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2010: The New Ways to be Found Online Using Word of Mouth to Generate Business Leads.

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Presentation on theme: "2010: The New Ways to be Found Online Using Word of Mouth to Generate Business Leads."— Presentation transcript:

1 2010: The New Ways to be Found Online Using Word of Mouth to Generate Business Leads

2 Topics The pressure to reduce marketing costs Market drivers Word of Mouth Push vs. Pull marketing Content Marketing Creating conversations Content blueprint


4 The Challenge TV & Radio expensive Not easily measurable Banner advertising not always effective Creating online visibility can also be expensive How do I leverage social media for my business? Where are you when I look for you?

5 MARKET DRIVERS? What are the

6 Social Media Use You want to make the right purchase decision First, search for what you want Second, get someone’s opinion/advice –Google; Facebook; LinkedIn; Blogs –Twitter; Social bookmarking sites

7 Generation Y Baby Boomers think Social media is a Generation Y trend Over 70m in USA Will outnumber Baby Boomers in 2010 Raised on technology Our future leaders Talk to them now!

8 Word of Mouth Marketing Get a comment on almost any product service or company through social media Just search in Google for what you want We filter out intrusive marketing –TV, Radio, Billboards, Newspaper & Junk mail A lot of noise fighting for your attention Only 14% trust your message 74% of us place trust in friends & experts

9 Word of Mouth Marketing 75 % of USA use social media 13 hours of video every hour to YouTube 100 new members on Facebook every hr People talk about you because, –They like you, –Unhappy with you –Asked about you –Others are talking about you Source Neilsen Global Trust

10 Word of Mouth Marketing 75 % of USA use social media 13 hours of video every hour to YouTube 100 new members on Facebook every hr People talk about you because, –They like you, –Unhappy with you –Asked about you –Others are talking about you Source Neilsen Global Trust

11 Push vs. Pull Marketing Push marketing Lets interrupt you continuously Subjected to hundreds of interruptions daily Subconsciously ignore messages

12 Pull Marketing When your target market find you While they are looking for answers Publish quality relevant & valuable content Others will refer to your content –You get more visitors Links will improve Google rankings –You get more visitors This is “word of mouth” on the Internet

13 Push vs. Pull Marketing

14 Factors influencing your decision


16 Content Marketing The new way to be found –Publish & syndicate valuable content Specific to your target audience needs –Identify the information needs –Ask personas what they look for –Provide information that fulfils need of persona –Clear “call to action”

17 Content Marketing "Content Marketing is the art of understanding exactly what your customers need to know and delivering it to them in a relevant and compelling way."

18 Content Syndication 1 Identify target market 2 Work out objectives 3 Calculate strategy 4 Develop your tactics 5 Optimize your content 6 Measure your goals

19 Content Creates Conversation The new way of being found “Without content, conversation is mere networking. Without conversation, content is dead. It goes nowhere.”

20 Build Credibility with Content

21 Syndicate your Content Blogs – Thought leadership & online credibility through education YouTube – “How to videos” LinkedIn – connect with 100’s of subscribers Facebook – Communicate with 1,000’s of fans Twitter – 1,000’s followers

22 Content Blueprint

23 Identify Personas


25 Benefits of Content Marketing Social media encourages conversation about your content –Your “word of mouth” strategy Others will link to good content increasing referral visitors to you –Links improve Google rankings Reduces need for continuous paid advertising –Builds an online asset Targets Generation Y


27 Results

28 Lead Generation Tracking

29 Good content will lead to conversation about your company and its products creating “Word of Mouth” referrals

30 The new ways to be found is to syndicate your optimized content onto social media platforms & be found on search engines for more than just your website content.

31 Conclusion 2010: the New way to be found Online

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