 EMS SYSTEM Any injury/incident involving emergency personnel (EMS, UPD, 911)  Immediately find Facility Supervisor and/or call 911  MUST be reported to your Sport Clubs Admin immediately ›Utilize emergency contact cards  Submit Accident Report Form on WIN Any non life threatening injury/incident requiring further follow-up (ER, Doctor, Orthopedic Institute, etc.)  Submit Accident Report Form on WIN  Report to your liaison after practice

16 REPORTING INJURIES All injuries must be reported to the proper personal At a supervised facility (Rec Facilities, Lathrop) ›Alert onsite supervisory staff immediately ›Submit Accident Report Form on WIN ›Contact liaison with basic details Unsupervised facility (outdoor fields, off campus, travel) ›Submit Accident Report Form on WIN ›Contact liaison with basic details

17 ACCIDENT REPORTS Club officers are required to submit an accident report for all injuries which occur during club activity (practices, events, & travel)  Must be submitted on WIN within 24 hours of the injury, or immediately upon return to Madison  When in doubt, fill one out! Keep a report in the club files

18 CONCUSSIONS Concussion: an injury to the head that causes the brain to function abnormally If you suspect a teammate has a concussion or exhibits signs of a concussion remove them from play immediately All concussions are serious!  Do not hide your injury, or try to ‘tough it out’

19 SIGNS OF CONCUSSIONS The following signs and symptoms may be apparent if the individual is concussed: SignsSymptoms Headache or pressure in the head Troubles concentrating Sensitivity to light or noiseTrouble remembering things Confusion or fogginessDouble or blurry vision Problem balancingFatigue, sleepiness Nausea or vomitingJust not feeling right

20 RETURN TO PLAY Return to Play Policy  If a participant is injured and referred to a physician by outside AT/EMT, participant will need physician’s note to be allowed to return to play When an EMT/AT is present, their decisions are final On site supervision has the authority to restrict play until documentation from an authorized provider gives permission to return to play

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