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Nordisk Praktikermöte 2014 Report Sweden Current situation Tendencies Market BIM Development STD.

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1 Nordisk Praktikermöte 2014 Report Sweden Current situation Tendencies Market BIM Development STD

2 SWEDEN STD-företagen REPORT 2014 20132014 change % 1.Number of recent graduates300 0 2.Number of architects650066001,5% 3.Number of architects per 100000 inhabitants (9 650 000 feb 2014) 68691,5% 4.Number of employees at STD-företagen Architects Engineers Economy/administration 35 000 4200 35 000 4200 5.Number of member companies180 6.Number of non employed architects (percentage of employed architects) Non employed in the member companies 1,3% 6,0% 1,3% 7.Inflation mars 2013-mars 20140,0%0,1% 8.Wage rise4,1%

3 SWEDEN REPORT 2014 20132014Prognos 2015 9.Total building investment215 mdr228 mdr230 mdr (?) 10.Total of commenced apartments and one-familyhouses 28 50031 00030 700

4 KPI konsumentprisindex KPIF konsumentprisindex med fast ränta

5 MARKET TENDENCIES ● Finance: BNP (Gross Domestic Product) increased 3,1% the fourth quarter 2013 compared to 2012. ● The growth rate is very slow in the housing area. ● Infrastructure projects are expected to keep delivering during coming years. ● The infrastructure projects encourage a lot of international actors to seek out the Swedish and Nordic market, which increases the competing situation and thus the increasing pricing pressure. ● The pricing pressure on the market continues to be tough. The costumers exploit the market situation, and member companies who have spare capacity offer very low hourly fees.

6 PRACTICE TENDENCIES ● The architectural practices report increased orders intake during autumn 2013. The orders in January 2014 were the best since September 2011. ● The average charageability stayed unchanged at 77,1% during the third tertial 2013 compared to the second tertial. ● The profitability during 2013 stayed the same compared to 2012. ● The operating margin for the participants in the survey was 8,4 % during 2013. It will probably increase a bit during 2014. ● The architectural practices signal quite a big need for recruitement. ● The industry consulting firms and the engineering consultants report an increased orders intake. ● There is an ongoing structural change in our companies, towards multidiscipline and larger.

7 BIM SITUATION TODAY ● A lot of Swedish companies work at a simple level with 3D and project examining. ● As for standardization we have two Swedish government initiatives: - BIM in Trafikverket. By 2015 all projects will be implemented as BIM projects. Management and sustainability are in focus. - Five government organisations are establishing a joint BIM strategy. 2013-14 : - Specialfastigheter - Akademiska hus - Riksdagsförvaltningen - Fortifikationsverket - Fastighetsverket. Focus: Methods, strategies, processes, intelligence. ● There is always a requirement for an open format. Fi2 XML gives a free flow between different systems.

8 BIM SUMMARY ● Companies are now regarding BIM as a strategic tool, part of their business model. Just five years ago ”specialists” worked with BIM. Now (still at a simple level) all planners at most companies work BIM oriented. ● There is not a requirements based development from the government. ● A pragmatic and win-win situation makes the development of more advanced BIM projects accelerate. ● The rapid and encouraging development of BIM applications is a driver. ● EU programs show BIM as an area of interest, which encourages interest from the companies. ● Strategic Innovation Area – 10 year agenda. Vinnova. In november 2013 IQS submitted a united agenda to start a new strategic innovation area (SIO) - Smart Built Environment – Processes and information management in construction and facility management.


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