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Published byUrsula Walters Modified over 8 years ago
2012 Wildlife Class 30 Wisconsin Fish Study these fish for your unit test.
Pumpkinseed Bluegill Lepomis gibbosus is the scientific name Usually they grow to be 6 to 8 inches. They usually weight less than 1 lb. They look like a normal bluebill but have black and orange seed like look on the gill cover. The preferred 55-63 degrees for water temperature. They like to eat worms and insects/ pretty much anything. They eat all day Found in most lakes. They need to be the size of a normal persons hand to keep. You can only keep 50 a day.
Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus The Bluegill has a darkened spot on the outside of the gills. Average length of bluegill is 4 to 12 inches and the average weight is about a pound. They live in shallow waters in lakes or ponds where the temperature is about 60 degrees to 80 degrees. The bluegill eats mayflies and dragonflies and sometimes aquatic vegetation. The spawning period starts in late may and goes to august when the water temperature is between 67 and 80 degrees. On clear lake there is no minimum length requirements and the daily bag limit is 25. Jack Sarow
Red Eared Sun Fish – Lepomis microlophus Also called a shell cracker Back of fish is light green to brown with scattered brown spots, sides are light grey to silver, lower surfaces of the head are light yellow to white, the sides of the head are mottled with brown to dark orange spots. Average size is 6-10 in, weighing between 4- 8 oz. This fish occurs in moderate to large streams, rivers, reservoirs, swamps and other standing water habitats. They prefer warm-water locations. The fish is a bottom feeder and their favorite food is snails and larvae. They have grinding teeth in their throats that allow them to crush the shells of snails and small mussels. Spawning occurs in the spring when water temperatures are around 68-75 F. Females deposit 15,000 – 30,000 eggs that hatch within 2-4 days. The nest is guarded by the males. Nests are built in mud, silt, or sand. Fishing for this fish is open all year round, with a limit of 25 a day, per person. By Khali Flewelling
Scientific name: nigromaculatus Description: Black Crappie have a rounded body. The back of this fish is greenish and the sides are silvery with black markings. The belly is silvery without the markings. Common names: paper mouth or just crappie Habitat: Black Crappie live in warm ponds, lakes, streams, and reservoirs. They are schooling fish, so they like to stay in groups Water temperature: 70-75 degrees Spawning habits: Black Crappie spawn in May and June. Male fish sweep out a nest in sand or gravel in water three to eight feet deep Regulations: 25 daily bag limit any size What the fish eats: minnows, bugs, worms and young crappies eat zooplankton. Eating habits: They feed in schools so they chase there prey like minnows By Airk Furseth
White Crappie
Pomoxis anularis /White crappie Markings: black markings on its side arranged in a few verticle bars 5-6 dorsal fins Length/Weight: White crappie range from 6.7 to 20.9 in. in total length; Crappies can weigh up to 3 or 4 lbs., but they typically reach a weight of 1/4 to 1/2 lb. Habitats; white crappie prefer more turbid waters,but tend to congregate around areas with abundant aquatic vegetation, brush piles or other types of cover Preferred/spawning Water temp; 65°F to 70°F white crappie spawns when the water temperatures reach the 58- to 64-degree range Diet; Zooplankton, crustaceans, insects and fish. Young crappies feed primarily on zooplankton and insects. Adults feed primarily on fish, but also feed on insects. Fishing Regulations; you can keep 25 and have 50 total at home By; AJ Lewey-Fox
Yellow Perch Scientific Name: Preca Flavescens LIVES : The Yellow Perch lives in Freshwater. Live in lakes, ponds and where there is a lot of plant life. Lives in any kind of temperature of water. DESCRIPTION : The Yellow Perch is a yellowish in color, with five to eight dark bars Going from its back almost to its belly. It typically weighs about 1-2 pounds and it can grow up to be 15 inches long. EATS : The Yellow Perch eats small fish/fish eggs, leeches, insects, snails, and worms. SPAWNING : Takes place during night to early morning around rooted vegetation, fallen trees, over sand/gravel places. They Lay their eggs and the eggs take 8-10 days to Hatch. The young remains inactive for 5 days. FISHING REGULATION: Open year round, you can catch it anytime! By: Tori Levy :)
Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides By: Alex Harnack Bass are most active when the water temp is in the 60s or 70s
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu) Description: Red eyes, dark brown vertical bands; upper jaw reaches to middle of the eye Males: 2lbs Females: 3-6lbs Lifespan: 10-12 years Breeding: Females lay up to 21,100 eggs; found at about 3-15 inches deep at 40-50 degree water in Spring Diet: Crayfish, insects, smaller fish, zoo plankton Regulations: Cannot fish from May 5 th - March 3 rd ; minimum of 14 inches; 5 fish limit Habitat: Clear streams, rivers, and rocky areas; prefer sandy bottoms or stumps Water temp: 40-50 degrees at about 20-30 feet deep
White Bass Habitat and Spawn -found in the midwater - found in rivers, streams, and flowages -they like to be by downed trees, drop offs, and under docks and boatlifts. - they spawn in march and April -found almost anywhere in the united states. -eggs are laid in shallow water on rocks and logs on the bottom -lay between 200,000- 900,000 eggs Description -has a golden eye -adult size is normally between 10-15 inches -puts up a decent fight when caught -kind of has a greenish tint to it up on the dorsal fin side of the body. -its side is more white and has a little green
Very deep, laterally compressed body, red/orange eye, 5-7 spines on anal fin, golden brown to olive with silvery underside Clear, cool to warm waters over gravelly/rocky bottom with vegetation, often found near breakwaters and stone-armored shorelines Eats a wide variety of food, including crayfish, small fish, and insects, and feeds heavily in morning and evening For spawning, male makes nest until a female is ready to spawn, which can take up to a hour. The female leaves right after, leaving the male to guard the nest They are open to fishing all year, have no length requirement, and there is no limit to catching them Rock Bass (Amblopites rupestris) By: Jonny Ramsey
Walleye Walleye is a predator fish. It looks like it has a glass eye and can be found all around Wisconsin Adult Size: Typically 14-22 inches, can reach 36 inches. Usually weighs 2-4 pounds, can reach 16 pounds. Preferred water temp 42 - 50º F Bag limit of 2-3 per person depending on the lake you are fishing 17in is the size limit Scientific name for the walleye is Sander vitreus Adult Size: Typically 14-22 inches, can reach 36 inches. Usually weighs 2-4 pounds, can reach 16 pounds. Typical Foods: Gizzard shad and other small fishes. Spawning habitat they spawn soon after the ice melts in 38 - 44º F
SAUGER (Sander Canadensis) Looks like a walleye Eyes glow white in light Likes moving water, allot of times in deep water It can live in warm water, but is mostly found in cold water Has a long sleek body Sharp teeth Round spots on the dorsal fin White belly with light and dark green body Spawn in the spring when the temp is in the upper 40s Eats smaller fish and worms and leaches and insects Eats mostly at night and in early morning Around 9-15 inches on average 1 lb on average but can get up to 7 lbs Can spawn with a walleye and offspring is known as saugeye Fins are mostly clear The bag limit for sauger in Wisconsin is 5 per person and they have to be 15 inches to keep
Northern Pike Description - long, slender, laterally compressed body. They have a long, broad, flattened snout. The back, upper sides and the top and upper parts of the head are a dark green and almost brown. The sides of the fish have yellow to whitish bean-shaped spot. The underside of the northern pike is cream to a milk white. The dorsal fins are yellow, sometimes orange or pale red.
Esox masquinongy(Muskellunge) All have dark vertical bars or spots on a light background. The back, head and upper sides of muskellunge range from an iridescent green-gold to light brown They are most comfortable in cool water from 33-78 degrees Fahrenheit. They like lakes with shallow and deep basins and large beds of aquatic plants. Also they like rivers that have deep pools with slow moving water. You’ll find them near stumps and rocky ledges or in vegetation. They will strike a fish then flip it and swallow it head first whole. They eat muskrats, ducks, shrews, mice and frogs. Northern and Southern limits of the Wisconsin muskellunge range, Spawning occurs from mid-April to mid-May, with the peak occurring early in the season. The ideal spawning temperature is about 55º F. Tad Martin 1 fish daily limit and 40-inch size limit
Brook Trout By: Aurora Norton Scientific Name/Common Name Spawning Habits Salvelinus fontinalis, Brook trout Spawns at ages 1-6. Doesn’t die after first spawning. Spawns between October-November. Females lay up to 400 eggs. Spawns in 55-60 degrees F of water. Description Long, stream-lined body. Mouth Fishing Regulations extends past eyes. Colors range from Can fish for them between the months of May 5 th -September 30 th. olive, blue-grey, or black w/ Must have fishing permit. Bag Limit: 5 per season. vermiculations along back. Has silver under-belly. Grows up to 25in. and 10 pounds. Habitat Lives in fresh waters (creeks, streams, rivers, and lakes) in North-eastern Wisconsin. Can be found under the cover of rocks, logs, and under-cut banks. Preferred Temperatures 57-60 degrees F. Food and Feeding Habits Eats zooplankton, crustaceans, insects, and small fish. Eats whatever is readily available.
Cut Throat Trout
Brown Trout Scientific name- Salmo trutta Description- Brown upper body with black spots. Lower body yellowish cream color. They average between 11-20in and 2-6lbs Habitat- Found in the Great Lakes, creeks, streams and rivers. Water temp- The preferred water temperature is 60-70 degrees. Eating habits- Insects, crayfish and small fish. Spawning habits- They spawn between October-December. They move up into streams, creeks and rivers when they spawn. Regulations- A trout stamp is required to fish for them and opening day for inland waters is May 5 th to September 30 th. The possession of trout for inland waters is 10 and they have to be at least 12 inches in length. Logan Maresch 2nd
Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss BAG LIMITS Category 2 Minimum length limit: 7" Daily bag limit: 5 Category 3 Minimum length limit: 9" Daily bag limit: 3 Category 4 Minimum length limit: Brown and rainbow trout 12"; brook trout 8" Daily bag limit: 3 in total Category 5 Special regulations: Length and bag limits vary by specific water Has small, fine scales and a torpedo shaped body Silver sides with a pink band running horizontally across its body Average size: 20-23 inches long and are about 4-8 lbs in weight Prefer to live in cold clean well oxygenated water. (fast moving streams) and water less than 68 degrees They eat water flies and aquatic insects (picky eaters) Actively feed in the morning and early evening They migrate up stream to spawn in waters above 41 degrees at 3 to 4 years of age Season: first Saturday in May to September 30 th
Lake Trout (salvelinus namaycush) Description: brown with spots, average adult 24-27 inches Habitat: deep water, great lakes Water temp: 48-52 degrees preferred Eating habits: usually eats alewife, smelt, or sculpin spawning habits: October to November spawning begins, must be stocked in Lake Michigan from overfishing, pollution, and invasive species of lamprey Regulations:2 lake trout a day, must be 10 inches or more, September 15 through May 5 no fishing after sunset
Chinook Salmon are blue-green on the back and top of the head with silvery sides and white bellies. Black spots on the Upper half of the salmon’s body with a gray/black mouth. They can get up to 58 inches in length, and weigh up to 129 pounds. Chinook Salmon might spend between 1 to 8 years in the ocean before returning to streams to spawn. The average is 3 to 4 years. Chinook salmon can be from Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, to Santa Barbara, California. Freshwater streams and estuaries provide the most important habitat for Chinook Salmon. Some common names are King salmon, tyee salmon,ColumbiaRiver salmon, black salmon, chub salmon, hook bill salmon, and blackmouth. Some chinook salmon will eat small invertebrates, including crustaceans, and amphipods. Adult salmon dine on smaller fish. Chinook Salmon can be fished all year, and daily limit. Palmer Larson
Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch Up to 38.5 inches Up to 31 lbs. Usually between 6 to 12 lbs. Dark metallic blue backs with silver sides and a light belly Spawning fish are dark with reddish sides Habitat: Freshwater Streams and Rivers-45-60° F Eats-Plankton and Insects Spawning Males: Strongly hooked mouth and large teeth Spawning Females: Prepare nests where eggs will stay for 5-7 weeks Inland Trout Season: First Saturday in May at 5:00 AM to September 30
Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) Water temperature: low 50s to mid- 60 o F Spawning: spawning occurs on clean, gravel shoals and stream rapids from April to June in water temperatures of 55-64 o F; Fishing regulations: Lake sturgeon harvest is limited to one (1) per year per angler. Harvest of lake sturgeon is limited to the waters below as indicated Did you know? The lake sturgeon is often called a "living fossil," part of a family of fish that has existed for more than 135 million years. Kaytie Wells Diet: small invertebrates like insect larvae, crayfish, snails, clams, and leeches. Average life span in the wild: Males, 55 years; females, 150 years Size:6.5 ft, Up to 200 lbs, Habitat: They live in large river and lake systems in the Mississippi River, Hudson Bay and Great Lakes basins
Channel Catfish
Flat Head Catfish Scientific name: Pylodictis olivaris Habitat: Large rivers and tributaries, cloudy water, and slow currents Description: they can grow up to 62 in. & weigh up to 120 pounds. World record (123 lbs 9 oz.) light brown, yellow sides with dark brown or black areas. Spawning: they start to spawn in July, and they make nest submerged by logs and other things. Water temp: 77-82 degrees. WI regulations: only can keep 1 Flathead Catfish. Food: smaller fish. (bluegill, bullhead, goldfish, suckers...ect.) Brock Bennett
Yellow bullhead By Joe Lucas Ameiurus natalis Yellow bullhead are yellow-olive. The sides are yellowish while the underside of the head and body are bright yellow. May get up to 18 inches and weight 2 pounds. It’s habitats include river pools, backwaters, small to larger rivers, and shallow portions of lakes and ponds. It eats small fish, crayfish, insects, snails, worms and some plants. Begins in May and June, female will lay 2,000 to 7,000 eggs, eggs will hatch in 5 -10 days. Fishing season starts the first Saturday of May to March 1 st, no limit on how many you can bag.
Carp-Cyprinus carpio By Hays Lawver Freshwater White on the bottom green to a dark brown moving up Prefer large bodies of slow moving water 23 to 30 degrees Celsius Prefer to live in groups of 5 or more Omnivores- underwater plants-small insects 300,000 eggs in a single spawn and in the spring and warmer water temperatures No limit or size regulations
Lepisosteidae, AKA Gar Description: Long bodies, scales like armor, long mouths full of sharp teeth, have “swim bladders,” which can function as lungs in low-oxygen environments, durable, able to survive in conditions most fish couldn’t. Habitat: Mostly found in shallow, weedy areas in rivers, lakes, and bayous. Found in most Freshwater in North America, some species can survive in saltier water, some even travel through sewers to reach ponds. Preferred Water Temperature: Most Gar prefer water between 82 and 92 degrees. Feeding Habits: Gar are powerful predators, using strikes with the side of their head to stun, and their needle-like teeth for the kill, they hunt smaller fish and small invertebrates such as crabs. Spawning Habits: Spawning occurs in April, May, or June, they find a shallow area with a lot of vegetation and the green eggs adhere to the plants, camouflaging them. Catching Regulations: Gar are lumped into a category known as “Rough Fish,” it is almost always open season on them and there’s no bag limit, but you can’t catch them with a bow. Nicholas Kuecken, Period 2
Redfin Pickerel
Scientific name is Ictalurus furcatus There length is 20 to 45 inch long and the weight 3 to 40 pounds. The like to life in 65 to 70 degree water. The eat clams, snails, aquatic insects, freshwater mussels, fish and plant materials. The spawn in early summer in river that water temp is 70 to 75 degrees. Wisconsin fishing regulation are to follow the catfish regulations. Derrick Mair
Minnow Flathead The scientific name for minnows is Pimephales Promelas The fathead minnow is a freshwater fish widely distributed in the United States and it is usually found in brooks, ponds, and small lakes. The species is tolerant of high turbidity, high temperatures, and low oxygen concentrations. Can grow 43 to 102 millimeters long although the average is 50 millimeters Widely used as bait fish and as feeders for aquarium fish
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