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Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The NIKHEF Muon Mission Chamber assembly Assembly QA Assembly QC Summary, Status and Plans The Assembly of ATLAS Muon chambers.

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2 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The NIKHEF Muon Mission Chamber assembly Assembly QA Assembly QC Summary, Status and Plans The Assembly of ATLAS Muon chambers @NIKHEF

3 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) NIKHEF Muon Mission West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras s Construct: 96 Barrel Outer Large (BOL) chambers High Mechanical Precision: 20  m RMS on wire positions This talk: BOL-0, BOL-1 and Serial Production 2m 5m BOL=spacer+2x3 drift tube layers+ In-Plane alignment

4 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Assembly Station West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Granite table: 6m x 2.5m Three bare Cross-Plates are positioned on the station, carried by sphere holders The combs which will support the tubes are also visible In the background: wiring station, Quality Control setup(s) Situation mid 99 North X East Z Up Y s

5 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Chamber Assembly West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras Spacer monitored by RASAS Situation mid 2000 Sphere tower with changeable block to adapt to tube layers NIKHEF Comb Frascati comb RASAS tower ‘Ear’ with sphere and RASAS-MASK In-plane mask In-plane lens Xplate longbeam s No Flexo

6 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) ‘RASAS’ Monitors s Monitor positioning during assembly by RASAS monitor: Changeable blocks Support ‘ear’ which holds the mask The RASAS tower which holds the camera and lens xplate Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Ypitch 26.011mm Scatter 5um Measured temperatures explain (small) drift

7 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Temperature Stability s Aluminum expands 24um/ o C/m, Granite 7um/ o C/m Under normal conditions, temperature stable within +-0.4 o C Test case: increase temp. by 1 o C: check RASAS monitors Xplate 2.4m fixed monitor granite Free to expand Raw: 50um Correct for AL 24um/ o C/m + Correct for granite 7um / o C/m

8 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Tube Placing Start with QC tubes Procedure Place tubes on combs (Re-)Measure Wire Frequency Run Final-OK program IF all tubes OK, follow placing scheme s

9 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

10 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

11 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

12 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

13 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

14 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

15 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Glu Preparation s

16 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) s Tube diameter 3cm Distance 65  m tube Side ropeCentral rope Gluing (BOL-0) 2 x glue units 2x3 glue nozzles Tube layer 1 central ropes Spacer glued on layer 1 Tube layer 2 central ropes Spacer+1 glued on layer 2 Tube layer 3 central+side ropes Spacer+1+2 on layer 3 etc….

17 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Sag Compensation Sagcompen- sation tower Additional weight for balance s Own weight leads to large sag of xplates Compensate (at Bessel points) with pneumatic system Need typical P=3bar (8 towers) to carry chamber (150kg) Residue: order 10  m

18 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Sag Compensation Xplate sag before and after compensation s After sag adjustment we observe (almost) symmetric sags for chamber up and down positions-> no stress Chamber up Chamber (upside) down Understood within +-10  m

19 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The road to BOL-0

20 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Gluing BOL-0 s Glue: Days needed 1 Glue Spacer 1 1st layer+platforms 1 spacer on 1st 1 2nd layer+spacer 4 layers Total <10 days

21 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Gluing BOL-0 RASAS monitors SE NW SW NE Global Z, RASAS X Global X Stability in Y appears good Relatively large Z movement layer 6 (spacer floats on glue?) s Lever arm in stacking block Global Z Global Y (up)

22 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Gluing BOL-0 Guido laser test indicate tube heights in combs <10um. Stability Xplates during gluing Start glue Layer 2 Layer 3 Yrasnik=2 x Sag Start glue Layer 1 Layer 1: dSag=7um Layer 2: dSag=10um The sag of the xplates in layer 1 and 2 change in time. Glue crimp? Temperature? Layer 3,4,5,6: Sag stable s

23 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The BOL-0 s The BOL-0 was mechanically finished Dec 5th 2000 Next, studies: X-ray scan

24 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The road to BOL-0

25 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) The road to BOL-1 From 1st tube layer to 6th tube layer took 14 days (spacer not counted) With optimal/parallel preparation the present scheme would allow a 7 day production cycle Infrastructure and manpower-> 10 working-days/chamber

26 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) s Test @CERN in Tomograph

27 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) s Test @CERN in Tomograph Wire positions RMS 16  m Analysis of Martin Woudstra

28 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Test stand s DATCHA DATCHA Like cosmic ray setup at CERN (shutdown in 2000) Test of alignment principle with prototype muon sector, using cosmic tracks --> 10  m on sagitta

29 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Test stand @NIKHEF s Tests five chambers using cosmic rays (end 2001) Checks wire positions Checks DCS + DAQ Trigger modules, consisting of 50cm iron, with two layers scintillator. Ecut>1GeV Expected rate: 100Hz

30 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) BOL-0 Heat Studies (No flexoos in BOL-0) s Inplane Yrasnik= 2 x sag The BOL-0 was covered with heat blankets, producing 50W/m 2 Gradient between MLs: 2.5 to 4 o C Sag of Chamber: 200um  50 to 80 um/ o C= acceptable Sag of xplate: 25um  6 to 10 um/ o C = acceptable 400um Yrasnik= 2 x sag Xplate 50um Chamber sag Xplate sag

31 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Status and Plans Finished BOL-0 at NIKHEF (dec. 5th 2000) with high mechanical precision (16  m RMS) Quality Control automated Production of tubes started May 2001 Now: Produce first chamber Expect to finalize 10 chambers by end 2001 Produce 1chamber/2weeks: 24 chambers/year -> finish summer 2005 Late 2002, evaluate need to speed up chamber production (work weekends and/or two gluing steps/day) Cosmic ray setup operational end 2001

32 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) RASNIK Components provided by NIKHEF s Light source + mask Image sensor Lens + holder

33 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Precision Mechanics West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras intrinsic accuracy better than 10um The quantities which affect the wire positions are checked and found to be precise within 10um Granite table has sag of 25um + 10um light on/off s Positioning combs and sphere holders Tools: Laser + optics (straightness combs), silicon sensor (to line up combs), Slof (height-meter), tilt-meters (check Torque), Balmonitor (dZ between multilayers )

34 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Assembly Station West side has expansion length o 0.1m in Xras The Balmonitor is a Cross-Plate equipped with lenses. Each lens is combined with a ‘fork’ on the combs to form a RASNIK system The Balmonitor measures the Z and Y difference between Sphere tower and Comb between North and South. (Z difference between Multilayers) Additionally the Balmonitor is used to check for height difference between sphere towers at the reference and non-reference side (West/East) s

35 Marcel Vreeswijk (NIKHEF) Gluing BOL-0 Result for side (106) and central (103) ropes Central rope Central rope, sometimes bad (stability glue unit?) tube

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