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In the late 1930’s, electron microscopes were developed These let you see tiny structures within cells.

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2 In the late 1930’s, electron microscopes were developed These let you see tiny structures within cells.

3 With the new microscope they discovered there were 2 basic types of cells. Eukaryotic (you-carry-otic) cells which have a distinct, membrane-bound nucleus Eu meaning true- it has a true nucleus Prokaryotic (pro-carry-otic) cells which don’t have this separate nucleus Pro meaning before- it’s assumed that prokaryotic cells were first and that eukaryotic cells evolved from them.


5 1.Kingdom Monera or Prokaryotae 1.All prokaryoctes, which means all bacteria 2.Kingdom Protista 1.Unicellular eukaryocytes, protozoa, algae, molds 3.Kingdom Fungi 1.Yeast, multicellular molds 4.Kingdom Plantae 1.Plants, all multicellular and all carry on photosynthesis 5.Kingdom Animalia 1.animals


7 All of the microorganisms can be classified and separated into different groups by many things. Here is the general classification of major microorganisms

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