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Language of the discipline specialized vocabulary skills, tools or tasks used by people working within a field (discipline)

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1 language of the discipline specialized vocabulary skills, tools or tasks used by people working within a field (discipline)

2 Examples: Compare two graphs defining the results of an opinion survey using the language & products a statistician would use. (Math) Describe the causes and effects of the Civil War from the perspective of a sociologist. Explain how an environmentalist & the logging industry views the conflict regarding the spotted owl. As a participant in the Young Authors Contest, become an author by writing & illustrating your own original book.

3 details parts attributes factors variables

4 details Mrs. Craig Two children Steph & Mike Kitty Dickens

5 Examples: State the details affecting the operations needed to solve this problem. (Math) Describe the details of the events leading up to the Boston Tea Party. (Social Science) Identify the parts of a plant. (Science) Clarify the variables involved in the production of crops in the dust bowl and the effects on the local economy. (History) Identify the positive & negative attributes related to the leadership of Richard Nixon. (Political Science)

6 repetitious predictable

7 Example: Describe the patterns of erosion. (Science) Identify the political, social and economic patterns associated with immigration through New York in the 1930’s-1940’s. (Social Science) Create a number pattern and identify the rules that govern it. (Math) What patterns are demonstrated in the following spelling words? (Spelling)

8 influences forces course of action

9 Example: Summarize the trends affecting the rise and fall of the Roman Civilization? (Social Studies) What are the trends in music popular during the late 1960’s & early 1970’s? (History) Identify the trends associated with the use of the internet and the increase in “hate group” membership. (Social Science) Summarize the trends related to land development and the Yolo wetlands. (Science)

10 discrepancies missing parts unclear ideas incomplete ideas

11 Example: Summarize unanswered questions about the Black Hole and the Solar System. (Science) Describe a rationale the author might have for omitting an explanation about the main character’s parentage. (Language Arts) What are the various theories related to the extinction of the dinosaurs? (Science) Identify the discrepancies in the information provided in the following math problems. (Math)

12 structure order hierarchy explanation

13 Example: Explain the overt and covert rules affecting the socialization of people in ancient Greece. (Social Studies ) What are the rules regarding the use of the kick balls during lunch recess? Identify the internal rules that form the principles of a democratic society? (Social Science) What are the code of ethics or the internal rules that govern the behavior of the main character? (Language Arts)

14 points of view different opinions Judge with criteria

15 Example: What are the ethical considerations affecting the relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist in this story? (Language Arts) Support your point of view regarding the ethics of genetic engineering and include evidence to support your opinion. (Science) Discuss the ethics regarding the treatment of indigenous people during the Gold Rush and include examples. Is this pattern of behavior consistent with immigration associated with other major discoveries? Support your opinion. (History)

16 big ideas generalization principle theory Generalization, principles, theory Evidence

17 Examples: Define the meaning of the statement “change is inevitable” by studying changes in the environment, the economy, and a character in the novel, The Grapes of Wrath. (English/Language Arts) Summarize the data associated with the three experiments just completed by developing a generalization. (Science) Hypothesize what you think the outcome might be if… Create analogies between what you know about the human body as a system and a machine as a system of interrelated parts. How are the three fairy tales we just read alike? Can we generalize about elements that might be common to this genre?

18 relationships between past, present and future relationships within a time period

19 Examples: Explain how the food pyramid, which describes daily requirements for healthy eating, has changed over time. (Health) Through the use of books, videos, the computer, & the charts and graphs provided, explain the effects the wind has on the earth and its inhabitants over time. (Science) Explain how a character’s emotional development changed over the course of the novel. Include specific examples that you believe to be catalysts for the evolution. (Literature) During your lab experiment, note changes that occurred and be prepared to offer explanations. Did the outcome support or negate your hypothesis?

20 multiple perspectives opposing viewpoints differing roles and knowledge

21 Examples: Distinguish facts from opinions when reading the following editorial. (Language Arts) Summarize the differing perspectives expressed by a spokesperson who might represent… the lumber industry verses environmentalists, or communities dependent on whaling verses conservationists Prepare “point of view” statements about the hydraulic mining method of gold extraction from the perspective of the owner of the mine, the operator and a farmer in the valley. Compare and contrast how the practices of a democratic society have evolved in Russia during the past 20 years.

22 Connect Associate Link ideas Integrate from other disciplines

23 Examples: Summarize how technology has influenced industry, environment and communications in the last ten years. (Integrates multiple disciplines) How might an anthropologist, an environmentalist, and a theologian differ in their explanation regarding the demise of the Roman Empire? (Integrates multiple disciplines) Note changes in your biome in the last ten years and graph the results. Prepare a three minute oral presentation to explain significant factors. (Integrates multiple disciplines) What are some important things you need to do to keep your pet healthy? (Integrates multiple disciplines)

24 Mini-icons Language of the Disciplinarian Patterns Rules Details Unanswered Questions Trends Ethics Big Ideas Changes Over Time Multiple Perspectives Interdisciplinary Relationships Use this page to make transparencies, as a student guide for depth & complexity or place the icons on index cards to use as thinking or writing prompts for students.

25 Applying elements of depth &/or complexity Select a standard or a content area you are familiar with. Brainstorm possible questions or activities integrating elements of depth &/or complexity with the topic. Students will be able to: Details Patterns Unanswered questions Ethics Big Ideas Multiple Perspectives Rules Interdisciplinary Relationships Change Over Time Language of the Disciplinarian Trends

26 Using elements of depth &/or complexity… Select a standard or a content area you are familiar with. Brainstorm possible questions or activities integrating elements of depth &/or complexity with the topic. Details Patterns Unanswered questions Ethics Big Ideas Multiple Perspectives Students will be able to explore the elements of character development…protagonist, & antagonist. Students will analyze elements of the fairytale genre across cultures by studying multiple versions of the fairytale Cinderella. Give examples from the text that help the reader “know” the characters and their relationships. Analyze character behaviors in the different versions of Cinderella. Compare & contrast the behavior to your own sibling relationships/or other relationships you are familiar with. Explore the terms envy, jealousy and competition. How do these “feelings” affect relationships in the stories and in personal relationships? What are the rules associated with the genre of fairytales? Rules What are some of the ways (literary devices) authors use to elicit feelings or responses from their readers? Draw from the different versions & generate a list. Look for & identify patterns that emerge. What don’t we know about the characters that might change our feelings/responses toward them? Fairytales have characteristics that are unique to the genre. Character development helps to shape a story. Bob Ashmore, MUSD



29 How have trends in educational philosophy changed over time? What is the present trend ? What are some of the ethical debates & considerations related to the present focus on “accountability” in education today? Include pros & cons… Identify some of the trends in the field of education today. What are some of the unanswered questions related to the present trends in educational reform? 1 4 3 2 In the study of educational reform

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