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QUIZ MODULE. You can Add the quiz title or heading Select the to and form date for the quiz Description of quiz Prize being offered – If you have any.

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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ MODULE. You can Add the quiz title or heading Select the to and form date for the quiz Description of quiz Prize being offered – If you have any."— Presentation transcript:



3 You can Add the quiz title or heading Select the to and form date for the quiz Description of quiz Prize being offered – If you have any award or prize offered for the quiz then details of same can be added here. If not we can remove the field. Please advice The question – to be added Options for the question - the optional answer to be given and Correct Answer * - the radio button of the correct answer to be selected All the question can be added here by clicking add more Upload Image – the quiz image can be added Is Active Quiz – the quiz can be activated and deactivate by admin at any time On clicking add quiz the data will be save d and displayed in front end

4 Survey Module


6 Purpose - A brief about the survey can be entered * Start Date – the start and end date of the survey can be set so it will be visible in the front view of the site only during that period Email ID – email id to the person in charge of the survey to whom the survey record mail should go to once user has filled the same. Save – to save these details. It will appear in a grid below and can be edited or deleted * Question – the survey question is to be entered No. of Options – admin can select the no of options to be provided for the answer and can accordingly fill the answer based on number selected the text box is made available to enter the answer. Option Type – admin can define the type of answer that user can give – either Single Selection, Multiple Selection or Textbox Add more – admin can add more question for the survey Save and Exit – on completing admin will click on save more and the survey record will be saved and displayed in front end In the front end user can see the list of surveys and can select which survey he wants to participate and on clicking participate it will ask him to register. On the email id entered he will receive login details using which he can participate in the survey. The survey details re stored in admin for reference which can be viewed later. Kindly advice if you need a prize to be assigned for the survey. Accordingly we ill do the coding.

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