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Presentation on theme: "COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE MEETING 7 – LAND USE ELEMENT 4/03/2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Discuss Land Use Element goals, strategies and action plan items 1.Review current goals, strategies, and action plans 2.Discuss possible amendments or additions 2.Review and discuss Urban Growth Boundary Line 3.Review and discuss Planning Area Boundaries 4.Review and discuss Future Land Use map GOALS FOR TODAY

3  The 2009 Comprehensive Plan goals were derived from various sources of stakeholder input, including the Town-wide Visioning Workshop, stakeholder interviews, and ongoing conversations with Town of Mount Pleasant staff and management. Many of the goals were adapted from the 2003 Comprehensive Plan.  The goals provide the big picture direction for the development and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. Strategies, incentives, and regulations are continuously updated and necessarily adapt to changing circumstances, but goals should endure and provide stability and direction over time. Town of Mount Pleasant Comprehensive Plan 2009- 2019,Introduction to Goals INTRODUCTION TO GOALS

4 1.Focus future growth in the Town of Mount Pleasant on areas that have sufficient transportation infrastructure and are located near existing centers of employment and activity. 1.Higher density development should occur on the southern side of the Town (i.e. closer to Johnnie Dodds Boulevard and Coleman Boulevard), with densities gradually decreasing northwards. The Town of Mount Pleasant should have an “edge” where there is a transition to rural densities at Mount Pleasant’s Urban Growth Boundary. Consideration: Change to “Higher density development should occur predominately on the southern side of the Town, particularly in the Urban Corridor, Waterfront Gateway, and Community Nodes, with densities gradually decreasing northwards. The Town of Mount Pleasant should have an “edge” where there is a transition to rural densities at Mount Pleasant’s Urban Growth Boundary.” 2.Denser development should occur closer to the US 17 corridor where there is greater transportation infrastructure. Development adjacent to waterways and marshes that edge the Town should take measures to incorporate low impact development design principles such as maintaining undisturbed buffers to promote excellent water quality. 3.Encourage development of infill properties with appropriately scaled redevelopment to utilize infrastructure already in place. 2.Focus redevelopment and revitalization on older commercial areas which are served by existing infrastructure and are underutilized; ensure any redevelopment is compatible with existing residential neighborhoods. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS

5 3.Recognize the significance of historic, traditional, rural, and planned communities, and maintain their desirable characteristics such as prevailing densities, building types, and quiet streets. 1.Preserve key historic properties through acquisition or easements, enacted either by the Town or an appropriate non-profit entity. 2.Ensure that new development in residential districts is compatible in scale and character and conserves important neighborhood characteristics. 3.Maintain the character of business communities of particular value to the Town, such as Shem Creek and Pitt Street. 4.Recognize remaining agricultural areas in the Town as cultural landscapes linking the Town with its agricultural roots. 5.Encourage the production, purchase, and consumption of locally grown or harvested foods and the preservation of local food heritage. 4.Increase the flexibility of the zoning code to accommodate new types of development, including mixed use, so long as they are compatible with their surrounding context and sensitive to nearby neighborhoods. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS

6 5.Develop a series of nodes of activity which include a wide variety of land uses and public spaces. Ensure that all Town residents live within close proximity to public gathering space. 1.Encourage the location of workplaces and educational facilities in close proximity to concentrations of residential development to provide convenient access from home to work. Consideration: Change to “Encourage the location of workplaces and educational facilities in close proximity to concentrations of residential development and public transportation to provide convenient access from home to work.” 2.Continue to work on a variety of Placemaking initiatives to create gathering places for the residents and workforce of Mount Pleasant and to enhance quality of life. Consideration: Change “gathering places” to “public gathering places” 3.Locate small parks and other passive recreational facilities in close proximity to residential areas to improve accessibility to the facilities for residents of all ages. 6.Guide development in rural areas to reflect rural characteristics and densities. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS

7  Target Strategy: Promote appropriate infill and redevelopment.  Target Strategy: Create and promote access to a Cultural Landscape District in the center of Mount Pleasant (in the Rifle Range Road, Six Mile Road, Long Point Road, and Hamlin Road areas) that recognizes the area’s traditional landscapes, serves to draw residents and tourists, and connects the Town with its agricultural roots.  Consideration: No longer a Target Strategy and change to “Continue to refine plans for the Cultural Landscape District in the center of Mount Pleasant, that recognize the area’s traditional and historic landscapes, serve to draw residents and tourists, and connects the Town with its agricultural and historical roots.”  Target Strategy: Create Waterfront Gateway Districts at the Ravenel Bridge that capitalizes on the Town’s waterfront as a tourism, entertainment, and cultural district and at the Wando River Bridge along Highway 41 that is sensitive to the surrounding areas.  Consideration: Remove  Higher density development should occur on the southern side of town, with densities gradually decreasing northwards. The Town of Mount Pleasant should have an edge where there is a transition to rural densities and character at the Town’s Urban Growth Boundary REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT STRATEGIES

8  Limit the extension of infrastructure and public services outside the Urban Growth Boundary; promote more rural development patterns outside the Urban Growth Boundary.  Consideration: Change to “Limit the extension of infrastructure outside the Urban Growth Boundary and promote more rural development patterns outside the Urban Growth Boundary. Review the provision of and impact on public services for rural development outside the UGB.”  Promote a nodal development pattern for commercial and higher density housing development.  Rewrite the zoning ordinance to reflect the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan, to promote Traditional Neighborhood Developments, and to consolidate the type and number of special districts.  Consideration: Change to “Revise the zoning ordinance to consolidate the type and number of special districts.”  Consider utilizing a form-based zoning code rather than a conventional Euclidian zoning code.  Consideration: Change to “Consider developing a provision to allow for form-based zoning where appropriate.”  Protect the character of Mount Pleasant’s existing neighborhoods. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT STRATEGIES

9  Recognize the importance of the traditional land use patterns of historic African-American communities in the Planning Area.  Incentivize the provision of public access for waterfront developments.  Encourage the location of work places and educational facilities close to concentrations of residential development to provide convenient access.  Consideration: Change to “Encourage the location of work places and educational facilities close to concentrations of residential development and public transportation to provide convenient access.”  Play an active role in regional and Charleston County planning efforts to coordinate land use, transportation, and environmental decision making.  NEW – Consideration: “Develop standards for cluster design techniques within waterfront developments to limit development within the floodplain.”  For Discussion: Transitional land uses between major thoroughfares and existing residential neighborhoods. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT STRATEGIES

10  Encourage the donation of easements as a tax deduction for the proposed Cultural Landscape District. Pursue funding for conservation easements.  Status: Complete; Hamlin property purchased, Cultural Landscape District ordinance adopted, Oyster Point Park approved.  Consideration: Remove  Research incentives to promote redevelopment, including parking reductions, public funding for infrastructure and public spaces, and other funding mechanisms. Determine which obstacles exist in the Town that hinder redevelopment.  Implement a Green Building outreach program to promote energy efficiency and environmentally sensitive construction techniques.  Develop Master Plans for the Waterfront Gateway Districts.  Status: Complete.  Consideration: Remove REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT ACTION PLAN

11  Rewrite the appropriate sections of the Zoning Code to implement the changes in the Comprehensive Plan, including specific criteria governing development and redevelopment in designated Community Nodes, Neighborhood Nodes, and Core Redevelopment Corridors.  Consideration: Change to “Develop an ordinance to implement the specific criteria governing development and redevelopment in designated Community Nodes and Neighborhood Nodes.”  Revise land use protections for areas designated as Community Conservation. Can be incorporated with Zoning Code Update.  Consideration: Change to “Continue to coordinate with Charleston County on land use issues for unincorporated areas within the Town’s planning area, with a specific focus on protecting areas designated as Community Conservation.”  Develop a Redevelopment Plan for Chuck Dawley Boulevard.  Status: Complete; Incorporated into the Urban Corridor Overlay District.  Consideration: Remove  Plan and design a series of Green Gateways into the Town. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT ACTION PLAN

12  Commence integrated Comprehensive Plan and Long Range Transportation Plan Update.  Adopt and implement the Johnnie Dodds Boulevard Master Plan.  Consideration: Remove  Continue to coordinate with Charleston County on land use issues for unincorporated areas within the Town’s planning areas.  Consideration: Remove (incorporated into an earlier action plan item) REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT ACTION PLAN

13  Consideration: Move the Urban Growth Boundary Line to match Charleston County’s to provide better coordination of plans. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY LINE Town of Mount Pleasant UGBLCharleston County UGBL


15  Residential densities for Commercial parcels  Residential density is established in the Comprehensive Plan for Residential land uses, but has not been provided in the Commercial or Special land use categories. Currently the zoning dictates the density.  As discussed at the November 7, 2013 meeting:  Limited Office allows single-family residences (based on lot sizes, density equals 4 units per acre)  Office Professional allows combination residential structures limited to 6 units per acre  Neighborhood Commercial, Areawide Business, and Areawide Business – 2 allow combination residential structures limited to 12 units per acre.  Mixed Use Planned Developments permit higher density. Consideration: Eliminate residential uses in OP. Establish density for vertical mixed-use (same building) for the other commercial zoning districts at 12 units per acre. Consideration: Incorporate established densities for Waterfront Gateway District and Urban Corridor into Comprehensive Plan. REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE

16  Future Land Use Map Considerations  Incorporate the recommendations from the Economic Development Committee report  Belle Hall PD parcel behind Roper on Long Point Road – designate as ED  Abide-a-While and adjacent parcels – designate as ED  Remove tracts with Development Agreements from the Future Land Use map and incorporate their development maps as attachments  Carolina Park  Central Mount Pleasant  Watermark  Minor corrections and updates REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE

17  Considerations:  Skyzone change from Public Institutional to BUS/LI/ED (correction/update)  Long Point Roper tract and adjacent parcel change from Commercial to BUS/LI/ED (ED Committee recommendation)  Alhambra Hall from Recreation Open Space to Public Institutional (correction/update) REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP

18  Considerations:  Island Walk East from CC to LDR (correction/update)  Whipple Rd. SCE&G parcel from BUS/LI/ED to PI (correction/update)  17N – JDB – I-526 Island from Commercial to BUS/LI/ED (ED Committee Recommendation)  Charles Pinckney site and Christ Church to Cultural Landscape (correction/update)  Brewer/Hamlin parcel to Cultural Landscape (correction/update)  Central Mount Pleasant (Development Agreement)  Watermark (Development Agreement) REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP

19  Considerations:  Parkers Island parcel to Low Density Residential (correction/update)  Tributary parcels from Medium Density and Recreation to Low Density (correction/update)  Carolina Park (Development Agreement)  Carolina Park Passive Park to ROS (correction/update)  Commonwealth to LDR (correction/update) REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP

20  Considerations:  County parcels along 17N adjacent to George Browder Blvd. Commercial or High Density Residential?  County parcels in front of Carolina Park to Commercial? REVIEW OF 2009 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT FUTURE LAND USE MAP

21 End


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