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Organic Chemistry. Prefixes 1.Meth- 2.Eth- 3.Prop- 4.But- 5.Pent- 6.Hex- 7.Hept- 8.Oct- 9.Non- 10.Dec- Count number of carbons in longest chain.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Chemistry. Prefixes 1.Meth- 2.Eth- 3.Prop- 4.But- 5.Pent- 6.Hex- 7.Hept- 8.Oct- 9.Non- 10.Dec- Count number of carbons in longest chain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Chemistry

2 Prefixes 1.Meth- 2.Eth- 3.Prop- 4.But- 5.Pent- 6.Hex- 7.Hept- 8.Oct- 9.Non- 10.Dec- Count number of carbons in longest chain

3 Alkanes Only single bonds between C’s Root -ane Formula is C n H 2n+2

4 Alkenes One double bonds between C’s Root #-ene (# = location of dbl bond always lowest number) Formula is C n H 2n for single alkene Can have more than one double bond simply indicated by #,#-di-ene, etc. Subtract 2 H for each extra double bond

5 Alkynes One triple bonds between C’s Root #-yne (# = location of tpl bond always lowest number) Formula is C n H 2n-2 for single alkyne Can have more than one triple bond simply indicated by #,#-di-yne, etc. Subtract 4 H for each extra triple bond

6 Cyclic Hydrocarbons Cyclo-carbons in a ring (C n H 2n for alkane) Cyclopropane Cyclobutane Cyclopentane Cyclohexane

7 Practice CH 4 CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CHCH CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CCCH 3 CH 2 CHCH 3

8 Practice Propane 2-Hexene Ethyne Cyclohexane Cyclopentyne

9 Branches Branch – chain of C(s) off main chain Double or triple bonds have to be in main chain Named by counting number of carbons and adding –yl to prefix and indicating what C it is on ex. 3-methylhexane If two of the same branch write as #,#-di__ ex. 3,4-dimethylhexane

10 Practice Exercise 24.1 through 24.4 & 24.6

11 Cis-Trans A double bond does not allow rotation therefore there are two isomers for a basic alkene if there are two different groups on each side of the double bond. If the priority groups are both pointing the same way-cis If the priority groups are opposite-trans

12 Cis-Trans Rules for priority: –Check first element of each group: higher atomic mass has priority –If the first element is the same move to the next one and repeat until they differ

13 Practice Exercise 24.5

14 Aromatic Only one aromatic you need to know Benzene C 6 H 6 Same rules apply If benzene is an attached group it is named phenyl-

15 Ortho, meta, para If two groups on ring then name ortho (o), meta (m), or para (p). CH 3 Ortho (o-di-methylbenzene) Meta (m-di-methylbenzene) Para (p-di-methylbenzene)

16 Practice Exercise 24.7

17 Homework 27-39 odd

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