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Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta Brown algae belong to phylum (or “division”) Phaeophyta Color varies from olive green to dark brown, but are classified.

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Presentation on theme: "Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta Brown algae belong to phylum (or “division”) Phaeophyta Color varies from olive green to dark brown, but are classified."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta Brown algae belong to phylum (or “division”) Phaeophyta Color varies from olive green to dark brown, but are classified by having a preponderance of yellow-brown photosynthetic pigments, particularly fucoxanthin Nearly all 1,500 species are marine Include the largest and most complex seaweeds

2 Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta Many species have gas-filled floats (pneumatocysts); e.g., rockweeds or wracks, Sargassum weed

3 Brown Algae: Phylum Phaeophyta The kelps are the most complex and largest of all brown algae – Consist of a single, or numerous large blade(s) – The stipes of giant kelp, Macrocystis can reach lengths of 100 m and grow ~1 ft per day! – Provides food and shelter for many other marine organisms

4 KELP!!!

5 Kelp community with sea otters Kelp community without sea otters

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