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Promotion of safety Preventing the spread of infection.

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1 Promotion of safety Preventing the spread of infection


3 Definitions –Unit 12 pg 150  Microorganisms  Nonpathogens  Pathogens  Infections  Parasite  Transmission  Airborne Transmission  Droplet Transmission  Immunity  immunosupression  READ BODY DEFENSES 155- 156

4 MICROORGANISM- a small living thing or animal that can only be seen with a microscope  Pathogen-causes illness  Nonpathogen-usually doesn’t cause illness/infection Helps in processing of cheese, yogurt Curing of leather Baking of bread

5 5 types of Microorganisms  Bacteria  Fungi- yeast, mold  Protozoa- malaria, toxoplasmosis  Rickettsiae  Viruses-herpes, aids, chickenpox, colds

6 Bacteria are named by Shape  Singular (plural)  Coccus (cocci)- round or spherical  Bacillus (bacilli)- straight rod  Spirillum (spirilla)-spiral, corkscrew  See figures on page 151

7 Bacteria grow in groups called colonies  Pairs-diplo  Chains- strepto  Clusters- staphylo  Streptococcus  Staphylococcus  Neisseria gonorrhoeae (diplococus)

8 Gram Staining  Gram positive stain dark blue or violet the cell wall is high in peptidoglycan (amino acids) gram pos cell wall is 20-80 nanometers thick of peptidoglycan  Gram Negative cannot retain the crystal violet stain so they take up the counter stain and are red or pink in color gran neg cell wall is 7- 8 nanometers thick of peptidoglycan

9 Infection a disease state that results from invasion and growth of microorganism  Causative agent  Reservoir/host Carrier  Portal of Exit  Method of transmission  Portal of entry  Susceptible host

10 Chain of infection Causative agent Reservoir Portal of exit Method of transmission Susceptible host Portal of entry

11 Infection  Occur when pathogens invade the body and cause disease

12 Signs and Symptoms of Infection  Fever  Pain  Tenderness  Swelling  Fatigue

13 Disease Prevention  Asepsis- absence of dz producing microorganism

14 Medical Asepsis  Techniques and practices used to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms from one person/place to another person/place

15 Ways to practice medical asepsis  Clean technique - prevent spread of pathogens  Disinfection - process of eliminating harmful pathogens from equipment and instruments  Sterilization- removes all microorganisms from an item

16 Sterile Procedures  Surgical asepsis – the means by which the environment is kept free of microorganisms both pathogens and nonpathogens  Sterile- during surgical asepsis the equipment must have gone through a procedure that made it free of microorganisms both pathogens and nonpathogens  Sterile field- area of sterile equipment and material

17  Nosocomial infection- infection acquired by a patient while being cared for in a health care facility  Normal flora – microbes that live on your body that usually do not cause infection

18 Protecting yourself  Standard precautions  Universal precautions  PPE


20 ISOLATION  Transmission based precautions- interrupt mode of transmission  Communicable or contagious dz- dz transferred form one person to another through direct contact Airborne Droplet Contact Airborne and Contact


22 Gram stain of staphylococcus




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