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School FIRST Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas.

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1 School FIRST Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas

2 PublicHearing School FIRST 2013 Financial Management Report Based on FY 2012 Data Unless Otherwise Noted

3 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. School FIRST  Created by the 77 th Legislature in 2001.  Goal – quality performance in the management of school districts’ financial resources.  20 financial indicators used to rate district’s compliance with financial standards and benchmarks.

4 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. School FIRST Rating System: Rating System:  Superior Achievement64 - 70  Above Standard Achievement58 – 63  Standard Achievement52 - 57  Substandard Achievement< 52

5 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Rating for Spring Branch ISD  Highest possible rating of Superior Achievement for the 11th consecutive year  Spring Branch ISD score of 70

6 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Selected Indicators 5. Was there an Unqualified Opinion in the Annual Financial Report?  2012YesPassed  2011YesPassed 6. Did the Annual Financial Report not disclose any instance(s) of material weaknesses in internal controls?  2012YesPassed  2011YesPassed

7 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Selected Indicators 7. Was the three-year average percent of total tax collections (including delinquent) greater than 98%?  201299.17%5  201199.19%5

8 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Selected Indicators 15. Was the administrative cost ratio less than the threshold ratio? Standard.11055  2012.06375  2011.05345 16. Was the ratio of students to teachers within the range shown below according to district size? Standard13.5 to 22.0  201215.55  201114.45

9 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Selected Indicators 17. Was the ratio of students to total staff within the ranges shown below according to district size? Standard 7.0 to 14.0  20127.95  20117.25

10 Required Transparency Disclosures

11 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Superintendent’s Current Contract  The Superintendent’s contract has been posted on the district website at  The contract will remain posted for the next twelve months

12 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Total Reimbursements Received by the Superintendent and Board Members – FY 2012 MealsLodgingTransportationMotor Fuel OtherTotal Klussmann $280$714$3,049$654$4,697 Falick - Gonzalez $370 Goodson - Kellner - Kosmoski $295 Schaper $355 Stevenson $60

13 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Outside Compensation and/or Fees Received by the Superintendent For Professional Consulting and/or Other Personal Service – FY 2012  For the twelve months ended June 30, 2012 Seton Hall University reimbursed the Superintendent $1,000 for travel and lodging expense. The Superintendent did not receive any other outside compensation or fees.

14 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Gifts Received by Executive Officer(s) and Board Members (and First Degree Relatives, if any) in FY 2012 (Gifts that had an economic value of $250 or more in the aggregate)  For the twelve months ended June 30, 2012 the Superintendent and board members did not receive gifts that totaled $250 or more.

15 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Business Transactions Between SBISD and Board Members FY 2012  For the twelve months ended June 30, 2012 no business transactions occurred between SBISD and board members.

16 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Financial Solvency Information General Fund Expenditures First Quarter of FY 2013 For the Three Month Period, Ended September 31, 2012 PayrollExpenditures for payroll costs$24,423,934 Contract Costs Expenditures for services rendered by individuals and organizations $ 4,762,321 Supplies and Materials Expenditures for supplies and materials necessary to maintain and/or operate furniture, computers, equipment, vehicles, grounds, and facilities $ 1,711,640 Other Operating Expenditures for items other than payroll, professional and contracted services, supplies and materials, debt service, and capital outlay $ 2,989,223 Debt ServiceExpenditures for debt service$ 70,089 Capital Outlay Expenditures for land, buildings, and equipment$ 211,642

17 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Additional Financial Solvency Questions Within the last two years, did the districtYesNo 1) Draw funds from a short-term financing note (term less than 12 months) between the months of July and October, inclusive, and X 2) For the prior fiscal year, have a total General Fund balance of less than 2 percent of total expenditures for General Fund function codes 11-61? X Has the school district declared financial exigency within the past two years? X

18 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Additional Financial Solvency Questions Provide comments or explanations for enrollment-to-teacher ratios 15% or more below the norm, rapid depletion of General Fund balances, or any significant discrepancies between actual budged figures and projected revenues and expenditures, or any other information that may be helpful in evaluating the school district’s financial solvency. Mean Enroll-to- Teacher Ratio 85% of Mean Enroll-to-Teacher Ratio School District Size SBISD Enroll-to- Teacher Ratio 15.2712.9825,000 to 49,99915.7 Enrollment-to-teacher ratio, fund balance, and revenue and expenditure variances were within expected norms.

19 Inspiring minds. Shaping lives. Additional Financial Solvency Questions  How many superintendents has your school district 1 had in the last five years?  How many business managers has your school district had 1 in the last five years?

20 Public Hearing School FIRST 2013 Financial Management Report Spring Branch ISD

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