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Presentation on theme: "BIOL&260 (Microbiology) JUDY’S FLIPPED CLASSROOM."— Presentation transcript:


2 Organization BEFORE CLASS Read assigned pages in text Watch a recorded lecture Complete a brief assignment on MasteringMicrobiology DURING CLASS Students work in groups of 4-5 Describe processes, practice interpretations, critical thinking activities Hope to add more case studies with time AFTER CLASS Students review material for unit quiz (8 quizzes, lowest one dropped; final exam is mandatory and comprehensive)


4 The “Traditional” Classroom Reading Objectives & Assignments Reviewing Practicing your knowledge Applying your knowledge Hope you have it “right” for the exam Listen to a lecture Ask Questions Maybe some group discussions Done at Home:Done in Class:

5 The Flipped Classroom Done at Home:Done in Class: Reviewing Practicing what you know Applying your knowledge Group problem-solving and discussion All under guidance of your professor, checking to be sure you have it “right” Reading View Lectures Objectives & Assignments Reviewing & testing your knowledge


7 Sample Daily Assignment

8 Phases of microbial cell growth You’ve just inoculated a broth with a loopful of bacterial culture. The graph illustrates the life of that new broth culture, plotting # of cells vs. time. 1.Can you think of some reasons why the number of cells doesn’t increase immediately? 2.Is it possible that cell division is occurring during the lag phase? 3.What sorts of things might cause that broth culture to move from the log phase into the stationary phase?

9 Practice Using the Terms #1. A bacterium was discovered living in a salt marsh along the coast on the southern tip of Chile. There is hardly any organic material in this salt marsh and the microbe appears to grow best when below the surface of the mud (pH 3.5). What terms could be used to describe the nutrition and growth requirements of this microbe? [HINT…at least 7 terms.]

10 For Discussion… #2. How would a hypertonic solution help to preserve food (what specifically would it do to bacterial cells)? Give several examples of how we use hypertonic solutions to preserve foods. #3. What does changing pH do to the bacterium’s ability to reproduce? Be very specific about what it does to a cell. Give several examples of using pH to preserve foods. #4.Name 3 places you might find halophiles (including one place on your own body).


12 Traditional vs. Flipped Quiz Scores

13 Traditional vs. Flipped Final Exam Scores

14 Traditional vs. Flipped Course Grades

15 Survey Results: QUESTION: Regarding the "Flipped Classroom" approach. This refers to the lecture time being used to solidify concepts and practice your understanding, rather than just instructor lectures. Which of the following describes the effect of this approach on your learning of course material?

16 Student Comments… I would say “I am a fan” of the flipped classroom approach! I wish more teachers set up their class like this! The "flipped classroom" approach was helpful to me in many ways like when we had to explain concepts to classmates and strengthening the grasp we had on material. I love the flipped class. I honestly wish ALL professors did this. I liked it because I could stop & rewind the lecture, also go back to the lecture if i had questions. The flipped class has helped me to not only learn the information but, RETAIN IT

17 Student Comments… I felt as if I was teaching myself in most of the concepts, but I guess that I'm just not used to learning that way. There was so much to do outside of class. i wasn't really gaining much from class time. maybe this is because i don't necessarily study best in a group setting. I feel to distracted. It was difficult to find the time for the reading and watching lengthy lectures outside of class while still coming to class. The groups in class were often frustrating, disjointed, confusing, and only moderately helpful.

18 Challenges Find new ways to help students with Time Management Group Management Making class time most effective Re-record lectures to shorten, enhance Add more case studies, then adjust quiz content accordingly

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