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Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou, Head of e-Learning Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office, University of Bath.

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Presentation on theme: "Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou, Head of e-Learning Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office, University of Bath."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou, Head of e-Learning Learning and Teaching Enhancement Office, University of Bath

2 Institutional context Research intensive Strong profile of teaching excellence Consistently in the top 10 nationally Portfolio: science and engineering, strong management school, some social sciences 15,000 students (1/3 international, 16% distance) 60% students undertake placements Exceptional graduate destination (over 90% students go into graduate jobs) Growing our international research portfolio.

3 Strengths and characteristics Single campus Strong student engagement Very high student satisfaction Well-defined community with many stakeholders ‘Generatim discite cultus’ (learn each field of study according to its kind) Leads change through the disciplines supported by a robust administrative and physical infrastructure

4 Strategic context In 2011 the Student Experience Forum identified 3 institutional priorities: Employability The first year experience The digital environment

5 Digital environment For Staff Students Other stakeholders When Pre-entry Whilst at uni Alumni Manifests Online In physical spaces Need to develop Skills, competencies and capabilities Infrastructure and systems Provides access Info Resources Administration Learning Experiences Research Functions Communication Collaboration Administration Learning

6 Project’s context Academic TechnicalAdministrative

7 Personal context My challenges Newly appointed Highly collegial Devolved decision making Selective in forming partnerships Team’s reputation, structure & skill set My resources 15 years experience Heads of e-Learning Forum Steering Group Research in leadership of e-learning in UK HE context

8 Our challenge How do we Establish an institutional vision for the development of digital literacies? Embed digital literacies in core institutional strategic processes? Engage students in the process as change agents?

9 Activity Consider the context and design an appropriate change management approach to address the challenge In 4 groups You have 20 minutes to design your approach Each group will have 10 min to feedback

10 Part 2

11 National context Funded by JISC, match funding by HEIs 1 of 12 HEI-based projects in the UK Each project provides a different perspective on digital literacies 2 year project (Aug 2011 – July 2013) Funding up to £100,000 per project UK-wide funding £1.5m Sector body and association involvement  University of Exeter  University of the Arts  University of Reading  University College London  Institute of Education  Cardiff University  Plymouth University  University of Greenwich  Oxford Brookes University  Worcester College of Technology  Coleg Llandrillo

12 Aim Establish an institutional vision for the development of digital literacies Embed digital literacies in core institutional strategic processes Engage students in the process as change agents Map how disciplinary differences and cultures shape the development of digital literacies Explore how institutional structures and processes enable and/or hinder the embedding of digital literacies Outputs Discipline-specific statements for digital literacies Good practice case studies on embedding digital literacies Change management tools/staff development resources (OERs) Guidance on effect organisational change Institutional processes A framework for evaluating the impact of digital literacies projects

13 Define & articulate ‘digital literacies ’ Audit & carry out needs analysis Propose & develop appropriate interventions Run & facilitate pilot projects Evaluate projects Methodology

14 Students (UG, PG) Academic Placemen ts Officer Prog. Admin Manager Etc Faculty learning community School learning community Institutional learning community UKOLN VITAE SCAP STUDENTS UNION HEA PriDE Project Team PriDE Steering Group Student engagement

15 Define and articulate ‘digital literacies in the disciplines’ Baseline/audit and carry out needs analysis for students/staff Faculty learning communities

16 What is digital literacy? Faculty definition of DL Set of learner DL attributes Current/future technology use Refine set of Faculty learner DL attributes Digital diaries Skills required for supporting and developing DL FLC 1 FLC 2 FLC 3 Perceptions of current DL provision in the Faculty Relative importance of DL skills Staff access to support and development in DL

17 “A digitally literate person in the Faculty of Engineering and Design should be proficient in retrieving, managing, evaluating, sharing, presenting relevant information, supported by access to the appropriate hardware and software.” “A digitally literate person in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science is critically and ethically aware, confident in engaging in a wide array of digital practices, resources/tools and academic and professional environments, and in establishing coherent identities.”


19 The 8 elements of digital literacies Belshaw, D. (2011) What is ‘digital literacy’? A pragmatic investigation. EdD.Durham University. UK CulturalCommunicativeCognitiveConstructive CivicCriticalCreativeConfident

20 Analysis Science ManagementHumanitiesEng & Design 50% Can digital identity and practices be taught? When shifting disciplines do you become illiterate?


22 Outcomes of PriDE are informing the University’s student development provision

23 Self-assessment

24 Work in progress Map against what is important in each faculty Direct each student to appropriate developmental opportunities – overcome fragmentation of experience Part of our FYE provision Analysed by students, built by students

25 Developmental activities/events Careers Service – new workshops on managing digital identity (employer involvement ?) Student Union skills development– by students for students

26 Outcomes of PriDE are informing the University’s staff development provision

27 Researcher Development Framework (VITAE)


29 Actions PriDE project >> Researher Development Unit >> Associate Deans for Research Resulted in increased developmental offerings in this area. For example: Using Twitter for research and academia Online bookmarking and bibliography tools Creating and writing blogs for academic purposes

30 Outcomes of PriDE are feeding into staff & students reward and recognition schemes

31 The Bath Award Accreditation of digital literacies through extra-curricular activities, work experience, volunteering and additional learning (portfolio submission) Appears on degree transcripts

32 UK Professional Standards Framework (HEA)


34 Job descriptions

35 Outcomes of PriDE are informing and influencing developments in the wider sector

36 Sector developments VITAE Researcher Development framework – designing a digital literacies lens Feedback to SCONUL Discipline-specific digital literacies interest group Evaluation framework, tested at two HEIs Change management materials available as OERs Case studies – showcasing good practice Sharing job descriptions Dissemination events, conferences, workshops Journal articles

37 Still to achieve Greater ownership Embedding digital literacies into the curriculum Only half are probably assessed? Can we influence the design/review of programmes? Brought together staff development providers from across the institution offering technology-related developmental opportunities. Currently exploring: Joint calendar of events Building on each others’ offerings Means of recording digital literacies development

38 Questions? Project sponsor: Gwen van der Velden Project manager: Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou Project officer: Julian Prior Project officer (Dissemination): Sarah Turpin Project Adviser: Alex Pool, VP Education BUSU

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