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ClassificationClassification ZOOLOGY. The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778 The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus.

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Presentation on theme: "ClassificationClassification ZOOLOGY. The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778 The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus."— Presentation transcript:

1 ClassificationClassification ZOOLOGY

2 The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778 The “father of modern taxonomy” was Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778

3 The Old System

4 6 Kingdom Proposal Archebacteria EUbacteria


6 Prokaryotic Cell

7 Eukaryotic Cell



10 Ursus americanus American Black Bear Binomial Nomenclature: “a two-name system” First part of name: Genus first letter always capitalized Second part : species first letter always lowercase

11 Canis domesticusCanis lupus

12  Autotrophs capture the light energy from sunlight and convert it to chemical energy they use for food.  Heterotrophs must get energy by eating autotrophs or other heterotrophs.  Decomposers (aka saprobes) are heterotrophs that recycle dead organisms by breaking them down. Fungi are decomposers.

13 ~ Body Plans of Animals~ An animal shows asymmetry if there is no central axis (some sponges) An animal has radial symmetry if it can be divided along any plane, through a central axis, into equal halves. (jellyfish, sea anemone) An animal has bilateral symmetry if it can be divided down its length into similar right and left halves forming mirror images of each other. (eel, bird, fox)

14 Which figure has bilateral symmetry? Which has radial symmetry?

15 Anatomical Terms for Animals

16 Reproduction Asexual reproduction – No separate male and female parts binary fission – division of one cell or body part into two (flatworms) budding – an outgrowth from the original organism (hydra) Sexual reproduction – has male and female parts, union of two separate gametes.

17 Domain Archaea

18 Domain Eubacteria

19 Domain Eukarya

20 Kingdom Protista Amoeba ParameciumGiardia Water MoldSlime Mold Euglena Dinoflagellates Diatom Brown AlgaeGreen Algae

21 Kingdom Fungi All eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophic, sessile organisms. Includes: molds, mushrooms, rusts, and lichens.

22 Kingdom Plantae Bryophyte (Moss) Pteridophyte (Fern) Coniferophytes (Pine Trees) Angiosperm; Dicot Angiosperm; Monocot

23 Kingdom Animalia



26 Human Classification Domain: Eukarya Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hominidae Genus: Homo Species: Sapien

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