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JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. 2 Blood 55 percent liquid Plasma 45 percent solid (Hematocrit) Formed elements Red blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes White blood.

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Presentation on theme: "JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. 2 Blood 55 percent liquid Plasma 45 percent solid (Hematocrit) Formed elements Red blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes White blood."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Blood 55 percent liquid Plasma 45 percent solid (Hematocrit) Formed elements Red blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes White blood cells (WBCs) or leukocytes Platelets or thrombocytes

3 Plasma Carries fats, proteins, gases, salts, and hormones to their various destinations Fats Triglyceride, phospholipid and cholesterol Proteins Albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen 3

4 4 Plasma Serum Plasma with fibrinogen and other clotting factors removed

5 5 Plasma Hematopoiesis-production of blood cells Erythropoiesis-production of RBC Leukopoiesis-production of WBC Thrombopoiesis-production of platelets

6 6 Formed Elements Erythrocytes (RBCs) Hgb Transports oxygen and carbon dioxide Reticulocytes become RBCs through erythropoiesis Leave bone marrow and enter bloodstream Life span of 120 days

7 Erythrocytes Spleen-site of RBC destruction Bone Marrow- site of RBC production

8 8 Formed Elements Leukocytes (WBCs) Granular Eosinophils, basophils, and neutrophils Agranular Monocytes and lymphocytes Fight infection

9 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) Granulocytes Neutrophils -60-70% -elevated in acute bacterial infections

10 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) Granulocytes Eosinophils -1-3% -elevated in asthma, allergies and parasitic infections

11 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) Granulocytes Basophils-0.5-1% -elevated in certain skin conditions like allergic dermatitis and asthma

12 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) Agranulocytes Lymphocytes -25-35% -elevated in viral infections

13 Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) Agranulocytes Monocytes -3-8% -largest WBC -elevated in chronic infections -become tissue macrophages

14 14 Formed Elements Platelets Thrombocytes Clotting mechanism Prothrombin and fibrinogen

15 15 Blood Types Antigens Substances that stimulate body’s immune response Blood type A and type B Rh

16 16 Blood Types Blood classifications: A, B, AB, or O Type O-universal donor Type AB-universal recipient If wrong blood given: Antibodies form Antigen-antibody reaction and agglutination

17 Blood Type % Ag RBC Ab Plasma Ab Plasma Can Receive Can Receive Can Donate Can Donate A 41% 41% A Anti-B Anti-B A or O only A or AB only B 12% 12% B Anti-A Anti-A B or O only B or AB only AB AB 3% 3% A & B A & B none none A, B, AB, O A, B, AB, O AB only O 44% 44% none none Anti-A Anti-B O only A, B, AB, O A, B, AB, O

18 18 Additional Word Parts – Roots Anis/ounequal Bilirubin/obilirubin Cholesterol/ocholesterol Granul/ogranules Lipid/ofat Norm/onormal Poikil/o variation; irregular

19 19 Additional Word Parts – Suffixes -edemaaccumulation of fluid -plasticpertaining to the formation

20 20 Additional Word Parts – Prefix Mono-one

21 21 Roots Chrom/ocolor Erythr/ored Hemat/o; hem/oblood Leuk/owhite Myel/obone marrow Reticul/onetwork Thromb/oclot

22 22 Suffixes -blastimmature; growing thing -critseparate -cytosisincrease in number of cells -emiablood condition -peniadeficient; decrease -phoresistransmission; carry

23 23 Suffixes -poiesisproduction; manufacture; formation Hematopoiesis Erythropoiesis Leukopoiesis Thrombopoiesis

24 24 Suffixes -poietinhormone regulating the production of blood cells Erythropoietin

25 25 Suffixes -stasisstopping; controlling Hemostasis-control of bleeding

26 26 Aging Decrease in red bone marrow and decreased production of RBCs Not a problem under normal conditions If hemorrhage may not be able to produce quickly enough Hgb levels vary between men and women

27 27 Common Diseases Leukemia Cancer of the bone marrow Malignant increase in WBCs Treatment options

28 28 Abbreviations ABOthree main blood groups CBCcomplete blood count Diff differential count Eoseosinophil ESRerythrocyte sedimentation rate Hb; Hgbhemoglobin

29 29 Abbreviations HCT; HcThematocrit Lymphslymphocytes Monomonocyte PMNpolymorphonuclear Polyspolymorphonuclear leukocytes

30 30 Abbreviations RBC; rbcred blood cell Segssegmented polymorphonuclear leukocytes WBC; wbcwhite blood cell

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