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Newspapers in UK and China A-REAL: Alice Rachel Eunice Amanda (Shi) Lizzy.

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Presentation on theme: "Newspapers in UK and China A-REAL: Alice Rachel Eunice Amanda (Shi) Lizzy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newspapers in UK and China A-REAL: Alice Rachel Eunice Amanda (Shi) Lizzy

2 Amanda the similarities Lizzy the differences Eunice comments on difference Alice infer the differences mean in news coverage and discussion Rachel introduction and conclusion


4 Introduction By Rachel

5 Similarities and Differences Aspects to compare: Things that focus on Resources of news Ways of illustrating ideas Things that are included Comments and The meaning of the differences Aspects to explain: The key words of each country Different way o report Things to care about

6 similarities By Amanda

7 1.include the last international and national news 2.sources are from different social classes 3.use Internet to broaden the effect 4.newspaper is the most basic manner

8 010/nov/01/margaret-thatcher-list- influential-woman 2010-10/20/content_11431539.htm UK China

9 UK China

10 Differences ---the news about Obama as “the person of year” by Lizzy Guardian: 008/dec/31/2008-in-review China daily: 08-12/18/content_7316550.htm Xinhua: 12/18/content_10521586.htm

11 Sorts China: focusing on political topics Britain: being integrative and relating to the life


13 Select materials China: home news mostly Britain: international news in average

14 Title China: concentrated and direct Britain: integrated and indirect

15 Contends China: much detail, quotation without own view Britain: a little, summarization with clear view

16 Comments on differences By Eunice

17 BEIJING, Sept. 7 (Xinhua) -- Two Japanese patrol boats collided with a Chinese fishing boat in waters off the Diaoyu islands earlier Tuesday. Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao urged the Japanese patrol boats to stop their illegal interception against Chinese fishing boats. ( TOKYO, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- A local court in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture granted on Friday a request by prosecutors for a 10-day detention through Sept. 19 for the captain of a Chinese trawler which collided with Japanese patrol ships off Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea on Tuesday, according to Kyodo News report. (


19 Key word from the reports of China: illegal inalienable part were arrested decided to postpone Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Chinese territory illegally detained

20 A short conclusion for the UK: UK doesn’t care much about the event. The newspapers just report the beginning and end of the incident and shortly reported the stories between it. But UK supports Japan, and that has been shown in the report.


22 China : criticize Japan and protect the area China reports news objectively and convey its view by convinced words. UK : quotes words a lot instead of state its own opinion directly UK report news and convey its view directly by quoting words.

23 What the differences mean By Alice

24 · the problem about the Diaoyu Island · tried to get their own purpose

25 UK: · do not want to join this dispute · they prefer to get the benefits to themselves · But UK supports Japan

26 China: · cares about the whole process of the event · state the event in details · try to protect its own right to keep area completing · cared people’s safe very much

27 Conclusion By Rachel

28 Newspapers in UK and China have four similarities: 1 report news happened all over the world 2 the origin of collected sources 3 use of internet 4 mass media

29 Four differences 1 focus on reporting different kinds of news 2 news that are selected to report 3 title 4 main part of the news

30 Comments on difference China Reporting news in an objective way Conveying views by convinced words UK quotes words to state own opinion indirectly not always state own opinion directly

31 News coverage and discussion News coverage: China report the whole process of events UK the cause Discussion China discuss the cause and result directly and objectively UK less discuss but use others words and the result

32 References 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 president 8 woman 9 10

33 The end. Thank you.

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