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3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson. 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Are you:  Someone who automatically answers, “Yes, of course I’ll do whatever you need.”  Someone.

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Presentation on theme: "3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson. 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Are you:  Someone who automatically answers, “Yes, of course I’ll do whatever you need.”  Someone."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson

2 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Are you:  Someone who automatically answers, “Yes, of course I’ll do whatever you need.”  Someone who sometimes fills “overwhelmed”.  Someone who has a desire to serve the Lord.  Someone who wants to learn what the Lord wants to have happen.

3 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson You’ve come to the right place. Let’s learn together.

4 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK The family history organization in stakes and wards exists to help members identify their ancestors, link them into families, and ensure that temple ordinances are performed for them. Under the direction of the stake presidency, the high council adviser with responsibility for temple and family history work oversees this work in the stake.

5 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Under the direction of the bishopric, the high priests group leader (or a member of the elders quorum presidency where there is no high priests group leader) is the priesthood leader with direct responsibility for coordinating temple and family history work in the ward. THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK

6 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK Changes of Emphasis –  The calling of brothers and sisters as family history consultants is essential to the success of temple and family history activities. New emphasis is placed upon encouraging consultants to reach out to every individual and family in the ward, a few families at a time, to help them begin or expand their temple and family history efforts.

7 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Changes of Emphasis –  New members of the Church 12 years of age and older are encouraged to obtain Limited-use Temple Recommends and go to the temple to be baptized and confirmed for their own ancestors as soon as possible after baptism. THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK

8 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK Changes of Emphasis –  The high priests group leader, as a part of his responsibility for temple and family history work in the ward, coordinates with the priesthood executive committee and ward council to identify individuals and families with whom the family history consultants could work individually.

9 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK Changes in Organization –  The positions of stake family history consultant, ward family history consultant, and family history center staff have been discontinued. These positions have been combined into a single ward position called family history consultant. Family history centers will be staffed by consultants from wards within the stake or stakes in which the centers exist. Consultants may also provide family history training as assigned.

10 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson THE NEW CHURCH HANDBOOK Changes in Organization –  The positions of ward family history extraction director and ward family history record extraction workers have been discontinued. Family record extraction callings are stake callings. Those serving as family record extraction directors, assistant directors, and extraction workers are now called by or under the direction of the stake presidency.

11 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Stake Presidency FH Responsibilities  Oversees Temple & Family History work in the Stake, as outlined in the “Stake Administration” section of Book 1.  Assigns one or more High Councilors who are members of the Stake Melchizedek Priesthood committee to help oversee Temple & Family History work. Family History on the Stake Level

12 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson High Council Adviser FH Responsibilities  Becomes knowledgeable in Temple & Family History work & assists the Stake Presidency in instructing other leaders & members.  Instructs High Priests Group and Elders Quorum leaders in their Temple & Family History Responsibilities.  Ensures that the Stake, Wards, & Quorums are organized to do Temple & FH work. Family History on the Stake Level

13 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Meets regularly with the Stake Presidency to report on Temple & FH work and to receive counsel.  Recommends when the Stake should participate in the Family Record Extraction Program & oversees the program. High Council Adviser FH Responsibilities Family History on the Stake Level

14 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Recommends the establishment & placement of Family History Centers.  Recommends individuals to be called as family history center directors, family records extraction directors, and extraction workers.  Oversees the operation of Family History Centers & Family Record Extraction Programs through those called as directors. High Council Adviser FH Responsibilities Family History on the Stake Level

15 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Makes assignments to wards to provide family history consultants to staff each family history center in the stake.  Reviews Family History Center audits and works with directors to ensure compliance with policy & financial controls. High Council Adviser FH Responsibilities Family History on the Stake Level

16 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson STAKE STRUCTURE Stake Presidency HIGH COUNCIL ADVISOR Family History Center Director Called by Stake Presidency Family History Consultants With assignment to work in FHC Called by Bishops Stake Family Record Extraction Director Called by Stake Presidency Extraction Workers called by Stake Presidency High Priest Group Leaders HC Advisor Trains in leading temple & family history efforts in the wards

17 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Family History on a Ward Level BISHOPRI C  Oversees temple & Family History work in the Ward.  Responsibilities outlined in the “Ward Administration” section Book 1.

18 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Coordinates temple & family history work in the ward.  Reports on temple & family history activity in the Priesthood Executive Committee and Ward Council Meetings and receives direction from the Bishopric. Family History on a Ward Level High Priests Group Leader

19 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Works with the Priesthood Executive Committee & Ward Council to identify individuals and families that family history consultants could work with individually. Family History on a Ward Level High Priests Group Leader

20 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Ensures that enough family history consultants are called to meet the needs of the ward, including those needed to fulfill the ward’s assignment to support the Family History Center in the Stake. Family History on a Ward Level High Priests Group Leader

21 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Helps consultants fulfill their responsibilities.  Recommends individuals to serve as family record extraction workers. Family History on a Ward Level High Priests Group Leader

22 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson WARD STRUCTURE Bishopric High Priests Group Leader Family History Consultants With assignment to work in FHC Family History Consultant With assignment to Teach FH Sunday School Class Family History Consultant With assignment to Work with New Members Family History Consultant With Assignment To give Technical Support

23 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Family History Consultant’s most important role is to: Help members prepare names to do Temple Work to do Temple Work

24 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Qualities needed for a FH Consultant  Comfortable with the computers and the Internet (or willing to learn) and able to help others.  Should be skilled teachers who work and communicate well with members. They would be proactive in contacting members and helping in their homes, and are able to help people feel capable.

25 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Have a testimony of Family History and Temple work.  Need to handle personal family information with sensitivity.  Need not be an expert in Family History Research but willing to learn. Qualities needed for a FH Consultant

26 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Duties of FH Consultants  Work with Members to begin or continue their family history work.  Focus on those individuals or families suggested by the high priest group leader through the ward council & priesthood executive committee.  Where possible, meet with members in their homes. For this reason it is best if consultants work as teams. These could be married couples or single members of the same sex.

27 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Duties of FH Consultants  Help members who do not have access to computers or are uncomfortable using computers prepare and submit family information for temple work.  Meet with new members to explain the doctrines of redemption for the dead. Help new members identify deceased ancestors and go to the temple to receive baptisms and confirmations for them.

28 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS  Teach Family History Sunday School Class as asked by the Bishop.  Work at a Family History Center.  Be a Trainer for Family History Consultants in the Wards.  Work with New Members. Teach the new member Discussion #5 - Redeeming the Dead.  Give Technical Support to members who need help downloading PAF, getting registered at FamilySearch Internet and help in using the Internet for Family History Research.

29 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Online Training Available on the Internet

30 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson For Priesthood Leaders Go to See August 2006 Ensign News of the Church “Web Site Provides Family History Tools for Priesthood Leaders”

31 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson For Priesthood Leaders

32 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson For Priesthood Leaders

33 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson For Priesthood Leaders

34 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson FH Consultants REGISTER at You will need your membership number and your unit number

35 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson

36 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson

37 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Great Things Coming From Elder Marvin K. Jensen’s BYU FH & Genealogy Conference Opening Address held Aug. 2006  Common Pedigree – at New enabling collaboration with others and preparing names for temple work online, eliminating duplication of work.  Family History Support for Members when & where they need it. oFamily History Consultants on Ward level oArea Support Centers oWorldwide Support

38 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson  Make the Church’s vast collection of family history-related records available over the Internet. oDigitizing the Microfilm oUsing Digital Cameras to film archive collections oCreating Indexes of the records using FamilySearch Indexing  Link indexes directly to the digital images of records  Allow indexers to participate in extraction work in the convenience of their own homes, any time of day with as little time commitment as thirty minutes a week.  Online Research Assistance. Great Things Coming From Elder Marvin K. Jensen’s BYU FH & Genealogy Conference Opening Address held Aug. 2006

39 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson Now, seeing that I know these things, why should I desire more than to perform the work to which I have been called? -- Alma 29:6perform

40 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson T hus within the discipleship allotted to us, we are to overcome the world; to finish the work we personally have been given to do; to be able to partake of a bitter cup without becoming bitter; to experience pouring out our souls; to let our wills increasingly be swallowed up in the will of the Father; to acknowledge—tough though the tutoring trials—that, indeed, "All these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good“ (D&C 122:7); and to plow enduringly to the end of the furrow—all the while glorifying Him and using the matchless gifts He has given us, including, one day, all that He has (D&C 84:38). -- Elder Neal A. Maxwell April 2001 General Conference

41 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson "Your faith will perform miracles, especially when you get your hands and feet involved." -- Spencer W. Kimball

42 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson "Great are our blessings. Tremendous is our responsibility. Let us get on our knees and plead with the Lord for direction. Then let us stand on our feet, square up our shoulders, and march forward without fear to enlarge among people everywhere the righteousness of the Lord." --Gordon B. Hinckley

43 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson “Let me assure you that these are principles in relation to the dead and the living that cannot be lightly passed over, as pertaining to our salvation. For their salvation is necessary and essential to our salvation, as…they without us cannot be made perfect – neither can we without our dead be made perfect.” - Joseph Smith

44 3 Sept 2006JaAnna Nelson This is my Work and my Glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

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