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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 When I vomit it Makes me want To throw up That’s so.

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Presentation on theme: "200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 When I vomit it Makes me want To throw up That’s so."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 When I vomit it Makes me want To throw up That’s so Escher!? I Love Words That Rhyme With Bipalicontorsinectomy High Fructose Pancreas Destroyer… YUM? Famous Weasel Oligarchies. Well…perhaps famous Is a stretch. Iambic pentameter for Idiots, dolts, fooles, And knaves.

2 Which kingdom(s) consists of organisms that live in extreme environments?

3 Archaebacteria

4 What characteristic do all algae share?

5 They’re all autotrophs.

6 Which kingdoms consists of heterotrophic, multicellular and unicellular organisms that reproduce using spores?

7 Fungi

8 In what way are some protists like animals?

9 They’re heterotrophic and can move.

10 Which kingdoms include ONLY prokaryotes?

11 Archaebacteria and Bacteria (formerly called Eubacteria)

12 What is characteristic of all members of the kingdom Animalia?

13 They are all multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophs.

14 What is characteristic of all (well…almost all) members of the division (kingdom) Plantae?

15 They are all eukaryotic, multicellular, autotrophs

16 Which kingdom includes eukaryotic plant-like, animal-like, and fungi- like organisms of the unicellular (and occasionally) multicellular varieties.

17 Protista

18 What is the term for a series of paired statements that is used to identify living things?

19 A dichotomous key.

20 Which kingdom includes the phylum chordata?

21 Animalia

22 Why do we use a system of taxonomy?

23 Taxonomy makes living things easier to study. Why study? Cuz you and everything else on Earth are interrelated!

24 What does a scientific name consist of and what is that naming system called…oh, and…who came up with it?

25 -The organism’s genus and species names. The system is binomial nomenclature, and… -Linneaus is the dude.

26 What are some characteristics that are considered in our modern classification system, that were not considered when the study of taxonomy began?

27 The organism’s evolutionary history, DNA, and embryology.

28 Can two organisms be in the same genus but different orders?

29 NO! A genus is a subgroup of an order, and all organisms of a genus are within that order.

30 What are some shapes of bacteria?

31 Bacillus (Rod-like) Cocci (spherical) Spirella (cork- screw)

32 Which level of classification is the broadest and which is the most specific?

33 Broadest:Domain Most Specific: Species

34 What does it mean if two organisms have many levels of classification in common?

35 The more levels they share, the more closely they are related and the more biological characteristics they share.

36 What is a genus composed of?

37 One or more species.

38 What are the eight main levels of taxa?

39 Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

40 Which taxon is broader than the order level?

41 Class.

42 What is taxonomy?

43 The study of how living things are classified.

44 What is the naming system developed by Carolus Linnaeus?

45 Binomial Nomenclature.

46 What does it mean if two organisms share an evolutionary history?

47 They have a common ancestor.

48 What characteristics did Aristotle use to classify organisms ?

49 How they moved (fly, swim, walk) and where they lived (air, land, water). Later on he went to the blood/no blood thing.

50 Why are common names of organisms confusing at times?

51 Some organisms go by different common names in different places, and some common names are used for different organisms. Language barriers exist as well.

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