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Fun With English 8A Unit Three Reading (I) Fan Xiaoyun Yancheng No.4 Middle School.

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1 Fun With English 8A Unit Three Reading (I) Fan Xiaoyun Yancheng No.4 Middle School


3 Brainstorm: Welcome to the World Park The World Park coach traffic sky places of interest the song and dance parade the Golden Gate Bridge the pyramids the Eiffel Tower models

4 October 25th Dear Mom Love Linda

5 Did Linda have more fun or more problems when she went with the Class 1, Grade 8 students to the World Park in Beijing ? Linda’s different feelings Fun>Problems

6 Listen to this! Who invited Linda to join the school trip? Where did Linda go? Was it a great day? Mr Wu She went to the World Park in Beijing. Yes! But… ~

7 Why did Linda have different feelings? please prove : Fun > Problems ∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴ Ouch!Kitty and I felt sick for most of the trip. There was too much time and a lot of traffic. Yahoo! We became very excited and did not feel sick any more. We saw the model Eiffel Tower, we wanted to go into the park quickly and enjoy ourselves. On the coach

8 Why did Linda have different feelings? please prove : Fun > Problems ∵∴∵∴ Inside the World Park Wow!The whole world was there in front of us! Models of places of interest are small but wonderful. ∵∴∵∴ Oh, no!I couldn’t believe my eyes. …looked just like … ∵∴∵∴ Amazing!Kitty wanted to dance to the music. The best part was the song and dance parade. ∵∴∵∴ We did not enjoy it at the beginning but it was a great day! We had more fun! ( Fun > Problems)

9 True or false questions 1.It took half an hour to get to the World Park from school. 2. We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town. 3. We could see the model pyramids from the coach. 4. There are models of many places of interest there. 5. The model pyramids looked just like the real ones in theUSA. 6. The model Eiffel Tower is a tall stone building. 7. Daniel made a special home page for the trip. about two hours the school Eiffel Tower Egypt metal didin’t make

10 12 3 4 5 6

11 1 2 3 4 5 6 Make a speech on www.Daniel’s home Boys and girls, welcome to… Daniel works very hard, he… Do you want to look at the photos of our trip? Daniel… Look at Photo 1/2/3…, …

12 this pastiche culture ( 山寨文化) What do you think of models of many places of interest from all over the world? _______________ The world is small but wonderful!

13 The Eiffel Tower World Expo 1889 Paris France The Crown of the East World Expo 2010 ________ ______ 2010 年世博会 1889 年世博会 ShanghaiChina

14 Norway AustraliaFranceChina AmericaThailandRussiaBrazil… Poland World Expo 2010 Shanghai China A Slogan (口号) for traveling:______________________! In 2010, You will see these buildings from different countries in Shanghai. Around the world in a day

15 Write an e-mail to your close friend to tell him/her your pleasant trip to a place of interest. Please write down your ideas and e-mail Jackie at Homework

16 Thank you for listening!

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