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AR Time until 10:29 1. Student Planner Place this in the proper place Dec 3 Bring planners daily for grading Needed today in class: Planner, pencil, notes,

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Presentation on theme: "AR Time until 10:29 1. Student Planner Place this in the proper place Dec 3 Bring planners daily for grading Needed today in class: Planner, pencil, notes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AR Time until 10:29 1

2 Student Planner Place this in the proper place Dec 3 Bring planners daily for grading Needed today in class: Planner, pencil, notes, textbook, period 2 AR book

3 Semester & Triad ends in 11 class days! December 18 – end of semester

4 2 End Planner Entries


6 Summary: Last class we did the standard opening. We finished reading chapter 5, section 4 then began the “slowing a fall” lab.

7 Answer the last class’s EQ which was: Essential Question: In lab, how did you slow down a falling object?

8 Topic/Objective: Name: Gravity - lab Class/Period: Date: Dec 3 Essential Question: What was the most efficient way to slow a falling object as demonstrated in class?

9 Warm Up

10 1. What is the gravitational acceleration rate on Earth?

11 2. An object is dropped and reaches a speed of 39.2 meters/second. How many seconds did the object fall?

12 3. Which of the following would have the greatest gravity? formula = d=m/v A)volume = 3ml, Density = 2.0g/ml B) volume = 1ml, Density = 3.0g/ml C) volume = 3ml, Density = 3.0g/ml D) volume = 6ml, Density = 1.0g/ml


14 Answers

15 1. What is the gravitational acceleration rate on Earth?

16 9.8m/s/s (Rounded off = 10m/s/s)

17 2. An object is dropped and reaches a speed of 39.2 meters/second. How many seconds did the object fall?

18 2. An object is dropped and reaches a speed of 39.2 meters/second. How many seconds did the object fall? 9.8m/s/s = acceleration rate 39.2 m/s divided by 9.8m/s/s = 4 seconds

19 3. Which of the following would have the greatest gravity? formula = d=m/v A)volume = 3ml, Density = 2.0g/ml B) volume = 1ml, Density = 3.0g/ml C) volume = 3ml, Density = 3.0g/ml D) volume = 6ml, Density = 1.0g/ml

20 3. Which of the following would have the greatest gravity? formula = d=m/v A) volume = 3ml, Density = 2.0g/ml m=6g B) volume = 1ml, Density = 3.0g/ml m=3g C) volume = 3ml, Density = 3.0g/ml m=9g D) volume = 6ml, Density = 1.0g/ml m=6g


22 The scale reads the force of gravity. On the moon, the force of gravity is 1/6 th that of Earth. Mass (on the balance) does not change.

23 Homework Get your planners up to date.

24 Today’s Work Quick Lab – Who can make the object fall the SLOWEST? (No safety test? No lab) Work in work book pages 38-40. Work in collaboration. Finish a page, have it stamped. 9

25 Today’s Work WARNING: Wash hands after handling fishing sinker. With 2 others, make a device to slow the decent of the fishing sinker attempting to be the slowest in class. Drop from standard height. Sinker even with pipe bell. Time accurately and record results. 3 attempts Calculate average speed. Compare class results 9

26 Data Collection Test Control ExperimentTime 1____________ 2 ____________ 3____________ Ave ____________ 9

27 Videos for enrichment

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