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FS&N School Staff Meeting July, 2013. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate and.

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Presentation on theme: "FS&N School Staff Meeting July, 2013. Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate and."— Presentation transcript:

1 FS&N School Staff Meeting July, 2013

2 Agenda 1.Apologies 2.Minutes of Last Meeting. 3.Matters Arising 4.HoS’s Statement including items from Senate and FMC 5.Athena Swan (Michelle Nettleton, Faculty HR) 6.Safety (LM) 7.Report from Student Education Committee (PK) 8.Report from Research Committee (BM) 9.Report from Postgraduate Committee (GW) 10.Admissions and Widening Participation (CO) 11.Finance (CR) 12.HR Issues (CR) 13.AOB 14.Date of Next Meeting

3 (3) Matters Arising IPE (I’ll talk about this under Agenda item 4) Leadership Chairs FS&N@Parkinson (4 academic staff possibly 1 more soon, 2 Post-Docs with 2 more coming soon), 12 PhD students, 2 Visiting Workers, 5 MSc Students) Open Days/Summer School

4 Summer School Held for the 1 st time, funded by IGD 38 attendees Feedback excellent Thanks to everyone who helped

5 Graduation A massive effort – thanks! We will have to move elsewhere next summer – any suggestions?

6 June Open Days Thanks to everyone who helped University had 9000 visitors each day Increased attendees – 164 against 89 last year Increase seems to have been real Visitors had already been elsewhere! Student recruitment is going to be highly competitive (ruthless?), highly volatile, and will determine the future shape (existence?) of Schools and Universities Open Days are more important now to the School than ever before

7 Next Open Days….. September, October, and then the post applicant days in Feb/Mar I know that not everyone can attend all these days but please try not to make appointments on these days unless completely unavoidable, and try to give some time up to support your colleagues Some areas of our activity were not properly represented at all

8 4. HoS’s Statement Senate – International student issues don’t get better (charging to use the NHS?; £3000 bond to be deposited on arrival?) – Home/EU PGT funding – now the target for widening participation? – Comprehensive Spending Review better outcome than feared? (ring fencing of research budget maintained, HEFCE cut but science may be protected, may be more money for capital) – On-line enrolment failed again – The University now has 19 National Teaching Fellowships – 2x as many as any other Russell Group University

9 4. HoS’s Statement Senate – Draft policy on audio and visual recording for educational purposes approved (and will return to Senate) – Professorial pay zoning approved – Report on IPE

10 4. HoS’s Statement League Tables

11 1st: The Guardian (2014) 1st: The Sunday Times (2013) 2 nd : The Times (2013) – to KCL 2 nd : The Complete University Guide (2014) – to KCL

12 RankingInstitution Guardian Score/100 Satisfied with Course (%) Satisfied with Teaching (%) Satisfied with Feedback (%) Student:Staff Ratio Spend per Student (FTE) Average Entry Tariff Value- added Score/10 Career After 6 Months 1 Leeds 10089926915.274119 2 Nottingham 88.494957515.47382757 3 Central Lancs 85.289928518.710291656 4 Reading 84.984805713.88370970 5 Sheffield Hallam 72.293956021.63324983 6 Newcastle 64.680826212.44362569 17 Aberystwyth 28.984916426.36283246 The Guardian University Guide 2014: League Table for Agriculture, Forestry and Food

13 RankingInstitution Guardian Score/100 Satisfied with Course (%) Satisfied with Teaching (%) Satisfied with Feedback (%) Student:Staff Ratio Spend per Student (FTE) Average Entry Tariff Value- added Score/10 Career After 6 Months 1 Leeds 10089926915.274119 2 Nottingham 88.494957515.47382757 3 Central Lancs 85.289928518.710291656 4 Reading 84.984805713.88370970 5 Sheffield Hallam 72.293956021.63324983 6 Newcastle 64.6808262 12.446 4362569 17 Aberystwyth 28.984916426.362832 The Guardian University Guide 2014: League Table for Agriculture, Forestry and Food

14 RankingInstitution Guardian Score/100 Satisfied with Course (%) Satisfied with Teaching (%) Satisfied with Feedback (%) Student:Staff Ratio Spend per Student (FTE) Average Entry Tariff Value- added Score/10 Career After 6 Months 1 Leeds 10089926915.274119 2 Nottingham 88.494957515.47382757 3 Central Lancs 85.289928518.710291656 4 Reading 84.984805713.88370970 5 Sheffield Hallam 72.293956021.63324983 6 Newcastle 64.680826212.44362569 17 Aberystwyth 28.984916426.36283246 The Guardian University Guide 2014: League Table for Agriculture, Forestry and Food

15 RankingInstitution Guardian Score/100 Satisfied with Course (%) Satisfied with Teaching (%) Satisfied with Feedback (%) Student:Staff Ratio Spend per Student (FTE) Average Entry Tariff Value- added Score/10 Career After 6 Months 1 Leeds 10089926915.274119 2 Nottingham 88.494957515.47382757 3 Central Lancs 85.289928518.710291656 4 Reading 84.984805713.88370970 5 Sheffield Hallam 72.293956021.63324983 6 Newcastle 64.680826212.44362569 17 Aberystwyth 28.984916426.36283246 The Guardian University Guide 2014: League Table for Agriculture, Forestry and Food

16 RankingInstitution Guardian Score/100 Satisfied with Course (%) Satisfied with Teaching (%) Satisfied with Feedback (%) Student:Staff Ratio Spend per Student (FTE) Average Entry Tariff Value- added Score/10 Career After 6 Months 1 Leeds 10089926915.274119 2 Nottingham 88.494957515.47382757 3 Central Lancs 85.289928518.710291656 4 Reading 84.984805713.88370970 5 Sheffield Hallam 72.293956021.63324983 6 Newcastle 64.680826212.44362569 17 Aberystwyth 28.984916426.36283246 The Guardian University Guide 2014: League Table for Agriculture, Forestry and Food

17 RankingInstitution Overall Score Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects 1 Kings College 1004693.812.8575 2 Leeds 97.24084.112.6075 3 Reading 96.83793.902.6085 4 Newcastle 96.33983.612.4090 5 Nottingham 95.63794.142.7070 36 Worcester 73.125040 The Complete University Guide 2014: League Table for Food Science

18 League Tables 1st: The Guardian (2014) 1st: The Sunday Times (2013) 2 nd : The Times (2013) – to KCL 2 nd : The Complete University Guide (2014) – to KCL

19 Changes to Important School Posts Rammile will take over from Gary as PGT and Victoria will become Deputy PGT Mel will take over from Lisa as Safety Coordinator. A Deputy will be announced in due course

20 The Post of Chair of the School Research and Innovation Committee will be advertised in the School in September There will be a formal interview

21 IPE - General University has suffered a drop in income of about £15m in 2012-13 because of reduced student numbers Planning to reduce service budgets from 2014 by £11m The University doesn’t expect to get back to pre- £9k student number levels Emphasis on Student Experience, League Table positions, ABB and reduction in <ABB numbers, new courses, international students Schools need to generate in-year surpluses of 5- 7%

22 IPE - MaPS ‘FS&N Plans accepted - although a little more work is required on the numbers in relation to Obesity’ – The financial plans will be discussed in more detail under item 11

23 IPE - MaPS ‘The School is also to coordinate bringing together the Food agenda across campus to face the external market – this should help to address the lack of critical mass that might hinder attempts to fully exploit the market opportunities’

24 IPE – Biological Sciences ‘Food is a big opportunity to be exploited, which might help the School of Biology’ ‘Biology: Plans not accepted – a group is being established to support the development of revised plans’

25 IPE - General ‘11. Strategic opportunities have been identified for academic development through closer working between Food Science and Biology, between Design and Fine Art, between Computing and Electronic Engineering, and between Music and Performance and Cultural Industries. These opportunities will be progressed by the appropriate Dean and DVC’

26 (5) Athena Swan

27 (6) Safety

28 (7) Student Education Committee (8) Research Committee (9) Postgraduate Research Committee (10) Admissions and Widening Participation

29 Admissions update

30 Who are our competitors? University of Reading13 University of Nottingham13 University of Leeds7 Newcastle University7 Sheffield Hallam University6 University of Surrey6 Northumbria University4 Liverpool John Moores University4 Manchester Metropolitan University4 Leeds Metropolitan University3 Coventry University2 Oxford Brookes University2 Bath Spa University2 King's College London2 University of Chester2 University of Huddersfield2 Cardiff Metropolitan University2 Harper Adams University1 Leeds Trinity University1 Queen's University Belfast1 Bournemouth University1 Others with <10 co-applications15 100

31 TotalFood ScienceFSNNutrition University of Reading1320127 University of Nottingham1317813 University of Leeds7795 Newcastle University75106 Sheffield Hallam University6486 University of Surrey6658 Northumbria University4743 Liverpool John Moores University4<144 Manchester Metropolitan University4<145 Leeds Metropolitan University3<144 Coventry University23<13 Oxford Brookes University2<1 4 Bath Spa University2<13 King's College London2<1 3 University of Chester2<1 4 University of Huddersfield2<12 Cardiff Metropolitan University24<1 Harper Adams University1<12 Leeds Trinity University1<1 Queen's University Belfast1<1 Bournemouth University1<1 3 Others with <10 co-applications15172622 100 Who are our competitors?

32 UG Admissions 2013 TOTAL B400 = 32 D610 = 38 DB64 = 37 Total = 107 (expected 75) Broken down: B400 Home/EU = 22 O/Seas = 10 Total = 32 D610 Home/EU = 35 O/Seas = 3 Total = 38 DB64 Home/EU = 31 O/Seas = 6 Total = 37 + 15 admitted to level 2 + 1 admitted to level 1

33 Open days Summer open days 2012 (n =152) – 50% of visitors applied – 28% of visitors made us their Firm choice February visit days 2012 (n = 83) – 65% of visitors made us their Firm choice

34 Coming open days Saturday 14 th of September Saturday 12 th of October We need academic representatives from each of the research groups to be present for the most of the day!

35 MSc Admissions 2013 TOTAL ACCEPTS 162 (expected 60+) Breakdown FQI30 FS39 FS biotech15 FS+N57 N21 55 CAS used so far

36 (11) Finance

37 In-Year Surplus/Deficit (From Last Year) £m

38 In-Year Surplus/Deficit (IPE 2013)

39 Cumulative Surplus/Deficit (From Last Year) £m

40 Cumulative Surplus/Deficit (From IPE 2013)

41 (12) HR Issues

42 (13) AOB (14) Date of Next Meeting:

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