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EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – Verbs – Cooking 2 Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT12-07 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění.

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Presentation on theme: "EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – Verbs – Cooking 2 Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT12-07 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: B2 – Verbs – Cooking 2 Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT12-07 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:ICT12 – AJ – 200 sloves (slovesa, frázová sl., slovní spojení) ve 20 tématech pro úroveň B2 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: 28. 9. 2013 Garant (kontrola):Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace:Slovesa a doplňující výrazy spojené s tématem „vaření“– osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh:45 minut Zdroje:viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.

2 Cooking 2 B2

3 Verbs to practise: boilstirdrain flip fry bake roast stew baste serve

4 boilbakefry

5 boilbakefry

6 bakestirflip

7 bakestirflip

8 stew roast stir

9 stew roast stir

10 bake roast drain

11 bake roast drain

12 stew drain heat

13 stew drain heat

14 drainbakestew

15 drainbakestew

16 stir pour drain

17 stir pour drain

18 steam bake fry

19 steam bake fry

20 stirroastbaste

21 stirroastbaste

22 …and SERVE!

23 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it to cook something in hot oil or fat to cook meat in an oven to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

24 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it to cook something in hot oil or fat to cook meat in an oven to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

25 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat to cook meat in an oven to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

26 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

27 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

28 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

29 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink SERVE to cook food in water that is boiling to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

30 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink SERVE to cook food in water that is boiling BOIL to cook food slowly in liquid to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

31 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink SERVE to cook food in water that is boiling BOIL to cook food slowly in liquid STEW to turn something onto a different side to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

32 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink SERVE to cook food in water that is boiling BOIL to cook food slowly in liquid STEW to turn something onto a different side FLIP to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away

33 to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking BASTE to mix food or liquid by moving a spoon round in it STIR to cook something in hot oil or fat FRY to cook meat in an oven ROAST to cook bread or a cake with dry heat in an oven BAKE to give someone food or drink SERVE to cook food in water that is boiling BOIL to cook food slowly in liquid STEW to turn something onto a different side FLIP to remove liquid, usually by pouring it away DRAIN

34 What do you use these for?


36 500g Fresh Beef Mince 400g Dried Spaghetti 4 Rashers of Smoked Streaky Bacon, finely diced 2 Tins of Chopped Tomatoes 6 Fresh Cherry Tomatoes 2 Medium Onions, peeled and finely diced 2 Sticks of Celery, trimmed and finely diced 2 Carrots, trimmed and finely diced 2 Cloves of Garlic, peeled and finely diced 1 Medium Chilli (optional), seeded and finely sliced 75g Freshly grated Parmesan Cheese, plus extra for grating over 2 tbsp Tomato Puree 1 Beef Stock Cube Glass of red wine (optional) Herbs: 2-3 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary Handful of Fresh Basil, plus extra for Garnish 1 tsp Dried Oregano 1-2 Fresh Bay Leaves Olive oil Sea Salt and Black Pepper Crusty bread, to serve What is the RECIPE for?

37 500g Fresh Beef Mince 400g Dried Spaghetti 4 Rashers of Smoked Streaky Bacon 2 Tins of Chopped Tomatoes 6 Fresh Cherry Tomatoes 2 Medium Onions, peeled and finely diced 2 Sticks of Celery, trimmed and finely diced 2 Carrots, trimmed and finely diced 2 Cloves of Garlic, peeled and finely diced 1 Medium Chilli (optional), seeded and finely sliced 75g Freshly grated Parmesan Cheese, plus extra for grating over 2 tbsp Tomato Puree 1 Beef Stock Cube Glass of red wine (optional) Herbs: 2-3 Sprigs of Fresh Rosemary Handful of Fresh Basil, plus extra for Garnish 1 tsp Dried Oregano 1-2 Fresh Bay Leaves Olive oil Sea Salt and Black Pepper Crusty bread, to serve Spaghetti Bolognese

38 How do you prepare your favourite meal?

39 Odkazy k obrázkům: Slide 3: Slide 4,5: Slide 6,7: Slide: 8,9: Slide 10,11: potatoes-in-a-roasting-pan-fresh-out-of-the-oven.jpg potatoes-in-a-roasting-pan-fresh-out-of-the-oven.jpg Slide 12,13: Slide 14,15: Slide 16,17: Slide 18,19: Slide 20,21: Slide 22: Slide 34, 35: Slide 37: Slide 38:

40 Použité materiály

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